IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180321

sprint 3.3

Bug Fixes


Issue with Order By for Warehouse objects

ORDER_BY worksheet property did not work for Warehouse Destination object in translators.
It won't be added to the auto-generated batch group.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-393.


Backward compatibility issue with _schd streams

Most recent version of IWS started using new generic rules for the scheduled streams representation.
It relied on the assumption that the environment would be be upgraded to latest EagleML first.
The issue would happen if EagleML does not get upgraded.
In this case the environment will not have rule files, on which new IWS functionality relies upon.
To fix the issue, IWS now checks installed EagleML version.
If EagleML does not have new rules, IWS will continue using the old code, which generates the rules for _restart stream.
Also, there is a property on the "Scheduled Begin" shape - "Generate non-waiting restart stream".
It will allow you to use old functionality of _restart streams even if new functionality is supported.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-392


Raw Service - issue with column order

In the past the mapping logic was done based on column order.
And if subsequent data files had different column order, it would lead to problems.
The code was changed to use column names from header.
Now the load workflow doesn't depend for order of columns in incoming files.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-395.


Issue with Enter key in login screen.

The Enter key, instead of submitting the form, would set the focus on Cancel button.
The code was changed to avoid the issue and ensure proper behavior of Enter key.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-400.


"Show All Messages" button not working inside "monitoring" tab of IWS.

"Show All Messages" button was not working inside "monitoring" tab of IWS.
The issue was resolved by ensuring the same code is used in all the places where "Show All Messages" can be invoked.
You are now able to use all the functionality presented on the EJM Processes screen when it hosted inside IWS tab.
All new screens like "Message Details" or "File Statistic" will be shown in separate tabs.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-328.


Aliases with special characters are not processed right

Special characters, like ampersand (&), were not handled properly by streaming translators, but were processed fine by other types of translators.
The code was changed so that streaming translators can process such special symbols correctly.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-403.


Stored Procedure error in Step Detail Request

Monitoring Tool was not able to display step details for processes with big number of child workflows, such as regression workflows generated by the Regression Tool.
The algorithm was changed to retrieve the details in multiple smaller requests and then combine the results.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-404.


Export solutions command creates invalid map file

"Export Multiple Solutions" had a problem in case when some solutions had .map file and others did not.
In this case, the solution without the map could be wrongly assigned map file from a differnet solution.
The code was changed to resolve the problem with incorrect .map file generation.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-405.




Support for Bank Cash Settlement interface

New model has recently been added to EagleML - Bank Cash Settlement.
Now this interface is supported as available EagleML format in the extracts list.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-401


Multiple destinations in python translator

Python translators now support multiple Destinations objects.
The feature allows you to generate multiple output files with various mapping for each source record.
Also, Destination Condition slot is now enabled for individual filter expressions.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-386


Allow for multiple result files in XSLT translator.

Old implementation of RESULTFILENAME value for XSLT translator only allowed for one output file name.
This is because it was done in the rule initialization section.
To avoid this problem and allow multiple transformations with multiple output file names,
the RESULTFILENAME property from Parameter Overrides has been added as attribute for XLSTRANSFORM element.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-319


Reinitialize Cache

In order for Message Center to recognize the changes after the publish step, it is necessary to Reinitialize Message Center Cache.
This step in the past was processed as IWS request, which introduced unnecessary overhead, and lacked required reliability.
In order to improve the process, the following changes were done:
- Reinit Cache command is now executed using tpeserver request.
- It is automatically invoked publish
- A button was added to the ribbon for cases when explicit cache initialization is required.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-383