Enabling REDIS Password

Enabling REDIS Password

REDIS Authentication with Password

Extract Service (MC2) supports REDIS authentication with a password starting with March 2021 release.
This document outlines the configuration changes required to enable password authentication.

Enabling Password Authentication on Regions with One Node

To enable password authentication on regions with one node/server:

Stop redis:

      cd eaglemgr

     ./stop starweb redis extractservice

Edit eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/eaglemc2s/redis/redis.conf file. Uncomment the requirepass parameter and set a long string as the password:

requirepass MyVeryLongAndComplexPasword12345

The password should not have commas.

Restart REDIS:

cd eaglemgr
./start starweb redis extractservice

Enabling Password Authentication on Regions with Several Nodes

On regions with several nodes REDIS runs in a master/slave configuration, REDIS Sentinel is used to manage the instances.

To change the password for regions with several nodes, perform the following configuration changes on each node on which MC2 is running:

Stop redis:

     cd eaglemgr

     ./stop starweb redis extractservice

Edit eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/eaglemc2s/redis/redis.conf file.

Uncomment the requirepass and masterauth parameter and set a long string as the password, use same password:

masterauth MyVeryLongAndComplexPasword12345
requirepass MyVeryLongAndComplexPasword12345

The password should not have commas.

Edit eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/eaglemc2s/redis/sentinel.conf configuration file.

Uncomment sentinel auth-pass parameter and set it to the same password as used in redis.conf:

sentinel auth-pass masterid MyVeryLongAndComplexPasword12345

Where masterid is the master name from sentinel monitor parameter

Make sure this parameter is after parameter sentinel monitor in the configuration file.


sentinel monitor o171s031 20438 1
sentinel auth-pass o171s031 AhhhHHHHdddtttqqqYYYYYYY22222888777jjjjjjjjjZ

Delete all lines after this line:

# Generated by CONFIG REWRITE

Restart REDIS:

cd eaglemgr
./start starweb redis extractservice