IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20170301

Software Fixes

Issue with NAV Month End and XPanels

XPanels was not allowing you to select all of the fields available within the XSD for the NAV Month End. The code was updated so that these fields are now available.
This issue was tracked as Item #147655.

Issue with Multilingual Text Support for DB Requests

DB Request objects, Data Query templates and Task Extractor destination did not have 'UTF String' parameter type support. The code was updated and the DB parameter type drop-down controls of all objects and forms now have UTF String/N value.
This issue was tracked as Item #149005.

Inconsistent Message with Publish

If you had an issue where files can't be compiled because of invalid characters in parameters or missed connections on worksheet, you got the error "Some file can be missed" when you clicked Publish. The code was updated so that an appropriate error message is shown.
This issue was tracked as Item #149863.