IWS Release Notes - Version (MT:

Initially released to IWS Test on 20180913

sprint 5.3

Bug Fixes


XPanel element reduction profiles do not work for MSSQL-based regions

Element reduction profiles used ORACLE syntax even if the environment was MSSQL-based.
The profile would not take any effect in this case.
The issue was fixed by changing ORACLE syntax for schema to MSSQL style, based on the actual database type.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-617



Generic Extract preview request customization

Customize Preview controls were added to the Generic Extract and Transform source format form.
The feature allows you to set custom RunTaskRequest parameters for preview request that is being used to fill Source Data Object content.
It may be useful in case when extract query rule has mandatory input parameters or output columns list depends on input parameters.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-592


IWS Element Reduction Profile Excel export is not accurate

Some fields are not exported via "Export to Excel" function in XPanels.
This happens if the field has more than one DB destination in the XSD.
The issue was fixed by implementing additional logic for such scenario.
It is also possible to select the desired destination before the export.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-534


Missing fields in element reduction profile.

Saved element reduction profile can have missing elements.
It would happen to those elements which are also found in XREFIDENTIFIERS node.
To resolve the issue, additional logic was added to check the xpath for each element separately, and include regularly-mapped fields, even if they are part of /xrefidentifiders in other places.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-535


June 2018 EagleML Release object support

Following EagleML models support was added to the EagleML format forms, XPanels, Generic Extract and Transform source form: IssueFxRateDemand, PricingSystemSetting, PaceSystem (Reference group), Entitlement (User group).

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-569


Stop using iws_info stream

In the past, IWS and MT used iws_info stream for getting server info at authorization.
This approach had several drawbacks, such as slowness or occasional time-out if Message Center or Web Service were down or too busy, as well as misleading error messages in case of problems.
To avoid these issues, we replaced web service request and stream invocation with fast and lightweight calls via tpesend.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-615


MaxBatchSize parameter in Python translators

Warehouse Destination objects in Python translators now have MaxBatchSize parameter in the main grid.
The Feature allows you to limit records size in single output batch.
Once limit is reached, new batch gets created.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-640


Delta-based flag in Python translators

WarehouseOpenlot and WarehousePosition models in Python translator now have DeltaBasedExpression in Destination grid.
The feature writes evaluated expression value in <deltaBased/> (EagleML) and <DELTA_BASED/> (EagleXMLDBAPI) output batch header nodes.

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-641


CSV dialect selection in Python translators

Python translator Delimited source form now has new Dialect drop-down with following options:
- Auto Detect (detect by sample data);
- Simple Split (no double quotes processing, fastest);
- Char Strip (remove leading and trailing double quotes from fields);
- Auto (full-featured CSV parser that processes escaped delimiters and double quotes, slowest).

This issue was tracked as Item IWS-645