IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 2018-11-07

sprint 6.1

Bug Fixes


Interfaces ran twice because of temporary _cleaned files generated by IWS.
Sometimes streaming translators ran twice because the workflow would generate temporary "_cleaned", which could match the original data file mask.
Due this issue we have additional outfile files which lead to incorrect work next steps in workflow.
We changed the path to these files, so that they don't interfere with processing anymore.
Now they are created in "cmw_staging" folder, and removed after the processing is complete.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-749 / SDP-9171




EBS destination and source to show EagleML aliases.

EBS source grid has been improved to show EagleML elements and correct aliaces instead of just database column names.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-707 / SDP-8664


upgrade to .net 4.6.2

TLS protocol used in .NET 4.5 is deprecated and in the nearest future would create issues when trying launch IWS/MT ClickOnce applications.
For resolving this issue the current .NET framework version was advanced to .NET 4.6.2 with TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 support.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-550 / SDP-9017


Integration of NxG with IWS/MT, IWS side

The following enhancement have been done to IWS/MT/RT:
- IWS/MT can parse URL parameters passed to it from NxG, and reuse session ID. This means, no additional login dialog.
- Improved session management functionality allows RT to login to multiple URLs and maintain state information.
Corresponding NxG changes are scheduled for 2017 r2.9 Eagle core release

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-774 / SDP-8840


Refactor of IWS EJM compiler - XSLT

We've started to improve logic for XSLT translators in IWS.
As first step, we removed the logic to convert "xsl" file to base64 string each time when we publish, export or save XSLT translator in IWS.
The changes reduce the time of building XSLT translator in IWS.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-760 / SDP-8620


IWS doesn't create links to xsl files for XSLT translators in "export\publish" packages

It was reported that IWS creates packages for XSLT translator without links to according xsl files.
Due this problem IWS imports the packages without xsl file and the imported solutions don't work.
In order to solve this problem we added special links to xsl files in XSLT packages when we export IWS solutions.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-777 / SDP-8576