MC2 Release Notes - July 27 2021
Component versions
EAGLEML 2021.07.27.1
EAGLEML-W-O 2021.07.27.1
MC2 2021.7.1.0
kafkaservice 2021.7.1.0
pypy 2021.7.1.0
pyruleservice 2021.7.102.0
SDP-32819 Enable asynchronous execution and delivery of REST requests (EQL endpoint) Phase 1
Enabled asynchronous execution and delivery of ReST requests via the EQL endpoint
Enabled asynchronous execution and delivery of ReST requests via the EQL endpoint.
Adding parameter "x-eagle-return-ticket" : "true" will enable the immediate return of an ack
and the extract will be executed and delivered asynchronously.
If a distribution profile is specified, the output is delivered to the location specified in the profile.
If no distribution profile is specified, the output is delivered to the standard folder estar/tpe/data/msgcenter/cmw/extracts/
POST example:
"FeedType" : "genericentity" ,
"x-eagle-return-ticket" : "true",
"distributionProfileName" : "test_dist_prof",
"filters": {
"maxrows" : "10"
GET example:
SDP-51307 Add REST API Documentation of Metadata Service using Swagger UI
Added REST API Documentation of Metadata Service using Swagger UI
Available endpoints:
1. POST /v2/metadata/resources/all
Generate processing rules for all resources
2. /v2/metadata/resources/{resource-name}
GET - return processing rules for specified resource and its version
POST - generate processing rules for specified resource
3. PUT /v2/metadata/ddl/{resource-name}
Return generated ddl for specified resource.
4. GET /v2/metadata/catalog
Return URLs for ALL available resources.
5. GET /v2/metadata/model
Return model for all resources.
6. GET /v2/metadata/model/{resource-name}
Return model for specified resource.
7. GET /v2/metadata/info
Return resource info for ALL resources
8. GET /v2/metadata/info/{resource-name}
Return resource info for specified resource
9. GET /v2/metadata/vocab
Return info about ALL vocab elements.
10. GET /v2/metadata/vocab/{element-name}
Return info about specified vocab element.
SDP-51502 Incorrect read of XML file results in incomplete file processing
Corrected issue with parsing of inbound xml.
Corrected issue with parsing of inbound xml, when a terminator occurred at a read boundary.
SDP-51826 XML parsing fails in case value has & in it
Corrected issue with inbound XML parsing when XML contains an ampersand character
Corrected issue with inbound XML parsing when XML data contains an ampersand character
SDP-51868 EDS genericsmf cache not reflecting all DB values
Renamed "STRUCTURE" alias of genericsmf dataset to "FIE_STRUCTURE"
Renamed "STRUCTURE" alias of genericsmf dataset fixed_income_ext.structure column to "FIE_STRUCTURE", as "STRUCTURE" is a keyword in cache parsing. Recreate the necessary interfaces with the updated dataset definition.
SDP-52033 Review and fix key index expressions
Fixed key index expressions
Fixed key index expressions:
1) deleted convert() expressions
2) added pipes where absent
3) replaced INSTANCE keys with aliases for full mode ontologies
SDP-52035 Update Ontology resources to generate correct processing rules
Updated Ontology resources to generate correct processing rules
We made Ontology changes to entityidentifiers and smfidentifiers. We also changed the name of the "source" resource to "sources".
SDP-52075 Fix Time Series Key for rating dataset
Fixed caching of Time Series keys
We made an adjustment to the code so that we could pull in multiple effective dates from cache for a time series key.
SDP-52169 SMF Ratings object is not pulling all data from Cache.
Removed the maxrows limit from smf ratings data object.
Removed the maxrows limit of the smf ratings data object to no longer restrict the cache to 999,999 rows.
SDP-52521 Optimize source mashup execution
Applying query profile to source mashups to minimize columns retrieved
SDP-52541 Add issuer_id as key for Old EDS Metadata
Add issuer_id as key for Old EDS Metadata
We added issuer_id as an index for original EDS Metadata for issuerorganization. File changed was eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/metadata/core/datasets/issuerorganization.json
SDP-52655 Need Issuer_Id as Key for EDS Issuer Organization object.
Added issuer_id as an additional key for the Issuer Organization data object.
Added issuer_id as an additional key for the Issuer Organization data object.
SDP-44436 Error "wrong number e-1003" on EDS load
Corrected error message during EDS load
Corrected error message when reporting a database exception during EDS load