IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20170524


Added Ability to Produce RESTFul Interface from IWS

IWS was enhanced to support the ability to produce RESTful interfaces from IWS. A new template named "EBS Component" was added to the template tab for this functionality.
This issue was tracked as Item #152060.

Software Fixes

Export Solution Errors When Trying to Download Files in Cache

When trying to Export Current Solution in IWS, you could get a warning that certain files in cache may be missed, with a list of those files and then the option to download. When you select download, the process starts, but then errors. The code was updated to resolve an issue with the path prefix for ejmspf file. IWS will now properly include ejmspf files and you no longer will get an error that some files may be missed. 
This issue was tracked as Item #151738.

Issues with Export/Import/Publish Wizard

Some files could be missed while using the Export/Import/Publish wizard. The code was updated to resolve issues with new files types while using Export/Import/Publish wizard. Now IWS will properly include all existing files to export/import/publish.
This issue was tracked as Item #152967.