IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 2018-11-21

sprint 6.2

Bug Fixes


Exception on subworksheet opening

Fixed rare 'Specified element is already the logical child of another element' exception when opening subworksheet (Loop, ForEach, etc.).
The issue would happen if same include is present in two different streaming translators
This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9252


Invalid output for Python lookups

When you disable some Python lookup parameters, invalid parameters mapping will be generated in output translator file.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.
Note that lookup content should be refreshed via its 'edit' form for changes to take effect.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9250


MT does not show some substeps from Raw Service runs

MT doesn't show all sub task for step "rs_load_source_files" for Raw Service workflow.
Due this problem MT doesn't show errors from subtask and show "Successful" final status for Raw Service workflow with some errors.
In order to fix this issue we added logic to add original file name to all source file names in PRF rule and now MT can find all subprocesses for PRF rule in Raw Service workflow.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9229


Errors reporting in streaming translators

When streaming translator is finished with errors, EDITCHECK is raised only for mc streaming cascading mode and FAILED task status is not set for transformation task.
The code was updated to resolve this issue

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9211


IWS crashes after we re-open Raw Service tool from template.

In order to fix this issue we add additional logic to close all opened cache files for delete the cache folder after close\open Raw Service.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9208


Error Saving on Exit doesn't prevent IWS from closing.

Error Saving on Exit now prevent IWS from closing to not lose any changes

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9191


Monitoring Tool did not show child processes if the specified correlation id did not match process correlation id of the task.

The issue was fixed by finding the parent first, and then fetching all of its child items.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9164


Issue opening python translators

In the past python translators were using ejmtsk file extensions, which was replaced with ejmtr in the newer versions.
IWS, however, would return exception if ejmtsk file was not found even though ejmtr file existed
The code was changed to handle both old and new situations correctly, checking for ejmtr file first.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-9159



EJM - Activities Tab - display file date in the EJM Monitor for the EJM Profiles

Added two columns for profiles on Activities tab, that provide information about date of the last change and user who made it.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8897


VG Add information whether file was recognized by ndfa_exec stream or not on External Data tab

Added icons indicators and tooltips for file that was sent via "eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ndfa" stream

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8893


More logging for Raw Service actions

Sometimes we need to know which query was executed during the load process.
In order to make research and troubleshooting of Raw Service loads easier, we added more logging into "rs_create_table" step for each feed.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8862


Raw Service - change process_lock to PROCESS_LOCK_BATCH_ID

It turned out that process_lock by structure wildcard is difficult to use and can be pretty confusing.
The decision was to always lock only the current batch ID.
New procedure PROCESS_LOCK_BATCH_ID(P_BATCH_ID NUMBER) is not used at the end of the load, right after "create_view"

This issue was tracked as Item  SDP-8812


Custom CM parameters in Python translators

Only a predefined set of parameters was passed from patern task parameters to the Python rule service request message that could cause problems in case of recently introduced functionality.
The code was updated to resolve this issues, wrapper streams for Python translators now add all parent task parameters to Python RTR.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8736


IWS - error on login (empty data)

IWS supports multiple authentication options, and on occasion it can happen that a specific request does not return any data.
IWS would incorrectly produce exception in this case.
The code was changed to properly handle empty datasets in the responses.

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8723


Profiled generic load

Add Generic Load Profile feature was added to the Add Profile button drop-down list in Activities tab.
This form allows you to set parameters (data files, postprocessing steps, custom parameters) for workflow generator profile and publish it."

This issue was tracked as Item SDP-8577