IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 2018-11-04 (patched)

sprint 5.6

Bug Fixes


IWS Warehouse Trades Extract Losing/Missing Fields Upon Save and Not Displaying Check Boxes For All Elements 

Sometimes XPanels dialog was not able to read and properly display tag reduction profile.
It happened if the profile was created outside of IWS and contained special symbols in it.
This issue would not allow you to change the profile and it would not be saved correctly.
The code for profile parsing was changed to address the issue.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-700


Wrong region is displayed in the re-login window

If you launched multiple instances of IWS/MT/RT, relogin dialog could show you incorrect URL path.
The code was updated to fix the issue.
Additionally, this fix provides RT with ability to support multiple Eagle sessions running at the same time.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-701


Issue with HEADERAT parameter in streaming translators.

Streaming translator sets HEADERAT attribute even if only "header lines" are specified and "header at line number" is not.
Due to this issue streaming tasks would incorrectly get values from a source file.
The code was changed to skip generation of "HEADERAT" attribute if the option "Header at Line Number" is not set.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-702




Raw Service - changes for NEW action

Creation of new feed used almost same dialog as that of "edit". This led to unnecesary maintenenace and duplication of code.
To resolve the issue, we replaced the "create new" form with small and simple one, which only collects minimum of initial information.
After that you would use "edit" dialog to populate the rest of the feed details.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-540


Raw Service (MT) - changes in reprocessing

The following changes have been done to the reprocessing functionality of the "Dimensions" tab:
1. We took advantage of the improved API - It is not necessary to resubmit all the columns for reprocessing, only those which have changed. The reprocessing now takes much less time.
2. Green Circle and Red square icons in the status column help quickly distinguish the failed records from successful ones.
3. Dropdown for batch ID has been changed to show data in the grid view, where batch id, load date and number of total and failed records are separated by blank space.
4. Refresh button has been added near each filter field for refreshing lookup data.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-678


Raw Service - lowercase structure names for feeds

It is possible to save the structure name in lower or mixed case letters.
However, underlying stored proceure always expect upper case.
Due this discrepancy load process doesn't work.
In order to fix this problem we added logic to build all structure names in upper case for structure name's text boxes in "Dimension" tab
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-758