EagleML Release Notes - March 2017
This release uses XSD Revision 249.
There are four overlay files that are currently packaged as part of the EagleML monthly release. Please refer to About EagleML Overlays for specific details and impact to you.
Introduced Ignore Function for Warehouse Inbound Rule
New functionality has been added to the inbound warehouse rule. This enhancement allows the handling of a scenario in which no records made it to the load stream. Typically this case would cause Message Center to return an error, but this new addition creates an empty file with instructions for the stream to ignore it and not return an error. The ignored_object_type.xml and xml-warehouse_v2.rsf files were edited to allow the warehouse interface to be added to the list of objects that can have empty files sent to the loading stream without an error occurring.
This issue was tracked as Item #133978.
Added Details to Pricing Jobs Price Demand and Price Validation TSRs
New functionality that will return more details in the TSRs of Pricing Jobs Price Demand and Price Validation was added in this release. This functionality allows the TSR to include more expansive information on the substeps of the PACE and STAR jobs. For this enhancement, the requests that are responsible for providing TSR details have been expanded to include more table allowing for richer data in the TSR.
This issue was tracked as Item #142718.
Added New Filters for Warehouse Extract
New filters were added to the Warehouse extract WRHSGLDETAILPOSTINGEXTRACT to return only BaseCurrency and exclude all Memo accounts. Previously, you needed to use a custom where clause for this. For this change, the IncludeMEMOAccounts and IncludeOnlyAcctBaseCurrency parameters were added to the extract_warehouse_gl_detail_posting.xml rule.
This issue was tracked as Item #146756.
Added Entitlements and Partitions Filter Support in Realized Gain Loss Extract
The Realized Gain Loss Extract was enhanced to allow the use of entitlement and partition filters. To support this change, the extract_filter_entity_entitlement.inc was edited to allow for these filters.
This issue was tracked as Item #146972.
Added Entitlement Filter Support to Specific Accounting Extracts
The realized gain loss and NAV monthly extracts had no access to the usergroup Entitlement filter. These extracts would occasionally require such a filter to get the desired data related to certain entities. For this enhancement, the extract_filter_entity.inc, extract_acct_realized_gain_loss.xml, extract_warehouse_nav_month.xml rules were edited to include support for the entitlement filter.
This issue was tracked as Item #147848.
Added Common Entity and Common Asset Models to Additional EagleML Extracts
The distribution and subscribe redeem extracts received the Common Entity and Common Asset Models. The models were added to the XSD and implemented in the rules.
This issue was tracked as Item #148077.
Added Status Field to Corporate Action
A status element was added to the voluntary Corporate Action interface. It is used to track the statuses of the voluntary_election_check and Q_VOL_CORPACTION lookups.
For this enhancement, the voluntary corporate action inbound rule was fitted with the new element.
This issue was tracked as Item #148380.
Added Support for IssuerRating Type in Generic Load Workflow
The Eagle generic load workflow now supports the IssuerRating type. It is now possible to load IssuerRating objects through this workflow. For this enhancement, the workflow received an additional task that handles IssuerRating objects.
This issue was tracked as Item #148443.
Added Sweep Date to Voluntary Election Corporate Action Interface
The voluntary election corp action extract was enhanced to include the sweep date. The sweep date field was mapped in the outbound voluntary elections corporate action rule.
This issue was tracked as Item #148718.
Rules Enhanced to Support Traverse Hierarchy
The Cash Projections and Unsettled Transactions interfaces received support in the traverse hierarchy. These interfaces are now available in traverse hierarchy extracts. For this enhancement, the outbound rules for the two types were edited to allow these types to work with the traverse hierarchy extracts.
This issue was tracked as Item #148922.
New Elements Added to Generic SMF Mode
Two new elements ORIG_PRIN_LOCKOUT_MOS and AMORT_MATURITY_DATE were added to the generic SMF interface within the mortgage loan section. These elements will now be available for loading extracts. For this change, inbound and outbound rules were created as well as XSD was changed.
This issue was tracked as Item #148976.
Added New Functionality to NAIC extract
The requirements for the NAIC extract were changed slightly to include the istar.istar_lot_valuation, istar.istar_lot. These tables contain data that is desired in extracts, but these tables were not originally linked to the NAIC extract. For this enhancement, the xml-ref_naicdesignation.xml rule was changed to include the new tables in the extract.
This issue was tracked as Item #149138.
Added Option to Exclude Elements from Traded Cash Activity Extracts
Trade related cash activity (identified by records with CASH_EVNT_SPAWNED = Y) can now be excluded from the Traded Cash Activity Extract. You will need to use the parameter ExcludeTradeCash in the RTR. As an example:
The extract_acct_traded_cash_activity.xml rule was changed to allow the ExcludeTradeCash parameter to control the above logic from an RTR.
This issue was tracked as Item #149404.
Added New Columns to Issuer Organization Type
The following columns were added to the EagleML XSD in the Issuer Organization type:
Mappings for the new elements were added in the xml-ref_issuerorganization.xml file and also the extract rules:
This issue was tracked as Item #149479.
Added New Elements in Accounting Extracts
The new elements calcTransactionId, calcMasterTransactionId, calcCancelTransactionId were added to three accounting extracts. The extracts impacted are Trade Activity, Traded Cash Activity and Settled Cash Activity interfaces.
This issue was tracked as Item #149706.
Included entityCostMethod element in Common Entity Model
The common entity model was extended to include new element, entityCostMethod. This element is now available in extracts as long as the common entity model is included in the extract. For this enhancement, a new EntitySubType.model group was created and linked to the common model in the XSD. The presence of this element in extracts is controlled by the IncludeExtendedDetails parameter set to "Y" or "ALL".
This issue was tracked as Item #149725.
Software Fixes
Fixed Duplicate Tag Ids
The inbound corporate actions interface contained duplicate references to the same tag Id. This is not ideal due to the inconsistency created by having one tag Id represent more than one element.
To resolve this issue, the inbound ref CA rule was changed so that the duplicate references were removed. The tags for the xref Ids and xref Id types were all tied to tags with values in the format of 70xx. (ex. 7001)
This issue was tracked as Item #147659.
Fixed Inability to Delete Cash Activity Across Partitions
There was an issue where the cash activity records would not be deleted unless they were in the same partition.
To resolve this issue, the inbound cash activity rules were changed to allow deleting records across partitions.
This issue was tracked as Item #148255.
Fixed Corporate Action Cancel Errors
There was an issue in the December release that interfered with the cancellation of corporate actions. Loading of corporate actions was available, but canceling any loaded corporation action was not possible due to the error that would pop up.
The xml-ref_cancelca.xml file received code changes that allowed the cancel function to work as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #148355.
Increased Retry Intervals When Downloading from FTP or SFTP
There were scenarios in which a file should be downloaded from the FTP or SFTP but failed with a timeout error. This issue could occur due to the logic set for getting the file. There was a 60 second time out threshold as well as a max number of attempts and a retry interval. The biggest issues would occur when the retry interval was so small that it would not allow enough time for the file to be found on any of the attempts. This would cause the file to fail quicker than 60 seconds and due to a short retry interval, the error could not be corrected quickly enough for the file to be structured properly.
To resolve this issue, the getftpfile.inc and getsftpfile.inc includes were edited to increase the retry intervals allowing files to be grabbed successfully.
This issue was tracked as Item #148547.
Issue with update_date in lot_level_position Table Under Specific Cases Only
There was an issue that caused the update_date in lot_level_position table to be cleared out. This issue was limited to very specific uses cases when the EagleML NG framework was used. This framework is used in limited cases and those impacted were notified. This issue did not affect the majority of clients.
The code was updated to resolve this issue and the update_date now populates as expected in all cases.
This issue was tracked as Item #148899.
Fixed Issues with History Only Flag
The history only flag could return too many rows when used in the SMF extract. This issue was caused by the join between the Security Master table and the Security Master Hist table.
The join was removed to only query the Security Master table. This eliminated the extra data from the extracts.
This issue was tracked as Item #149151.
Fixed Issue with Underlying Model Not Returning IssueName
The IssueName field was not present in the underlying model. This was causing the element to not show up in the SMF extracts that included an underlying model.
To resolve this issue, the outbound SMF rule had the element added into it and the issue name alias was added to the t_smf.xml and t_smf_streaming.xml rules.
This issue was tracked as Item #149172.
Fixed Inssues with WarehouseCashActivity Interface
There were scenarios in which the files sent to be loaded would fail with a duplicate id error. This was happening due to the logic in the inbound rule which prompted all records to be loaded the first time and any reflexive flow creating transaction would fail upon reload since the old record was not being deleted.
The xml-dbdirect_common.inc include was changed to allow for deletion of old reflexive flow records.
This issue was tracked as Item #149178.
Fixed Incorrect Xref in SMFEXTRACT
The SMF extract was returning no errors, but was not returning the correct xreference Id. This was caused by in incorrect mapping in the outbound rule.
To resolve this issue, the outbound rule was edited to correct the mapping and include the correct xref identifier.
This issue was tracked as Item #149203.
Fixed Issues with Deleting IssuerRole
IssuerRole objects were not being deleted. This was because the deletion stream did not support the IssuerRole object type.
To resolve this issue, the capacity to delete IssuerRole objects was added to the stream.
This issue was tracked as Item #149435.
Fixed Issues with Voluntary Corporate Actions Election Extract
When running the Voluntary Corporate Actions Election Extract there would be situations in which the panel would return too many records for Message Center to process. This was due to a 20000 byte limitation on the file that could be created in this extract.
To resolve this issue, the outbound voluntary corporate actions election rule was changed to remove this file size limitation.
This issue was tracked as Item #149637.
Issue with BatchIdentifier and EagleML REC Trade Message
BatchIdentifier field can be submitted via Receive security panel but not via EagleML AccountingTrade message with BuySellIndicator = REC.
The issue was resolved by making changes to file xml-accttrade_receive.xml to extract the XML tag accountingTransaction/accountingTrade/batchIdentifier and assign the value to tag 701.
This issue was tracked as Item #149786.
Fixed issue with Artifactory Install
There was a problem running the artifactory install for Eagle ACCESS clients. This was due to the URL for the artifactory path containing special characters.
The code was updated to resolve this issue. The retrieve_build.inc file had changed logic which allows the W_DEPLOY_ARTIFACTORY_PATH variable to no longer contain the substring: '&apos3A'.
This issue was tracked as Item #149855.
Issue with PriceMultiplier in Cash Projections
With Cash Projections, the priceMultiplier is listed twice, which leads to a parsing issue.
To resolve this issue, the common include for Asset Properties Query was modified and additional logic for CASHPROJECTION Feed Type was added.
This issue was tracked as Item #149968.
Automation Center and Message Center Console Were Not Displaying All EJM Steps
Automation Center and Message Center Console were not displaying all steps of executable workflows. This would give incomplete run details which can be important for debugging and even simple file tracing.
The EJM framework rules were changed to make sure that every task is displayed.
This issue was tracked as Item #148350.
Fixed EJM Success Status for Cancel of Non-Running Workflow
There was a scenario in which a control message would be sent to EJM with the purpose of canceling a workflow, it would show a success status. A success status is misleading if the workflow that was supposed to be canceled was not running in the environment in which the control message was sent.
To resolve this issue, an edit check was added to the get_w_status.inc include file so that a success status would not be displayed in EJM if the workflow was not running.
This issue was tracked as Item #148199.
Issue with Incomplete Data Loads in Cash Activity Interface
There were situations in which the I2I load for cash activity records would not work completely. This was happening as a result of chunk size overflow based on I2I size criteria. The largest file that I2I can successfully load is 40 MB which is about 8000 lines. Grouping the records by batch key to load large volumes of data at once has created scenarios in which this limit is surpassed.
This problem called for a new addition to the batch key, creating more batches all of which are smaller in size. The batch key now includes the security as part of the key. This does not fully guarantee that a file of 8000+ lines will not be created, but the chances of this are minimal.
This issue was tracked as Item #149308.
Security Level Returns Records Failed to Load in SPOKE
There is an issue that occurred when the returns records have their status set to F for final in the HUB. These records failed when being loaded to the SPOKE since their status is "F". The returns records should be loaded to SPOKE with a "P" status.
To resolve this issue, the wrh_egl_gen_interface3.xsl, wrhs_performance.xsl, xml-dbdirect_common.inc, xml-warehouse_v2.xml rules were all edited to make sure the status was set correctly on the HUB which would in turn allow the records to successfully be loaded to the SPOKE.
This issue was tracked as Item #149588.
Fixed Performance Delta Based Extract
The warehouse performance delta based extract was not picking up on the changes in the status element of records. This was happening due to an incorrectly coded date filter which is necessary for this type of delta extract.
To resolve this issue, the extract_warehouse_performance.xml rule was fitted with a proper date rule which allowed the final status to be picked up in performance delta extracts.
This issue was tracked as Item #149590.