IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180110

sprint 2.4

Bug Fixes


Conflict on export - export.conf file

Every workflow used to create export.conf file on export.
This would not allow to save multiple workflows into the same location, since this file would be overwritten.
IWS is now using new import algorithm for constructing package files tree.
Old export.conf file is not required anymore.
It is now possible to import any type of MC Package file. Only related files will be collected.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-282.


Column alias returns wrong value

When you use source column alias that contains special characters in your Source data object, it would always use value from the first row.
This happened because EXECUTEON=START flag was generated for such columns.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-284


Stale preview in publish screen

In the publish screen, you can preview only for MC-related files.
However, if you click on any other stream, the preview area would show old data, potentially creating confusion.
The problem was fixed by clearing the preview for the files, where it is not supported.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-294.


Streaming extractor is not supported

User can select "Streaming" option while creating new task extractor. In this case streaming task translator would be created instead.
The issue was fixed by disabling the "Streaming" option for task extractor, since it is not supported.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-295.


Hardcoded value of consolidatedTSR

Scheduled worklfow uses CreateConsolidatedTSR=1 hardcoded parameter in script. This can cause performance issues on the environments,
if you use new scheduled workflow for large hierarchical workflows
In order to avoid such problem, we now allow to set this value in a parameter or profile.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-304.



Simplify Saving in IWS -- Have Just 1 Save Button

In order to simplify the user experience, we combined "Save solution" and "Save all files" buttons into one.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-41


Validate File Mask on Publish.

It is necessary that data file mask for a workflow is unique.
Violation of this requirement can lead to the situations when workflow reads wrong data file.
To avoid such problems, we added file mask validation feature.
Warning will be shown in the bottom of publish screen, if any file mask conflict is detected.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-214


Ability to save transformation into either core or custom location

Solution Publish and Export forms now have Python module and Python package name controls.
These properties are saved with solution and affect destination path for Python translator files.
The new controls can be left blank for backward compatible behaviour, which is to create a separate package file for each translation task.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-276


Eagle Shell session management by default

In one of the previous versions we integrated Eagle core library for session management into IWS, but it required a deliberate opt-in change in the configuration
In this release we made it the default behavior.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-305