IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180404

sprint 3.4

Bug Fixes


Missing CM parameters in Eagle Warehouse object

When you add CustomCMParams property in Eagle Warehouse object, the default Control Message parameters (step name, event type, etc.) get removed.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.
CustomCMParams property now properly appends and overrides default properties.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-407.


Corrupted panel path in Runpanel object

When you select a panel using double mouse click in Eagle Panels tree (Data Lookup, Runpanel, Data Query, Task Extractor Destination objects),
you can get incorrect panel file path with first character missing.
Regression was caused by Task Extractor Eagle Panel format update.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-408


MT Error reading profiles in 12.1.5

Under Message Center version 12.1.5 and below, IWS service stream eagle_iws_cache has limited functionality.
Because of this some of the new MT/IWS features may work incorrectly.
To resolve the issue, we added version check inside MT/IWS code.
Implemented new logic for the Activities tab inside MT for lazy-loading profiles instead of caching.
Activities tab inside MT now will work well with MC version 12.1.5 and below.
For older versions of Message Center, the Activities tab will hide some of the new functions like folders,
but allow user to add and manage of the EJM Profiles.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-411




Python lookups library

Code Category, Code Translation, Code Value, Entity Identifier, Security Resolution, Source lookups were added to the built-in Data Query library for Python translators.
The feature is similar to the data query library in MC translators.
Editing of the content is not allowed in the current version.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-335


Entity Xref fields mapping in Python translators

xrefAccountId, xrefAccountIdType and entityXrefs Destination fields were updated in Warehouse EagleML Destination objects to reflect changes in Python service.
Missing EagleXMLDBAPI fields will now be generated in output file.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-413


Remove spf files from migration package.

IWS downloads unnecessary file with .ejmspf extension on every solution open.
To improve the performance, we added new code for generating .ejmspf files on-the-fly, and Removed code for reading .ejmspf files from disk on solution open.
The latest IWS version will skip downloading of the .ejmspf files.
Because of this opening of the IWS solution now taking less time.
After removing old logic for generating .ejmspf files, IWS solution compilation will be faster in some scenarios.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-358


Support for translators in Raw Service

Sometimes it is necessary to create additional translation of source data for CSV feeds.
Added ability to create streaming transform logic for CSV feeds.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-280


Filtering functionality in Python translators

Destination objects of Python translators now contain FilterExpression and DistinctExpression rows.
FilterExpression allows to set individual record filtering condition for each Destination.
DistinctExpression allows to exclude duplicate records from output by entered key expression.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-345


No dimension table if key fields are not selected

If a dimension table is set but key fields are not specified in the structure then at run time this dimension table would be not created.
To avoid any confusion for the user, we added a warning message for this situation, which would pop-up on publish.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-398


File size limitation data sent via IWS.

Attempt to select very large files in the Data file / Run form of Raw Service can cause unexpected issues due to possible limitations on the target web site.
To avoid this kind of problems, we added a limitation of 10Mb for allowable file size.
Warning will appear in the "Run" form if selected file size exceeds 10MB, and Run button will be disabled

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-399


Mandatory prefix "DM2D_" for dimension tables.

It is a requirement that dimension table has a specific DM2D_ prefix in its name.
IWS now adds this prefix to each dimension table automatically, removing this responsibility from the user.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-396


Allow authentication via browser to natively support SSO, NTLM, Basic.

On some custom-configured environments IWS still may have issues with authentication.
To resolve possible problems, we changed the initial logic for IWS authentication by removing manual GET requests by the WebBrowser control,
and started using IE instance for the authentication instead.
All the initial authentication is now done via IE instance integrated to the IWS/MT, taking advantage of local IE settings from Windows OS.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-416