MC2 Release Notes - March 07 2023

MC2 Release Notes - March 07 2023

Component versions

Version to request for All Services install: 2023.03.07.3

EAGLEML 2023.03.07.3
EAGLEML-without-overlays 2023.03.07.3
MC2 2023.3.1
kafkaservice 2023.3.1
pypy 2022.10.2
pyruleservice 2023.3.15

openjdk version "11.0.16" 2022-07-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.16+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.16+8, mixed mode)

pace report service (installed separately):

SDP-70669 Asynchronous execution of extract via REST generates error

Corrected issue with asynchronous execution of extracts via ReST

Corrected an issue where ReST requests specifying asynchronous execution (x-eagle-return-ticket=true) were returning an error.


SDP-69972 Enable communication with pace olap server for EQL/EDS requests with mixed configuration

Enabled MC2 to connect simultaneously to PACE servers having SSL and non SSL configuration

Enabled MC2 to connect simultaneously to PACE servers having SSL and non SSL configuration


SDP-66883 Issues with file distribution for REST extracts (distribution profile with EagleML extract)

Corrected issue with distribution of EagleML extracts via ReST API using distribution profile

Corrected issue distributing files when using a distribution profile and EagleML based extract and ReST API.


SDP-66845 Issues mapping SOAP reply to JSON output in paceolap requests

Added new outputformatdialect value to not use "/" character in raw input to split columns

Added new value for outputformatdialect parameter: forceflatoutput. If specified outputformat is EagleML or EagleJSON, and outputformatdialect value is {"forceflatoutput":"Y"}, then “/” characters in the input will not be used to split data.

Example parameters:









