EagleML Release Notes - April 2019

EagleML Release Notes - April 2019

SDP-18770:  Enhance object type User to allow similar usernames to be added 

There was a problem with loading the User and User Group if the Username is a part of another Username that is already loaded. The panel that checks for the existence of an User uses a wildcard clause instead of an EXACT match resulting in an error indicating an unsuccessful attempt to update an existing User.

For example, if a User with the Username 'EAGLEUSER123' already existed on the environment there was the potential to load a User 2 with the Username 'EAGLEUSER12'.

The User check was updated for resolving the User by an exact match in the User and User Group inbound interfaces.  The same problem was fixed for the Center Role existence check.

This option to lookup users and center roles by an exact match is supported in panels starting with the 2017R2.11 version only.

Files changed:



SDP-10367:  Enhance the Date format option naming convention

Added a new expression @DateTimeStampISO as part of the custom extract name pattern parameter ExtractNamePatternEx to specify the datetime value in the output file name as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS format (with the ‘T’ separator between the date and time values).

Files changed:


SDP-18516:  Incorrect final WrfStatus

The task reporter rule was modified to make the final workflow status to be consistent with the TaskStatusResponse Status when the CreateConsolidatedTSR was set.

File changed:


SDP-18616:  Missing mapping for the long_short_ind in SPD DELTA LOG request

The rule for the SPD DELTA LOG file did not delete the Position records as mapping for the longShortIndicator was missing.  The mapping for the longShortIndicator was updated.

Files changed:


SDP-19773:  Realtime: support for acct trade and acct cash single messages within in-memory processing

Added support to load the following EagleML interfaces as single messages within in-memory processing:

AccountingTrade, AccountingCash, AccountingAssetCash, AccountingReclaimCash, BankCashSettlement, ExpectedCreditLoss

Files changed:


SDP-14261:  Performance improvement in the Warehouse Position query

The logic for the parameter ExcludeCurrentDay has been updated to be more specific eliminating the OR clause in the subquery improving throughput.


File changed:


SDP-19775:  EagleML: Added missing links to the installer packages
The installer package had missing links resulting in some files not being included in the Installer package, which could cause a problem with a fresh installation.

This issue was fixed.

Files changed:


SDP-15824:  IssuerXref object load does not support xsd-conforming objects

Previously xsd valid IssuerXref objects cannot be loaded through the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference. 

A new rule has been added in the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference to handle the IssuerXref interface. 

File changed:


SDP-16569:  Missing Xref ID creation in Entity Xreference table

Adding additional Accounting Xreferences to an already existing entity resulted in erroneously changing the existing xrefAccountIdType to the xrefAccountIdType from the incoming file.
The logic for inserting the Accounting Xreferences is fixed.

File changed: 


SDP-19204:  Omit date rule in the file mask if the daterule was added to the transform_pairs.inc

The date rule token that gets to the transform_pairs.inc is omitted.  The date rule token is part of the transform pair configuration (file mask and translator that is supposed to translate this file) .  If a user creates a profile generic load through the EJM Monitoring Tool an incoming file mask contains date rule token date rule.
Evaluation of date rule on translation distribution is excessive because only files that match date rule will get to translation step because of ndfa_exec logic.

Files changed:


SDP-18449:  EagleML - IssuerEntityRelationship - Update the load logic to include changes made in the primary key on the issuer_entity_relation table

The following changes were added to accommodate changes made to the primary key on securitydbo.issuer_entity_relation table which now includes the fields relationship_type and start_date in addition to the issuer_alias and the entity_id in the primary key.

  • Rebuilt the stored procedure for the insert/update issuerEntityRelationship to use the same primary key as in the database.

  • Fixed the grouping according to the new primary key. Added the start_date and the relationship_type for grouping to the transformation to EagleML.

  • Added the missing elements startComments and endComments to the inbound and outbound interfaces.

  • Added the ability to delete the issuerEntityRelationship records.

Files changed:

Files Added:


SDP-13632:  EJM - In-memory Price Loading should return the Business Task ID in the TSR

The in-memory processing for any interface did not support the business task id from incoming RTR or PayLoad file.
The rule for in memory processing was improved to handle the incoming value and output it in the final TSR.

Files changed:


SDP-14813:  Update the User interface to insert records about delete in Journal table

Records were not getting added to Journal table on the ser role delete event.  Changed the process to  have records added to the Journal table on the user role delete event.

Files changed:


SDP-20038:  Date Rules do not work when the environment uses a HTTPS connection instead of HTTP

The Date Rule logic design always used the http protocol by default causing an issue when the environment used the https protocol.

The include file for the date rule logic was updated with an additional check for the calculation of the appropriate protocol to be used for the SOAP call.

File changed:


SDP-19387:  JMS stream delivery does not work for extracts

Extracts were not working when the Delivery Method = JMS and the logic to check the JMS delivery stream execution status is turned on. This logic was not called in the T Streaming outbound stream due to the incorrect condition.

The variable that used in condition to run check logic was updated to get the correct value.

Files changed:


SDP-15915:  In-Memory Process - display execution time of streams correctly in the file statistic

The start and end processing times were equal and did not show real time when using In-Memory processing.  

The query on the reporting step has been improved to produce the summary and detail information with the correct start and end processing time and display it correctly on the file statistic tab.

File changed:


SDP-14597:  The EJM workflow remains in progress when data load task request is sent with empty Workflowdata

When the workflow is launched by an RTR with an empty WorkflowData task parameter, the workflow would remain in progress and wait for a file.
Support was added to handle the case when the WorkflowData defined in the RTR has an empty value and can stop the workflow execution with ‘WorkflowData Parameter cannot be empty’ error

File changed:

SDP-20196:  Error Executing eml_update_issuer_organization

The rule for the loading the issuer organization interface in XMLDBAPI format produced an error due to an incorrect SUB_MSG_TYPE.  The logic for loading was improved to support prefix for auto generated binds.

File changed:


SDP-9609:  The Warehouse Nav Multi cannot be loaded into non-default partition

Warehouse Nav Multi inbound interface did not support the load of data to the non primary partition.

The logic for the bind generation was updated to support non primary partitions.

Files changed:



SDP-20049:  Pricing Center - Underlying Price Demand for security is still in progress

When the Pricing Center Event processes data where the securities have an underlying security, the additional Underlying Price Demand events can be executed. They are launched after Pricing Center rules finished and they are not always caught by the logic, which checks Pricing Center event and its rules execution status. In this case, the EJM process is finished with the "Underlying Price Demand for security… is still in progress" error.

The logic with checking Pricing Center sub-events statuses was enhanced to check if all sub-events were started and then to wait their completion.

Files changed:


SDP-16418:  realtime_rtr.rsf to support unzipped messages for all reference data files - Variable Rates
SDP-16419:  realtime_rtr.rsf to support unzipped messages for all reference data files – Factors
SDP-16420: realtime_rtr.rsf to support unzipped messages for all reference data files -Schedules

Added support to load the following EagleML interfaces as single messages within in-memory processing:
Generic SMF, IssueVariableRate, Schedule, GenericCA

Files changed:


SDP-19849:  XSD for Liquidity data model additions

The new elements for mapping to DB table HOLDINGDBO.POSITION_DETAIL_LIQUIDITY were added to the XSD type WarehousePosition (complex element <liquidity>).
The new elements for mapping to DB table PERFORMDBO.PSR_LIQUIDITY were added to the XSD type WarehousePosition (complex element <liquidity>).
The new elements for mapping to DB table RULESDBO.ENTITY_LIQUIDITY were added to the XSD type GenericEntity (new complex element <entityLiquidity>).
The new elements were not added to the inbound or outbound interfaces. This is an XSD change only.

Files changed:



SDP-10090:  Improve the XREFEXTRACT to use bind variables

To optimize throughput, the filters xrefidtype and securitysubtype were updated to use bind variables. The filter securitysubtype was added to the common security filters.

Files changed:


SDP-9970: Correct error messages in the security_resolution_generic

An error message for security resolution was fixed to address when a security was not resolved by the provided incoming identifiers. The updated message contains a list of identifiers that were a part of the resolution and a list of options.

Example of reported error message in the GenericCA: Security for the identifier(s) does not exist in Eagle:

99769N108_1/CUSIP, 99769N109_2/SEDOL. Resolution options: Currency: USD.

In addition, the information status that displays the actual list of identifiers that were a part of the resolution and a list of options were added.


Resolution Based On:99769N108_1/CUSIP, 99769N109_2/SEDOL. Resolution options: Currency: USD.

Tag No Change Case: 1952,1955,1958,1961,1964,1967,1970,1973,1976,1979

Added a condition to include in the First Match mode resolution the 10th pair of identifiers, which contains the Primary Asset Identifier, only in case the value is not empty.


SDP–17647: Support outbound interface for VENDORCASHFLOW

An outbound interface for the VendorCashFlow object was created. 

Supported EagleML filters: 
  Date Filter 
  Sources Filter 
  Security Master File (SMF) Filter 
  Held Only Filter 
The extract was added to the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow. 

Files added: 

Files changed: 
changes in the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow 
eagle_ml-2-0_cm\ w_config.inc 


SDP-19071:  The Security Resolution is not using assetCurrency when the PC Price is loaded.

An issue was detected with the assetCurrency missing for Issue PC Price security resolution.

The issue was resolved by mapping the assetCurrency - tag85 for the Issue PC Price inbound interface. 

Files changed: 
/eagle_default/in/xml/include/ xml-ref_security_pricing_common.inc 

SDP-10341:  Enhance the Entity Extract to have an Additional Filter to allow extracting Active Entities only

A new filter defined as activeStatus was added to the Generic Entity Extract - ENTITYEXTRACT to enable filtering records by the RULESDBO.ENTITY.ACTIVE_STATUS field.


A value of Y will only return the entities with an active status. The default will return all entities.

Files changed:


SDP-14769: Update logic for tag 2301 in secmastersynthetic.inc for Options

Updated the synthetic securities logic. The synthetic security type was revised to depend on the Processing Security type. 

Files changed: 