IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 2018-10-15

sprint 5.5

Bug Fixes


XPanels: issue in new rules for streaming extensions

Two issues were reported regarding the mapping of extensions in streaming translators
1. XPanels don't show some fields from the selected table.
The problem only happened if the columns had specific constraints on them. (C, O, V)
It was resolved by removing that condition in the code. All the columns are shown now.
2. the extract includes had "UPDATE_DATE" and "UPDATE_SOURCE" fields added to them.
These two columns are redundant, we made sure to remove them from the mapping

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-650


EJM Monitoring tool Issues with Delta Profiles and Running of Extracts

Regression issue was detected in the previously published version - maintenance tab would not show any entries.
The issue was related to the changes done in EagleML include files, due to which Monitoring Tool was not able to determine the version of Core release.
The problem was fixed by changing the way MT determines the version. It now fetches the version from eagle_product_version table, and does not depend on any EagleML configuration.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-684




Add Native Code functionality for Non-Streaming Outbound Translators

Ability to add native code to EagleML destinations has been added to non-streaming translators
The functionality is same as we have in XSLT and streaming translators for EagleML output data.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-619


Make msgexchange shapes for files handling more user-friendly

Several IWS translator shapes that create msgexhange elements have similar design and have not-so-intuitive argument names.
Due this interface user can face with some problems to choose correct parameter to set own path to file or file on remote folder.
In order to fix this issue in intraface we added the descriptions for all those REMOTEFILENAME and LOCALFILENAME parameters.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-327


Hide Titles for Fork,Join, etc shapes

IWS shows titles for "Fork" and "Join" shapes on worksheet.
Those titles don't have useful information for users and just spoil a picture of the workflow.
We just hid the titles for those shape. Now the titles display only in the Tool Box.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-433


Autocommit, DB Commit, DB Rollback features "DB Commit/Rollback features in translator

New DB Commit and DB Rollback objects were added to the Advanced ToolBox panel.
The feature allows you to manually finish DB Transaction and is available for MC translators only.
Also 'Automatic Commit' option was added to the Settings popup form of DB Exchange and DB Exchange (SQL) objects (enabled by default)."

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-656


Reduce the length of generated file name (RawService)

Sometimes the file name generated by Raw Service for the load process would be too long.
Message Center would not be able to copy or move this file to "processing" folder.
In order to fix this issue, we significantly reduced the length of the file name, which is passed into the load step.
New file name is not based on original name anymore, but only contains minimal necesary information such as correalteion ID.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-677


Condition for execute in Raw Service generated workflow

In the past Raw Service launched steps for all the existing models in XML feed even if some models were missing in a source file.
This created a lot of noise due to false errors, which should be ignored.
In order to fix this issue we added a condition to execute "rs_load" step in XML Raw Service workflow.
After the change, any load which does not have corresponding soucre file would be skipped.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-682


SSO login with long URL

Due to custom server configurations, it became necessary for IWS/MT to support "long URL", where targetResource parameter is part of URL.
In this case IWS/MT will automatically find what the connection is SSO and will redirect to the correct "long URL" instantly.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-686


Bloomberg format in Python translators

Bloomberg source data format is now available for Python translators.
Note that Corporate Action files are not supported in current version.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-697


Add failed status handling for python-wrapper streams

Task statuses fix for Python translator
When Python translator returns an error, parent task status was still set to 'Success'.
IWS code was updated to resolve this issue.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-697


Raw Service: Process Lock step

Process Lock is an optional step, which can be executed after the load.
It allows you to lock/finalize the loaded data for specific schema or set of schemes based on effective date.
If locking was executed the subsequent loads into same schema with dates below the effective date, would be marked as failed.
Locking process is implemented by invoking DM2DBO.DM2_LOCK_PKG.PROCESS_LOCK stored procedure at the end of the workflow.
The control to specify the schema mask is located in the "Data Settings"/"Custom Parameters" area of the feed definition.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-694