EagleML Release Notes - November 2020

EagleML Release Notes - November 2020


SDP-43032: The Pricing Report Extract was modified to pull the priceSource and priceSourceDescription from the Price Rules table

The Pricing Report Extract was modified to retrieve the priceSource and priceSourceDescription from Price Rules table for all instances. This eliminates the ambiguity of the Portfolio Valuation Variances based upon the method of valuation and bypasses instances where the Portfolio Valuation table reflects the incorrect information.

Files changed:

SDP-43003: Refined the logic of EJM parameter to skip printing workflow processing log files

The logic of the EJM parameter to skip writing workflow-processing log files was improved. By default, if the EJM configuration parameter W_WRITE_WORKFLOW_LOG is set to N, the logs are not created. In cases where logs are required, they may be enabled via w_custom_config.inc

Files changed:

SDP-42710: Introduction of new capabilities to support processing of Multileg Corporate Actions

A new object type, MultilegCA, was created and will support the load of multi-legged corporate actions via eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference. It was created to support the load process of select multi-legged corporate actions. This process imitates the front-end process for inserting multiple legs of one corporate action under the same Corporate Action ID, Sub Priority, and Batch Event ID.
Each individual leg may have different values for the required and user defined fields while the sharing the same global parameters. This new functionality will be loaded via eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference for the following panels:

In the case of any error, whether at the global level or one of the individual legs, all legs will be deleted/rolled back from the corporate action tables and the EML message will fail with error description.

Files added:

SDP-42545: New GUID method to generate unique Entity ID

When the GenericEntity is sent without a populated entityId node, there is functionality to generate a dummy (system generated) entity Id. This method returns the next sequence “RULESDBO.ENTITY“ integer value . In some cases such as high generation, it returns non-unique values. To escape and prevent the problem, a new “GUID” method to generate a unique dummy entity id was added. It may be set as USE_GUID_AUTO_GEN_ENTITY_ID value in the <processingOptions> or set the global parameter W_USE_GUID_AUTO_GEN_ENTITY_ID to Y in the w_config_custom.inc. When applied, the “GUID” method will be used to generate an entity id.

It will generate and return a combination of eight alphanumeric characters. An additional check will be executed that checks the uniqueness of this combination in the DB using the entity lookup. If it is not unique, then a new combination will be generated.

Files changed:

SDP-42483: GenericSMF Ontology was updated to support additional fields from SECURITYDBO.SECURITY_MIFID

GenericSMF Resource Ontology was updated to support additional fields:


Files changed:

SDP-42394: WarehouseTrade Ontology was enhanced with additional fields from TRADESDBO.TRADE_EXT

The WarehouseTrade Resource Ontology was updated with the following fields from the TRADESDBO.TRADE_EXT table:


Files changed:


SDP-42049: The Accounting Corporate Action inbound interface was enhanced with additional logic to delete or cancel the TWIN CA record in the case where Transaction Type is CASHDIV or ROC

The Accounting CA Inbound Interface was updated to support an additional processing option set to CA_TRANS_TYPE_TWINS.
If this option is specified and the CA Transaction Type is CASHDIV or ROC, then additional logic is enabled which will trigger a set of lookups to search for a TWIN CA records based on the following parameters:
Tag1695/lookup Client Specific Id based on incoming Client Specific Id;
Tag54/lookup Cp Status: PD, or NC, or RD;
Tag1257/lookup Trans Type: CASHDIV if an incoming Trans Type is ROC;
Tag1257/lookup Trans Type: ROC if an incoming Trans Type is CASHDIV

If a twin CA record is found, check the Cp Status (tag 54).
If the cpStatus of a twin CA record is PD/Pending or NC/Incomplete, then the twin CA record generates a Delete CA announcement and a new ROC or CASHDIV corporate action will be created. When processed, the original corporate action will be deleted.
If the cpStatus of a twin CA record is RD/Released, then it must have a unique subpriority when using the accountingValidationFlag set to Y in order to pass the business and system edits. The twin CA record will generate a Cancel Corporate Action announcement and a new ROC or CASHDIV corporate action. When processed, the original corporate action will be canceled.

The processing option should be part of the incoming file:

The global configuration parameter is also supported and may be set in w_config_custom.inc: <COL TAG="W_CA_TRANS_TYPE_TWINS" EXPRESSION="'Y'"/>

Files changed:

SDP-41716: Generate Consolidated Task Status Response functionality was improved for Pace Uploader event

The Consolidated Task Status Response did not include complete information about the PACE Uploader events. The information about the load-to-stream was displayed instead of the detailed information about the uploader. The generate task status functionality was improved to correctly return the Consolidated Task Status Response.

Files changed:

SDP-41092: Corrected the order of elements for the GenericSMF Outbound Interface

The order of elements: finalRateRoundingDirection and finalRateRoundingPrecision was corrected according to the XSD.

Files changed:

SDP-36744: The Accounting Trade Interface was updated to support additional field ILBOriginalAcquisitionIndexRatio for RECEIVES

The mapping was added for a new field to the Accounting Trade Interface:
EagleML/accountingTrade/ ILBOriginalAcquisitionIndexRatio

Files changed:

SDP-29347: New processing option ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE was added to support additional logic for the skip if exist check

A new processing option, ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE, was added to support additional logic enabled via the skipIfExistFlag.
The global parameter, W_ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_SKIP_IF_EXIST_CHECK, is also supported via the w_config_custom.inc.
The new processing option, ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE, only works with the skipIfExistFlag flag, and only supported for Oracle database:

  1. If the skipIfExistFlag is set to Y and no processingOptions is specified, the record will be skipped without a check by default.

  2. If the skipIfExistFlag is not set, but <processingOptions>ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE</processingOptions> is set, then a default load will take place.

  3. If the skipIfExistFlag is set to Y, and <processingOptions>ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE</processingOptions> is also set, then a skipifexist check takes place and the record is skipped in case it exists in the DB.

Files changed:

SDP-10874: Updated Stored Procedure to Support the Extension Table of Warehouse Open Lot for data Insert

The stored procedure ESTAR_WAREHOUSE_EXT.INS_UPD_WAREHOUSE_OPENLOT_EXT was generated to support the extension table of the Warehouse Open Lot for data insert. The hybrid solution was delivered to allow direct load via EDS interface.

Files changed:

Production Bugs:

SDP-43158: Corrected EJM issue on resubmit of the PACE Uploader Event

MC EJM incorrectly triggered two instances of the PACE Uploader, and while the first one completed successfully, the second one was hanging and eventually timed out. The issue was fixed, and the resubmit logic for the PACE Uploader Event was optimized and improved. Previously, an XMLDBAPI request was used to execute a query to get file statistics. The SQL query is used now instead of the XMLDBAPI to check the file statistics. The consolidated TSR was improved to display task details correctly. The same functionality is now supported on Windows/MSSQL.

Files changed:

SDP-43142: The Entity Bank Relationship Outbound Interface was updated to correct repeating nodes in the data output

The ENTITYBANKRELEXTRACT was not working correctly via MC2. The extract logic was corrected, and the issue was fixed.

Files changed:

SDP-43050: SMF Future Rebook logic was corrected as part of the AccountingTrade Interface

If the Accounting Trade was loaded for the second time without any changes in the incoming values, then the Rebook logic should ignore the message. The same logic was not working for the SMF Future load with the processingSecurityType = FTXXXX. Prior to the change, the Accounting Trade code tried to load/cancel the transaction, instead of ignoring the data record as there was no any changes between the values in incoming message and the current values in the database. After the code change, the Rebook logic takes effect on the second load of the same Accounting Trade message, and the message is ignored and not processed.

Files changed:

SDP-42948: Corrected the issue when EJM was reporting incorrect final status in case of MC Service Restart

EJM Final Status was assigned incorrectly in case of a MC Service Restart, and was out of sync with the Automation Center STAR event still remaining in progress.

The EJM code was enhanced to report the final status correctly on restart.

Files changed:

SDP-42939: EagleML dynamic procedure was updated to correct load issues via the Warehouse Performance Inbound interface

The dynamic procedure, ESTAR.PRF_EGL_GEN_INTERFACE_EXT, responsible for the data insert/update in Batch mode only as part of Warehouse Performance Inbound interface, was raising database errors during data processing. The failures occurred when an entity was not assigned to a partition or when the UpdateSource was not part of the incoming data file. Both issues were fixed.

Files changed:

SDP-42712: Consolidated TSR was improved for PACE Uploader Events

When the PACE uploader was processed, the TaskStatus Response contained an incorrect URL and filename. Added support of the colon ( : ) and backslash ( \ ) symbols for URI and fileName tags in TSR for PACE uploader to resolve this issue.

Files changed:


DeltaBased mode for ENTITYACCPERIODSEXTRACT, INTRADAYNAVEXTRACT, NAVFORNASDAQEXTRACT extracts did not work due to inconsistency between the table alias in the From section and in the Where section in the generated SQL queries.

The table aliases for the three extracts were updated. The short table aliases were replaced with the corresponding table names to be in sync with Where section.

Files changed:

SDP-30969: EJM MC encryption process was improved to allow uninterrupted delivery of encrypted files in case of a MC Service restart

Encrypted file was not delivered in case of the MC Service restart. The GPG/GPG2 encryption process was improved and the issue was corrected to assure stable delivery of encrypted files in case of the MC Service restart.

File changed:

SDP-29387: The Sequencer CleanUp process was improved

The eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_sequencer_cleanup stream is responsible for the cleanup process from the database table pace_masterdbo.orch_queue As example, it is used to remove all the workflow related messages. If the orch_state_clob field had too many characters, then the following error occurred:
Error executing DB Request. Status Code: 2 Channel Status Code: -2 Error Message: 'THERE WAS A PROBLEM WITH THE DATABASE. Error -9726 - Error Executing Database Statement-Error Executing adhoccall in ''=>ORA-01704: string literal too long'.
The Sequencer CleanUP process was improved, and the issue was fixed.

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