MC2 Release Notes - January 11 2022
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2022.01.11.2
EAGLEML 2022.01.11.2
EAGLEML-W-O 2022.01.11.2
MC2 2022.1.1
kafkaservice 2022.1.1
pypy 2021.11.1
pyruleservice 2022.1.44
openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.13+8)
pace report service (installed separately): pace-reportservice-1.0.10.jar
SDP-54458 Pyruleservice delta cache update using a lot of memory on pyservice worker 1
Added restart of cache manager process when exceeding the memory limit
Added restart of cache manager process when exceeding the memory limit
SDP-55080 enable optional secure connection for Zookeeper
enabled optional manual configuration for secure zookeeper connection
Enabled optional, manually configured secure connection to zookeeper.
Secure connections to kafka and zookeeper are enabled by following these instructions:
SDP-57077 Development of SSMN changes of PA report to implement in OLAP REST API
OLAP REST API Supporting Single Security under Multiple Node process
OLAP Reports has new feature implemented to process the stored returns for a single security based on a strategy field. This allows multiple returns to be stored for a single security where the OLAP reports can fetch the data to process security returns. OLAP REST API has leveraged to support the same Security Returns process.
SDP-57891 potential issue with kafka configuration file
updated generation of kafka and zookeeper configuration file
updated generation of kafka and zookeeper configuration file
SDP-57939 eds function register_for_mashups stopped working via eagle_default_ruleservice
corrected issue with EDS function register_for_mashups
corrected issue with EDS function register_for_mashups