MC2 Release Notes - April 07 2020

MC2 Release Notes - April 07 2020

SDP-34320 Add support to mc2/py transforms to parse MSCI file formats

Added new type of parser - MSCI

New type of parser was added and now it is possible to create EBS definition where source file is MSCI file in fixed format. Parser can identify necessary header type specified in the definition in the incoming file in case file has multiple headers.

SDP-34346 Deploy demand panel is not working when PanelSyntaxVersion is set to 2 in msgservice.ini

Deploy demand panel is not working when PanelSyntaxVersion is set to 2 in msgservice.ini

The eagle_default_deploy_demand stream had an issue with lb_pan-eagle_default_deploy_demand.htm panel; if the region had PanelSyntaxVersion set to 2 in msgservice.ini file the deployment was not working. The fix adjusted the code so that the eagle_default_deploy_demand worked correctly with the setting of 2 for the PanelSyntaxVersion of the msgservice.ini file.

SDP-34144 Python XML2XML: Add ability to map header nodes in Adtnl destination

Added ability to map message header and transaction header nodes for adtnl destination.

Added ability to map message header and transaction header nodes for adtnl elements. Previously this option was available only for main taxonomy. Currently, for the dialect output where taxonomy element is used handling of elements "txn_h" and "h" in dest_items were also implemented.

SDP-34133 Create new EBS Dataset for Entity Detail History

Create new EBS Dataset for Entity Detail History

Created a new dataset and taxonomy for the Entity Detail history table located at rulesdbo.entity_detail_history.

SDP-34116 MC2 showing bad status on EJM Monitoring screen

MC2 showing bad status on EJM Monitoring screen

MC2 Extracts were showing a blue tick (success) even though the JMS step failed in extraction. We have adjusted the code to correctly show the red "x"(failure) when the JMS step failed in the extraction process.

SDP-33903 Create Taxonomy for Issuerrelationship & send data to Cloud

Create Taxonomy for Issuerrelationship & send data to Cloud

Created the EDS Taxonomy for issuerrelationship and are now able to pull EDS dataset that mirrors the ISSUERRELEXTRACT EML Extract.

SDP-33559 Create PACE_MASTERDBO.PACE_INV_FIELDS dataset that joins by the instance

A new EBS dataset paceinventory and taxonomy have been created

We added new dataset paceinventory with taxonomy to EBS. This dataset retrieves data from the PACE_MASTERDBO.PACE_INV_FIELDS table.

SDP-33478 MC2 Generic Load profiles: modify eagle_wrf_generic_load_profile_executor workflow for MC2 EJM support

The eagle_wrf_generic_load_profile_executor workflow can be executed in MC2 EJM

There were changes made to the eagle_wrf_generic_load_profile_executor workflow to support MC2 EJM execution. This includes:
-modify workflow for mc2 support-move transform logic from unpacker(prf) to separate task shape(stream): -remove_bom_chars.inc-custom_routing.inc-provide logic to transform and send files in parallel

SDP-33452 Issue with : (colon) symbol in value when using task parameter with prefix

Issue with : (colon) symbol has been resolved

Currently when we are doing extract when we are using name of task parameter with FeedType prefix, and it's value will have : (colon) symbol, it will cut off part after : (colon) symbol. The code was adjusted so that parameters with colon in the value can be passed without being split incorrectly.

SDP-33119 Create new EBS Dataset for Entity Detail

Create new EBS Dataset for Entity Detail

Created a new dataset and taxonomy for the Entity Detail table located at rulesdbo.entity_detail. The dataset is called "entitydetail" and can be called directly or used in a mashup.

SDP-32202 Add possibility for Dump file returned from vendor for EBS

New EBS taskParameter to save vendor response before transformation

A new task parameter, SaveApiProviderOutput, was introduced to save vendor response before its transformation. By default, it is set to N.

SDP-34307 Do not restart MC during Installer install

Updated Installer to not restart MessageCenter when only installing installer component.

Updated Installer to re-init MessageCenter cache but not restart MessageCenter when only installing the installer component.

SDP-33926 binary symbols in orch_state clob

Corrected issue in Installer with unprintable characters in error message.

Corrected issue with error handling in Installer.Download timeout error resulted in unprintable characters in status message.This was causing issues parsing the message in Monitoring Tool.

SDP-33012 MC2: incomplete error messages with tpesendpanproc or panprocv2 to execute Panels for EntityBankRelation

Incomplete error messages in MC2 when loading EntityBankRelation

Corrected error parsing in MC2 java code for panel processing with tpesendpanproc or panprocv2.Error messages returned from panels are now displayed correctly.

SDP-32127 MC2-kafka messaging: implement logic to manage MC2-kafka streams dynamically

Enabled dynamic management of MC2-kafka streams

Updated java code to enable dynamic management of MC2-kafka streams.

SDP-22338 MC2 adds invalid date into msg_message_status clob

MC2 issue with timestamp format in message status

Modified python code to include correct time zone offset in the timestamp in all cases.

SDP-34767 EDS: enable mandatory filters for full cache reloads

The mandatory filters for full cache reloads are enabled.

We can add mandatory filters for full cache template to prevent cache reload requests without required parameters.

SDP-34460 Exception processing OLAP report request via ReST

Exception was thrown when attempting to invoke a PACE report via ReST in MC2.

Modified OLAPLoadBalancer java code to correct issue of no available workers.

SDP-33808 Provide GET for EDS EQL Requests

Enabled http GET requests for the EQL endpoint for EDS requests

Enabled http GET requests for the EQL ReST endpoint.Example to run the genericentity EDS interface: https://mywebserver/eagle/v2/eql?FeedType=genericentity&invalidatecache=Y&entityId=JKEnt118

SDP-33553 Swagger UI: returning http 431 when request too large

Swagger UI: returning http 431 when request too large

Swagger UI is returning http 431 error, for example when submitting the example EQL request in Swagger UI for an EQL ReST endpoint. The issue was that the LB is sending to Worker an HTTP header which is too big. The code was changed so that when a larger request was submitted there was no 431 error.

SDP-34732 Change paceolap Dataset cache_mode to "none"

The PACEOLAP Dataset Caching Mode Changed To None

The paceolap caching was incorrectly set to "BLOB", so the dataset caching was changed to "NONE" instead.

SDP-34530 EagleML objects described as arrays in json schema but which are really objects

Fix errors type of "Expected Array but go Object" when validating a response against the schema

Change api doc EagleML object types according to the response

SDP-34197 Low performance of MC2 in February release (mc2_call_parse_validate_indata.py issue)

Changed the code for the MC2 validation script to increase efficiency

Improved performance of the validation script.

SDP-34113 DEV-Redesign existing logic for Xrefs identifiers mapping in XMLDBAPI format

All hard coded EagleML elements moved to meta data files and to enumeration files

All hard coded EagleML elements were moved to meta data files or to enumeration files.