XSD Revision 236
Added in the Schema
1. eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd: group ShareholderActivity.model has been added to SubscribeRedeem complex type
2. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: group ShareholderActivity.model has been added to the schema with the following elements and groups:
ClassName.model group
ClassStatus.model group
TransferAgency.model group
TaCode.model group
ClassTerminationDt.model group
3. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: object customBenchmark and complex type CustomBenchmark have been added to the schema with the group CustomBenchmark.model
4. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: group CustomBenchmark.model has been added to the schema with the following elements and groups:
EffectiveDate.model group
BaseCurrency.model group
entityDetailId of complex type EntityIdentifiersDataModel
Weight.model group
FxSourceRuleId.model group
constrainAsset of complex type AssetIdentifiersDataModel
exclusionAsset of complex type AssetIdentifiersDataModel
ProcedureMode.model group
5. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration value 'CustomBenchmark' has been added to ObjectTypeEnum simple type
6. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration value 'IU' has been added to ProcedureModeTypeEnum simple type
7. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type ProcedureSwitchEnum has been added to the schema with the following enumeration values:
8. eagleml-txn-2-0.xsd: element procedureSwitch has been added to the TransactionHeader complex type
9. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: element realEstateUDF of complex type RealEstateUDF has been added to the WarehousePosition and WarehouseLotObject complex types
10. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: complex type RealEstateUDF has been added to the schema with RealEstateUDF.model group
11. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: group RealEstateUDF.model has been added to the schema with the following elements:
12. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: element entityCostMethod has been added to the EntityProperties.model group
13. eagleml-ca-shared-2-0.xsd: element caIncRepayNum has been added to the CA.model group
Moved in the Schema
All elements (from all complex types) weight have been replaced by created Weight.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) fxSourceRuleId have been replaced by created FxSourceRuleId.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) fxSourceRuleId have been replaced by created FxSourceRuleId.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) className have been replaced by created ClassName.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) classStatus have been replaced by created ClassStatus.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) transferAgency have been replaced by created TransferAgency.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) classTerminationDt have been replaced by created ClassTerminationDt.model common group
All elements (from all complex types) procedureMode have been replaced by created ProcedureMode.model common group
Backward compatibility is complied.
Additional Changes
Elements annotations have been updated.
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