MC2 Release Notes - September 22 2020
New version of Pace ReportService client
New version is available: pace-reportservice-1.0.6.jar
The jar must be installed separately; refer to this page for instructions to install the client jar file:
Installing Pace Report Service
SDP-40696 Vault MVP Interfaces - New Metadata - genericentity/hist
New Metadata - genericentity/hist
New ontology for generic entity and generic entity in the history mode was added:
entity genericentity.json
entity genericentity-models.json
genericentity.json contains sql table joins definition, filters definition, extract and load rules and etc.
genericentity-models.json contains fields mapping definition.
SDP-40694 Vault MVP Interfaces - New Metadata - Genericsmf/history
Added new metadata for GenericSMF
Added new metadata for GenericSMF for general and history modes. To extract data using new data set following parameters in RTR:
<taskParameter><name>ServiceName</name><value>EBS</value></taskParameter><taskParameter> <name>ServiceMethodName</name><dataType>S</dataType><value>extract</value></taskParameter><taskParameter><name>ResourceName</name><value>genericsmf</value></taskParameter>
SDP-39820 Ability to use t filters for GET requests
Ability to use t filters for GET requests
We added the ability of generating parameters for GET requests using transform filters.
SDP-39819 Need to filter result of source mashups
Need to filter result of EDS source mashups
We added the ability to be able to use "filterexpr" in an EDS source mashup. Please see below sample:
..."sourcemashups": [
{ "dataframe": "warehouseposition", "operation": "inner join", "keyexpr": "convert(|POSITION_ID|,0) + '' + convert(|SECURITY_ALIAS|,0) + '' + |LONG_SHORT_INDICATOR|=convert(|POSITION_ID|,0) + '' + convert(|SECURITY_ALIAS|,0) + '' + |LONG_SHORT_IND|", "columns": "mainds., warehouseposition.PRICE POS_PRICE, warehouseposition.CURR_FX_RATE POS_FX_RATE,warehouseposition.BOOK_VALUE warehouseposition_BOOK_VALUE", *"filterexpr": "StringLength(|warehouseposition_BOOK_VALUE|) > 0" }
{ "dataframe": "warehousetrade", "operation": "concatenate", "keyexpr": "convert(|POSITION_ID|,0) + convert(|SECURITY_ALIAS|,0) + |LONG_SHORT_INDICATOR| + |STAR_TAG25|", "columns": "*" }
SDP-38880 Left outer join drops records if left record has no key field
Revised join logic for EDS Source Mashups for NULL Values
Improved the join logic in the case where the left key has NULL value, it will output this records during LEFT join operation in Source Mashup.
SDP-41274 Increase MC2 java heap max size to 1.5 GB
Changed the MC2 java max heap size to 1.5 GB
Updated the max heap size for JVM from 1 GB (parameter: -Xmx1g)to 1.5 GB (parameter: -Xmx1500m)
SDP-41133 Set status code initially before Foreach execution, not for each record
Removed additional unnecessary error messages
Removed additional unnecessary error messages from EJM processing.Now returning the underlying error message only.
SDP-40440 in-progress subtasks not displayed properly
Enabled displaying the status of in-progress sub-tasks.
Added optional configuration parameter to<CODE>:W_ENABLE_UPD_ORCH_STATE_ON_START: := 'Y';</CODE>When this parameter is set to Y, the status of in-progress sub-taskswill be displayed in Monitoring Tool.
SDP-40312 Change pyruleservice to get the region name from db_connection.ini
Changed pyruleservice to get the region name from db_connection.ini file
Changed pyruleservice to get the region name from db_connection.ini file.This is to facilitate EDS-kafka integration.
SDP-40298 Remove retry from eagle_ml-2-0_extract_service_control_message stream in case of timeout
Removed retry from eagle_ml-2-0_extract_service_control_message in case of timeout
Removed retry from eagle_ml-2-0_extract_service_control_message in case of timeout
SDP-40269 Reduce the disk footprint of Kafka transaction logs in MC2
Updated kafka configuration to reduce the size of kafka transaction log files.
Reduced the retention hours, segment bytes, and number of partitions.
SDP-39827 DR Installer xmldbapi log is creating unnecessary directory
MC2 Services Installer now writes xmldbapi log file to logs/starweb/mc2installer directory
MC2 Services Installer now writes xmldbapi log file to logs/starweb/mc2installer directory.Example log file full path:/apps/eagle/logs/starweb/mc2installer/090113.xmldbapi_.log
SDP-39121 While deploying allServices, when sub process failed at running, the main stream shows success
Corrected issue displaying overall task status
Corrected issue displaying overall task status when mc2 services install step fails.
SDP-38893 Failed MC2 Requests in MSG Detail but Success in EJM Tasks
Corrected issue displaying final task status
Corrected an issue where the final EJM task status was displayed as Success even though a step had Error status.
SDP-38152 Remove stream eagle_default_deploy_monitoring from install packages
removed stream eagle_default_deploy_monitoring
removed unneeded stream eagle_default_deploy_monitoring from install packages
SDP-35788 Display correct message in case with request to vendor when NO_DATA returned
Changed status code logic and created a clearer error related to vendor request when NO_DATA returned
There are statuses that are used in processing results and show the state of the process at the time of its completion.
1.The logic of status code that was changed:
If the process was finished successfully but no records were extracted/transformed/loaded the code status should be NO_DATA, not SUCCESS.
2. Also the error related to vendor request when NO_DATA returned was processed.
In this case NoData exception will be thrown.
SDP-39466 OLAP REST Endpoint to list Entity Types in GET method
New PACEREPORT Endpoint to get list of Entity types
New REST API Endpoint to get the list of Entity types which includes both base types and custom type. This is exposed in GET method of REST API.
SDP-38987 OLAP REST API supporting Grouping Rule override for Analysis Options on attribution level display
Supporting Grouping Rule Override for Analysis Option
New feature added in OLAP REST API which allows to override the analysis options of Grouping rule in performance analysis for attribution reports. You can use the analysis options override to specify the level of report output results and to define settings used in attribution reports and dynamic performance reports.