IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 2019-01-18

sprint 6.6

Bug Fixes


Error on MT refresh

Sometimes if refresh the screen right after the CorrelationID filter was used,
the error with "Collection was modified" message can appear.
The issue was fixed by changing parsing algorithm for CorrelationID field auto-completion data.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-16612


Incorrect code for GROUP shape in streaming tasks

When GROUP shape is used in translation to EagleML\XML format, IWS places group elements outside of the main message element.
The code was changed to fix the issue.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-16002


Default mnemonics are missing in Bloomberg translators

IWS did not create pre-defined Bloomberg mnemonics (such as BLOOMBERGSECURITYID), and it was impossible to use them in the mapping for bloomberg format.
The code was changed to properly parse and create necessary variables depending on Bloomberg message type.
The variables were added to the "source" grid preview as well.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-15231


Issue with login dialog (re-login)

Current IWS/MT login process consists of two steps - Authentication via Star Security and a set of IWS Service requests.
If you tried to cancel the login after the first step, while Web Service requests were in progress,
it would create login/re-login issues later when you decide to login again into same or another environment
The issue was fixed by disabling cancel in the Service Requests step.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-14995


Empty rows in profiled generic load generation

Empty rows from "Post-processing" and "Custom Parameters" steps of the generic load profile would cause issues at run time.
To avoid the problem, we added code to remove empty rows when the profile is saved.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-14853



Launch EBS from IWS

Added ability to launch EBS (and MT) from IWS in a separate window.
By default EBS gets launched as a Click-Once process, but there is way to launch a Standalone executable
by setting this up in the login dialog of IWS.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-14955


File Mashup object

File Mashup object was added to the Advanced ToolBox section of Python translator.
The object allows you to join file-based dataset and use its fields in mapping.
Input dataset file names are obtained from MashupFile_# variables that should be set in parent task custom CM parameters, otherwise main source file will be used.
Variable name and format settings (only Delimited is supported in current version) can be set in 'edit...' popup form.
It is necessary to set key expressions in both object's input parameters and in the 'edit...' form."

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-14569