MC2 Release Notes - April 04 2024
SDP-83848 Enable custom python functions in EDS
Enabled definition of custom functions in EDS
Users are able to define custom functions in estar/tpe/dynamic/pyrules/custom/
MC2Services should be cycled on all app servers after creating or updating the custom file
SDP-83685 MC2 Specific REMOVEFILE element is deleting the entire directory with subfolders if filename is not indicated
Updated MC2 implementation of REMOVEFILE rule element
Updated MC2 implementation of REMOVEFILE rule element to only remove a directory if a specific flag is passed.
SDP-83314 Generate TSR with valid XML on azure distribution error
Now generating TSR with valid XML in case of azure distribution error
In the case of error uploading to azure blob storage, we are now generating a TSR with valid XML.
SDP-83172 Incorrect PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCH_REQUEST_DEF.PROC_STATUS value of record that belongs to eagle_wrf_generic_extract
Corrected issue with status of workflow step
Corrected an issue where a step was in Ack status even though the workflow had completed successfully. The particular case was MC2 execution of generic extract workflow including an EDS extract in Delta mode.
SDP-83096 optimize the retry attempts for SFTP delivery
optimized retries for SFTP distribution
optimized retries for SFTP distribution in the case of a connection error
SDP-82811 Issue with inflow endpoint in Eagle/Oracle
Corrected potential issue with inflow endpoint in Eagle/Oracle
Corrected issue with inflow endpoint in Eagle/Oracle where incorrect file might be loaded and/or file might be left in cmw_staging_folder during concurrent executions