MC2 Release Notes - August 23 2022

MC2 Release Notes - August 23 2022

Component versions

Version to request for All Services install: 2022.08.23.2

EAGLEML 2022.08.23.1
EAGLEML-W-O 2022.08.23.1
MC2 2022.8.1
kafkaservice 2022.8.1
pypy 2022.8.1
pyruleservice 2022.8.33

openjdk version "11.0.14" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.14+9)

pace report service (installed separately): pace-reportservice-1.0.10.jar

SDP-65058 Change the installer script to use the RedHat 8 specific Redis distribution on RedHat 8

Updated MC2 services installer to install Redis for RedHat 8 when libssl.so.10 is not present

Updated MC2 services installer to install redis-dist-XXX.tar.gz from MC2 zip
if /usr/lib64/libssl.so.10 or /lib/libssl.so.10 are detected,
and to install redis-distrh8-XXX.tar.gz from MC2 zip if libssl.so.10 is not found.


SDP-64642 The EQL request is processed twice on pyruleservice and an extract file is left behind in estar/tpe/data/msgcenter/cmw/extracts

Updated the kafka consumer to prevent multiple execution of requests

Updated the kafka consumer to no longer use local cache for offset value, to prevent multiple execution of requests


SDP-64580 Change kafka service to set the consumer offset replication factor to the number of nodes

Updated the kafka consumer offset replication factor to the number of nodes

Updated the kafka consumer offset replication factor to the number of nodes to prevent MC2 reprocessing messages


SDP-64552 The installer produces incorrect zoo.cfg file

Updated MC2 install to not rename zookeeper configuration file

Updated MC2 install to not rename zookeeper configuration file


SDP-64539 Change the installer to use the new Eagle Access Artifactory

Updated Installer to use new location for Eagle Access repository

Updated Installer to use new location for Eagle Access repository


SDP-63234 EDS issue with custom bind files

Corrected an EDS issue with custom bind files

Corrected an EDS issue with custom bind files, where the custom tables might not be included in the generated sql.


SDP-62434 File names now have _p1 added automatically if ExtractNamePatternEx is used

Corrected issue with ExtractNamePatternEx parameter in EDS

Corrected issue with ExtractNamePatternEx parameter in EDS. When the data source is a file,

“_p1” was getting added to the output file name.

SDP-65138 Pyruleservice sporadically skips the execution of a request from kafka

Corrected intermittent issue with pyruleservice executing requests from kafka