MC2 Release Notes - February 2020

MC2 Release Notes - February 2020

SDP-33115 Enable python atol and atoi functions with strings that are in float format

Modified python atoi() and atol() functions to return for example 4 instead of zero for input value "4.4"

SDP-32675 Python XML2XML: Add possibility of using current date during xpath compilation in dataset json

Support for current-date function from xpath 2.0 in dataset vocabulary

Added support for current-date function from XPath 2.0 during condition compilation in a dataset vocabulary.

"initialCoupon": { "path": "//FLOATER_set/FLOATER_record[START_DT and number(translate(START_DT, '-', '') < number(translate(current-date(), '-', '') ]]/INITIAL_COUPON", "use_xpath": true },

SDP-32250 Issue passing outputFormat parameter to sub-processes in eagle_wrf_generic_extract

Updated generic extract workflow to pass parameter outputFormat to the individual extracts

SDP-32102 Default extract format for EQL requests should be JSON

Updated EQL endpoint to return JSON format data by default

SDP-32101 Empty ERROR section in TSR for NO_DATA EQL EDS extracts results

TSR for EQL EDS request with NO_DATA status includes an error section

Error section has been removed from TSR for EQL requests completed with NO_DATA status.
Error section In TSR will be added in case of NACK/FAILED statuses only.

SDP-31128 FeedType_ExtractNamePatternEx - is not working in MC2 Generic Extract

FeedType_ExtractNamePatternEx parameter support added in MC2 for generic extractor workflow

SDP-30869 row delimiter setting is malformed when distribution profile is used for output distribution

EDS: corrected issue with user specified row delimiter when distribution profile is used

SDP-30719 Python XML2XML: Add mashup functionality to get values from different records from one file based on condition

Added ability to mashup values from different records from source data based on condition in python translators

SDP-30560 Wrong workflow is chosen for workflow extract through REST

generic extract ReST endpoint invoking wrong workflow

Updated generic/extract ReST endpoint to invoke eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow instead of eagle_wrf_generic_extract_mc2 workflow,

SDP-32962 MC2 issue loading Schedules

MC2 issue with lookups and DB commit

Corrected issue: now lookups do not lose the transaction id when getting results from cache

SDP-32538 Panel Router in MC2 launching panel two times.

Issue with MC2 Panel Router calling panel twice

Corrected an issue with MC2 Panel Router that resulted in panel being called twice.

SDP-32117 wrong parameter name in GET /eagle/v2/runparameters

wrong parameter name for invalidateCache in API for EDS parameters

Corrected API for EDS parameters to return invalidateCache parameter

SDP-30934 java cores after restart of ExtractService

Updated ProcessGuard configuration to prevent java core on ExtractService restart

SDP-32502 EDS: intermittent issue refreshing file based cache

Intermittent issue with EDS file based cache refresh

Attempts to refresh file based EDS caches intermittently deadlocked with the python garbage collector.
Added an explicit call to garbage collector when closing the python object.

SDP-32103 TSR for EQL requests should be in JSON format

The eql ReST endpoint is now returning TSR in json format by default

SDP-28429 EBS Dataset for RULESDBO.Field_attributes

Added EDS dataset for FIELD_ATTRIBUTES

SDP-32142 Add support for pre-made xref fields in IWS transforms (cusip, isin, sedol, etc) (WH security resolution)

Security xref mapping for standard identifiers in Python translators

Security xref fields now have correct naming in output file when used in Python translator with automatic EagleML to EagleXMLDBAPI conversion enabled.

SDP-32183 Add Prod Parallel app to deploy_demand default panel

Added Prod Parallel component to eagle_default_deploy_demand stream

SDP-31405 Add ability to support support vendors with multiple end points

Ability to support vendors with multiple end points

Added ability to suport multiple end points. That is, for one api provider several api configs can be defined.
To use this option "multiple_endpoints" parameter was added in dataset:
"api_provider": {"_id": "arria", "api_type": "restapi", "use_default_impl": true,
"baseurl": "https://test.address:443",

{ *"multiple_endpoints": true*, "use_bearer": true }

SDP-31196 Destination filter expression

Add ability to filter destination records

Processing for 'dest_filter_expr' element in EBS definition file was added:
DEF_PARAMETER_dest_filter_expr = 'dest_filter_expr'

The idea is that records can be filtered out on transformation step via this element. It supports the same expression syntax as other variable elements.

"dest_filter_expr": "|EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE| = '2015-03-21'and |COST_METHOD| = 'A' and |genericentity.ENTITY_LONG_NAME| = 'VALUE' and |GAAP_COST_AVG_VALUE| < 0",

SDP-14825 Expose GraphQL endpoint through MC2

Added graphql ReST endpoint