MC2 Release Notes - March 07 2024

If the region has custom ontology AND there are field names in the custom ontology with spaces AND the ontology will be republished, contact R&D for an RTR to convert the ontology


Specific version for All Services installation: 2024.03.07.2

SDP-78492 Update python and pypy version shipped with MC2

Updated python and pypy versions shipped with MC2

Updated python and pypy versions shipped with MC2:

Python 3.10.13 (fc59e61cfbff, Jan 14 2024, 13:01:46)
[PyPy 7.3.15 with GCC 10.2.1 20210130 (Red Hat 10.2.1-11)]


SDP-82663 Issue in pyruleservice parsing logic.

Corrected issue in python parser

Corrected issue in python parser with NoneType exception


SDP-82169 EDS: enable api_provider with blank auth_policy

Enabled EDS to have empty authorization policy for API connection

Enabled EDS to have empty authorization policy for API connection


SDP-80152 Change the installer to use host names in redis configuration

Updated installer to use hostnames in Redis configuration files

Updated installer to use hostnames in Redis configuration files.