IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180223

sprint 3.1

Bug Fixes


Hide preprocessor and postprocessor areas for python translator

Preprocessor and Postprocessor worksheets have been hidden for Python transformations, since they are not supported.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-341.


Run now with overrides does not work from EJM Processes

Fixed references for the commands execution. User now able to use RunNow and RunWithOverrides as usual.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-359


Streaming translator generates message without <EagleML> element

This is not a defect, just wrong configuration.
To fix this problem, it was necessary to turn on the "Map Full Message" checkbox in the "Set destination" dialog for EagleML format.
However, in case when destination had extension attached to it, this checkbox did not work properly.
1. The checkbox was missing in the extension tab.
2. Changing the value of the checkbox would clear existing mapping for the extension.
The code was modified to address both issues.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-365.


Misleading error message when bad server URL provided

In case of incorrect URL provided in the login screen, the error message is too technical and confusing.
For example, it would read "unexpected character" instead of "host not found".
The issue has been resolved by modifying parser code for web response

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-123.


Subsequent profile execution does not repeat previously used parameters

In the past, subsequent launches of workflow instance would automatically populate the parameters used in the previous run.
Due to recent changes related to integration of Monitoring Tool with Automation Center, this auto-population behavior was lost.
The code has been updated to restore the correct behavior.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-363.


MT: Run Now vs. With Overrides dialogs

Double-Click on profile inside Activities tab would open old-style Profile Preview dialog, which was not very useful.
Also it was noted that Run Now with Overrides provides all the same features, and is more powerful.
The two dialogs have been merged into one. Double-click action now invokes this consolidated dialog.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-344.




Support for Eagle Panel destination format

Task Extractor now supports Eagle Panel destination format.
This format allows to generate lookup request to the selected Eagle panel.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-93


MT - Allow run extracts and EBS items from RunWithOverrides dialog

Previously, RunWithOverrides dialog could only be used for EJM workflow execution.
The dialog has been improved to allow profile usage with other processing types.
Special dropdown with the following values has been added: EJM Workflows, Extracts, Extract Service, EBS.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-364


Changing Password in the login screen

IWS and MT applications were not supporting Change Password callbacks.
The user was not able to change password on first login or on password expiration error.
Login screen has been redesigned to use NxG-style UI control and support same Change Password functionality.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-349