IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180815

sprint 5.1

Bug Fixes


Raw Service - any changes in the structure create new schema

In the past, Raw Service would generate new name for feed's structure after any change in this structure.

For the end user generation of new structure name actually means that all previously loaded data becomes unavailable.

In order to resolve this issue we simplified the condition for generating new structure name.

On publish we compare previously published structure from the database with the current one.

New structure name is only generated if type of format for exisitng field has changed, but not when new column was added or existing one removed.

Any changes in the batch key fields are now ignored by IWS, since they will be taken care of by the corresponding stored procedure.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-606


Incorrect special characters processing in XML destination

If special XML characters are typed into mapping expression in XML-encoded form, (for example '>' entered as '>'), IWS will endode it the second time.

To fix the issue, the parser was modified to do XML decode call before the encoding.

This way, both > and > syntax will be saved correctly.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-551



 Python lookups - common approach

Eagle lookup support was added to the Python translators.

Lookup object can be found in Data Query ToolBox section.

It is necesary to select .htm panel file in ""edit..."" popup form and populate input/output parameters.

If multiple records are returned by query, first one will be used in mapping.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-590


IssuerXref type

IssuerXref EagleML model support was added to the IWS Data Objects and XPanels form.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-618


Wait for Publish to complete

In the past, publish button would only submit the reuqest to the backend, without waiting for the result.

and there was no way to see if there were any errors on server.

The Publish dialog has been improved to wait until the publish stream actually finishes

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-317