IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20170208


Added Drag/Drop Ability for Tasks in Solution Explorer

Solution Explorer now provides drag/drop support for task folders and task definition items. This feature was already added for workflows in a previous release.
This issue was tracked as Item #149184.

Software Fixes

Issue with Includes for Extension Fields in EagleML

IWS was not properly handling extension fields in the transform step (in eagleml "_t" stream). The result xml file contained only that extension data which were defined in last record of tagvalue file. The reason for this issue was that msgcenter\customer\extensions\genericsmf.inc include did not contain EXECUTEON="START" tag attributes, but t_smf.xml rule contained these tag attributes in for each field. The Genericsmf.inc include is generated by XPanel application. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #149278.
Issue with XMLROOTTAG Property

When you set XMLROOTTAG property for the Group object in MC translator with XML destination format, its value won't be excluded from the XMLPATH attributes of child variables and will produce invalid output file format. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Duplicate tags are no longer generated when XMLROOTTAG group property is used.
This issue was tracked as Item #149303.