IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20170621


Generic Extract and Transform Solution Template Enhancements

The Task formats form for the Generic Extract and Transform solution template now contains a new Generate Workflow/Task Only switch. The Task Only feature allows you to generate solution without workflows. In addtion, feed type is now saved in custom transformation stream package description for future use in Monitoring Tool.
This issue was tracked as Item #153593.

Software Fixes

Attributes for XML out format in streaming tasks

IWS did not build attributes for XML out format in streaming tasks. To resolve this issue, logic was added in streaming tasks for building attributes for out XML format.
This issue was tracked as Item #153431.

Removed Submit Idea

The Submit Idea icon was removed from the toolbar. Eagle is moving away from the third party tool that the Idea icon was linked to so it has been removed from IWS. If you do have ideas for IWS, please discuss them with your Eagle representative.
This issue was tracked as Item #153748.

Build Workflow Tree option Removed

The Build Workflow Tree option was not saved with solution and could affect workflow export for some task properties. The Build Workflow Tree option is no longer needed and now is always enabled. Its' checkbox was removed from the main toolbar. This will avoid issues with exporting properties.
This issue was tracked as Item #153869.