XSD Revision 237
Added in the Schema
1. eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd: the following groups have been added to TradedCashActivity and SettledCashActivity complex types:
2. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: group IssuePriceModel.model has been added to the schema with element issuePrice
3. eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd: group IssueCountry.model has been added to the schema with element issueCountry
4. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: group ShareholderActivity.model has been added to the WarehouseNAVMonthEnd complex type
Moved in the Schema
1. Group ShareholderActivity.model has been moved from eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd to eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd XSD file
2. Elements classTicker, classCusip have been moved from ShareholderActivity.model group to ClassTerminationDt.model group.
ClassTerminationDt.model group is added to ShareholderActivity.model group, backward compatibility applied.
3. Group EntityProperties.model has been moved from eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd to eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd XSD file
4. Group WarehouseAssetProperties.model has been moved from eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd to eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd XSD file and renamed to ExtendedAssetProperties.model\
Replaced in the Schema:
1. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: element issuePrice has been replaced by IssuePriceModel.model group
2. eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: element issueCountry has been replaced by IssueCountry.model group
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