MC2 Release Notes - September 21 2021
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2021.09.21.6
openjre: 2021.10.1
EAGLEML 2021.09.21.3
EAGLEML-W-O 2021.09.21.3
MC2 2021.9.1
kafkaservice 2021.9.1
pypy 2021.9.1
pyruleservice 2021.9.68
SDP-51400 Enable additional daterule support in EDS for mashup definition processing
Enabled additional daterule support in EDS for mashup definition processing
Enabled additional daterule support in EDS for mashup definition processing: Added support for daterules in t_q_items_def.
SDP-51482 Update EagleML extracts swagger for NO_DATA case
Updated extracts swagger for NO_DATA case
Added response content types for 200 status:
The Task Status Response (TSR) object is returned in NO_DATA scenarios.
Made the Task Status Response message format consistent across request types.
If needed, add below lines to to restore original format of TSR:
:W_OLD_TSR: := 'Y';
SDP-53305 Inbound data via SOAP returns success in TSR after load stream error
Corrected issue where failed load returned success status
Corrected issue where a TSR indicating success was returned even when the load stream returned an error
SDP-53740 effectivedate is not populated with client extract ontology
Fixed effectiveDate mapping for client object Ontology
Fixed effectiveDate mapping for client object Ontology for main, clientAddress and clientRelationship levels.
SDP-53969 Character encoding issue in EDS
Corrected an intermittent EDS issue with character encoding
Corrected an intermittent EDS issue by explicitly setting NLS_LANG environment variable to .UTF8
SDP-54225 Enable secure kafka for all EJM routes
Enabled secure kafka connections for all EJM (MC2-kafka) routes.
Secure kafka connections can be enabled by optional manual configuration.
SDP-54226 Enable secure kafka-kafka communication.
Enabled secure kafka connections for all kafka-kafka routes.
Secure kafka connections can be enabled by optional manual configuration.
SDP-54303 Enable secure kafka connection for pyruleservice
Enabled secure kafka connections for pyruleservice-kafka routes.
Secure kafka connections can be enabled by optional manual configuration.
SDP-54470 issuerrole EDS Resource - SECURITYDBO.ISSUER_ROLE_DETAILS.IRD_CHAR2 needs to be added to Ontology
Enhanced issuerrole Ontology to support IRD_CHAR2 field
Enhanced issuerrole Ontology to support field SECURITYDBO.ISSUER_ROLE_DETAILS.IRD_CHAR2.