IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180524

sprint 4.1

Bug Fixes


Issue on publish if workflow closed without saving.

If classic translator tabs are closed without saving, the main task can lose its connection to the rule files.

The task becomes corrupted and re-adding it to the solution does not resolve the problem.

The issue was fixed by saving empty task files in initial creation.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-389


Map file is not deleted when data artifact is removed

If data Data Artifact is removed from IWS solution, its corresponding .map file would not be deleted from the server.

This could create unexpected behavior in the NDFA stream. Data files could be routed to the wrong place.

To resolve the problem IWS code was changed to generate .map file with #empty content if Data Artefact is removed.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-445


Streaming subtask requires "dummy" data artifact

There was a difference in behavior between Streaming and classic translators.

For classic translators, it was possible to simply connect the shapes one to another.

For streaming translators, in turn, it was necessary to add Data Artifact to ensure that proper CM parameters are passed to the next shape.

The code was changed to allow consistent behaviour between the two types of translators.

It is now possible to connect task or extractor with streaming translators without data artifact shapes.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-447


Raw Service - Issues loading BBPS data

Some regression issues related to BBPS format were detected.

- Only global fields would be loaded as result of the BBPS workflow execution.

- Parameters were not correctly parsed from header, static values from profiles were used instead.

The code was updated to resolve both issues.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-439


Issue with importing warehouse extension

Migration of the warehouse extension resulted in corrupted workflow as result of .

Without these steps, the workflow would produce the following error message at runtime:

"Failed running the XSL transformation... Could not compile... The element RESULT is not allowed at this position"

The workaround was to open, save and re-publish the extension.

To fix the ussue, IWS code was changed to properly handle the extension's include files and by adding missing "template" element in to warehouse xsl file.

The workflow is now functional right after the import, and does not require any additional actions.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-537


Incorrect output file name reported by Generic Extract Custom Transformation task.

After recent changes for streaming tasks related to multiple files processing newly created Geneirc Extract and Custom Transform tasks and solution templates returned no data.

The code was updated to resolve this issue, streaming extract output file name detection logic was updated."

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-545


Irrelevant properties exposed for data lookup

Property sheet for Data Lookup dislpayed some irrelevant properties

The problem was fixed by removing the properties which do not make sense for Data Lookup shape.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-432



Raw Service - convert the workflow from wrf to prf

In order to improve the performance and provide additional enhancements,

the loading part of Raw Service worfklow was redesigned to use PRF rule files instead of EJM logic.

The following features were added:

- Publish process automatically generates solution for the RS feed.

- "unpacker" hase been added into main workflow as first step. This allows RS feeds to receive archived files;

- Changed the load process for source file. Removed old EJM logic and added PRF rule for much better performance.;

- Added a new field into "Data Settings" tab with ability to set mask for source files (to use "ndfa" logic in workflow);

- Replaced specific RS run form with stardard IWS dialog

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-420


Update Eagle.Core

It was discovered that older version of Eagle.Core library used by IWS can cause compatibility issues with latest Eagle environments.

The problem was fixed by updating Eagle.Core library in IWS to its 2017 R2 version

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-533


Python Transform Issue - Missing Entity XREF Id

Entity Xreference lookup was added to the Data Query library in Python translators.

The lookup allows to get Entity ID based on Entity Xref ID.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-509


Supporting expressions in Parameter Overrides

Scheduled Begin shape did not allow you to specify the expression for "Parameter Overrides" property.

The values were always defaulted to param_ParameterName.

The compilation process was updated to allow for EXPR# prefix in the Parameter Overrides property

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-544