XSD Revision 174 through 138

XSD Revision 174 through 138

This page contains the information regarding Revisions 174 through 138.

If you are interested in these revisions, please read through the notes carefully as they are not formatted or sorted the same as the release notes shown for 175 and higher.

XSD Revision 174

Added changes:

1. Group IssueAnalyticExt.model has been uncommented and added to the IssueAnalytic.model
2. The following elements have been added to the AnalyticFI.model group:

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 173

Added changes:

1. The element uniqueTradeId has been added from AccountingTrade complex type

1. Element openTBATradeIb from SettlementInfo.model has been renamed into openTBATradeId
2. Group BuySellAmounts.model has been renamed into BuySellCurrencyAmounts.model
3. Elements sellCurrencyCode, buyCurrencyCode have been moved from SpotTrade.model to BuySellCurrencyAmounts.model
4. The the order of elements has been changed in the ForwardTrade.model group

1. Object type AccountingTrade has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum enumeration

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 172

Added changes:

1. The following elements and model have been added to the AccountingTrade complex type:
2. accountingTrade element has been added to the schema

1. Following models have been added to the schema:
2. Following elements have been added to the AccountingInfo.model group:
3. Following elements have been added to the SettlementInfo.model group:

1. SimpleType BuySellIndicatorEnum    has been updated
2. Value AccountingTransactionMessage has been added to the EagleMLMessageTypeEnum enumeration 
3. The following simple types have been added to the schema:
1. Elements knockinHigh and knockinLow have been added to the Derivatives.model

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

1. Enumeration simple types have been moved to eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd file

XSD Revision 171

Added changes:

1. Elements trdExternalId1Type, trdExternalId2Type have been added to the WH_group_xTrade.model group

1. Element createEagleSyntheticFlag has been added to the SMFFlags.Model group
2. Type of element accountingMethod from SECURITYDBO.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP.model has been changed from decimal to string
3. Type of elements 
from SECURITYDBO.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP.model have been changed from normalizedString to string
4. Type of element yearOfOrigination from SECURITYDBO.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP.model has been changed from decimal to integer

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 170

Added changes:

1. Complex type SMFIdentifier has been added to the schema

1. Elements
have been added to the Derivatives.model group

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 169

Added changes:

1. Complex type LimitedPartnershipModel has been added to the schema
2. Element limitedPartnershipModel has been added to the GenericSMF complex type

1. Group SECURITYDBO.LIMITED_PARTNERSHIP.model has been added to the schema

1. Elements trdExComission, trdChargeScheduleId have been added to the TradeCharges.model group
2. Elements
have been added to the WH_group_xTrade.model group

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 168

Added changes:

1. Complex types IssuerRating, RatingModel have been added to the schema
2. Group IssuerRating.model has been added to the schema
3. Element RatingModel has been added to the Issuer complex type

1. Groups 
have been added to the schema

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 167

Added changes:

1. Complex type WorkflowState has been added to the schema
2. Element workflowState has been added to the Reason complex type
3. Type of element securityAlias from AssetIdentifiers.model has been changed from decimal to integer

1. Types of elements actionPreference, actionSequence from CaDetail.model has been changed from decimal to integer
2. Type of element redenomMethod from CaExtension.model has been changed from integer to decimal
3. Type of element preference from CaExtension.model has been changed from decimal to integer

1. Types of elements
from Organization.model have been changed from string to decimal

1. Elements
from IssueFxPcRate complex type have been made optional
2. Type of element for7dayRate from IssueFxRate complex type has been changed from string to decimal

1. Type of element scheduleId from Schedule.model has been changed from integer to string
2. Types of elements
from Rating.model have been changed from string to date
3. Type of element marketDate from IssuePrice.model has been changed from string to date

XSD Revision 166

Added changes:

1. Complex type IssueFxPcRate has been restructured

XSD Revision 165

Added changes:

1. Elements bankAccountStatus, custodyBankSubAccountType from EntityBankRelationship.model group have been made optional
2. Element status has been deleted from the EntityBankRelationship.model group
3. Annotations of elements custodyBankSubAcct, custodyBankSubAccountType have been updated

1. Elements priceDate, coupon have been deleted from the PositionAnalytics complex type

XSD Revision 164

Added changes:

1. Complex types RunTimeStamps, IssueFxPcRate have been added to the schema
2. Elements runTimeStamps, issueFxPcRate have been added to the schema

1. Element priceCurrency has been added to the IssuePrice complex type

1. Group Classification.model has been added to the IssuerOrganization complex type

XSD Revision 163

Added changes:

1. Elements priceEarnEquityModel, ePSEquityModel have been added to the GenericIssueAnalytic complex type

1. Element localAccIntFactor has been added to the AnalyticFI.model
2. Element divyieldFy0 has been added to the AnalyticEquity.model
3. Complex types PriceEarnEquityModel, EPSEquityModel have been added to the schema
4. Groups PriceEarnEquity.model, PriceEarnEquity.model have been added to the schema

1. Element krbc20yrBy30yr has been renamed to krbc10yrBy30yr (DATABASE FIELD name is KRBC_10YR_BY_30YR)
2. Elements
have been added to the PositionDetailAnl.model

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 162

Added changes:

1. Element positionId has been added to the WarehouseLotObject.model

XSD Revision 161

Added changes:

1. Warehouse Transaction has to allow for multiple warehouse objects

XSD Revision 160

Added changes:

1. Element batchIdentifier has been deleted from the HoldingSMFs complex type
2. Element batchIdentifier has been deleted from the WarehouseBaseObject complex type (from all Warehouse objects)

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 159

Added changes:

1. Elements mtgLoanModel, realEstateModel have been added to the GenericSMF complex type
2. Complex types MtgLoanModel, RealEstateModel have been added to the schema

1. Groups SECURITYDBO.MTG_LOAN.model, SECURITYDBO.REAL_ESTATE.model have been added to the schema

1. Group EntityXrefIdentifier.model has been added to the WarehouseEntityIds.model
...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 158

Added changes:

1. Element riskClassificationType has been added to the SMFBaseObject complex type
2. Element granularityCategory has been added to the SMExtension model

1. Complex type PositionAnalytics has been added to the schema
2. Element analytics has been added to the WarehousePosition complex type

1. Groups PositionDetailAnl.model, PositionDetailAnlEq.model, PositionDetailAnlFi.model, PositionDetailAnlKrd.model have been added to the schema

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 157

Added changes:

Type of element toAsset from CA.model has been changed from AssetIdAndAssetIdType to AssetIdentifiersDataModel

1. Simple type CAStatusEnum has been added to the restructed
2. Simple type CAStatusStrictEnum has been added to the schema

1. Type of element entityPartitionAssignment from entityComposites.model has been changed from string to decimal
2. Type of element endDate from EntityManagerRelationship.model has been changed from string to date
3. Type of the following elements from Manager.model has been changed from string to integer


4. Type of element weight from entityToComposites.model has been changed from string to decimal

1. Type of the following elements from complex type WarehousePerformance has been changed from decimal to integer

1. Type of element performanceFlow from PerfElements_2.model has been changed from decimal to string
2. Type of element sourceSecurityAlias from Source.model has been changed from decimal to integer
3. Type of the following elements from WH_group7.model has been changed from decimal to integer


4. Type of the following elements from WH_group8.model has been changed from decimal to integer


5. Type of element bankAlias from WH_group10.model been changed from decimal to integer
6. Type of element taxStatus from WH_group4.model been changed from decimal to string
7. Type of element termIndicator from WarehouseLotObject.model been changed from string to decimal
8. Type of the following elements from WH_group1.model has been changed from decimal to integer


9. Type of the following elements from WH_closeLot.model has been changed from decimal to integer


10. Type of element perfRollupReturnsId from PerfElements_1.model been changed from decimal to integer 
11. Type of element pSRUserInt1 from PsrUser.model been changed from decimal to integer 
12. Type of the following elements from WH_group_xTrade.model has been changed from decimal to integer

13. Type of the following elements from WH_group_xTrade.model has been changed from string to integer


1. Type of the following elements from complex type YieldCurve has been changed from string to decimal

1. IssueAnalyticExt.model has been removed from the schema
2. Elements releaseStatus, releaseDate have been added to the IssueAnalytic.model
3. Type of the following elements from IssueAnalytic.model has been changed from string to date


4. Type of the following elements from AnalyticEquity.model has been changed from string to date

5. Type of the following elements from AnalyticFI.model has been changed from string to date


...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 156

Added changes:

1. Simple types CountryCode, CurrencyCode have been restructed
2. Simple types CountryCodeBase, CurrencyCodeBase have been added to the schema

1. Simple type YesNoOptionEnum has been added to the restructed
2. Simple type YesNoOptionStrictEnum has been added to the schema

1. Type of element postCutoffDt from EntityAccountingBasis.model has been changed from string to date
2. Type of element europeanEqualizationRuleName from EntityAccountingBasis.model has been changed from string to integer
3. Type of element entityEngineNumber from EntityAccountingExt.model has been changed from decimal to integer

XSD Revision 155

Added changes:

1. Attribute eaglemlRevision has been added to the StandardAttributes.atts group

1. Element instrumentId from AssetIdAndAssetIdType complex type has been made optional

1.  Following elements have been added to the warehousePosition complextype
2. Type of elements daysInterestEarned, origPriceSrcInst, priceLevel, starDataFilter from warehousePosition complex type has been changde from decimal to integer

1. Type of element variableRateNextResetDate from FixedIncome.model has been changed from decimal to date

1. Type of elements userDate1, userDate2 from EntityBankRelationship.model has been changed from string to date
2. Type of elements conversionDt, liveDt, starAcctField27, starAcctField28 from StarAcct.model has been changed from string to date
3. Type of the following elements from EntityUDF.model has been changed from string to date

4. Type of the elements accSysOpeningDate, fiscalEndDate, inceptionDate, lastCustTrnDate, lastSysTrnDate, marketingOpenDate, terminationDate from EntityBase.model has been changed from string to date
5. Type of the element numberOfNavDigits from EntityBase.model has been changed from decimal to integer
6. Type of the elements indexFromDate, indexToDate from EntityDetail.model has been changed from string to date
7. Type of the elements mfpFixedConvDate,mfpSynInceptionDate from EntityExtension.model has been changed from string to date

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 154

Added changes:

1. Type of elements cashDisbursements, coupon, quantity from CashProjectionDetail.model group has been changed from integer to decimal
2. Type of element sumCashDisbursements from CashProjectionAggregates.model group has been changed from integer to decimal

1. value="CP" has been added to the CAStatusEnum simple type
2. value="REINVEST_COLLCPN" has been added to the CATransTypeEnum simple type

1.Type of element priceTypeCode from IssuePrice.model group has been changed from PriceTypeCodeEnum to normalizedString

1. Elements from group Pledge.model have been made optional

1. Some elements from groups WarehouseCustodyActivity.model, WarehouseCustodyBalance.model have been made optional

1. Some elements from groups entityComposites.model have been made optional

XSD Revision 153

Added changes:

1. Schema reference eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd has been added
2. Type of element notionalamt from WH_group_xTrade.model group has been changed from YesNoOptionEnum to decimal

1. Complex types PrimaryAmortRuleUniqueKey, CcSettlementRuleUniqueKey and groups PrimaryAmortRuleUniqueKey.model, CcSettlementRuleUniqueKey.model have been added to the schema
2. Elements primaryAmortRuleUniqueKey, ccSettlementRuleUniqueKey have been added to the EntityRulesUniqueKey.model

XSD Revision 152

Added changes:

1. Element taskUnit has been added to the TaskStatusItem complex type
2. Sequence.model group has been optional in TaskIdentifier complex type

1. Element transactionId has been added to the Record complex type

1. Element starStartDate from Entity complex type has been made optional
2. Element entityRulesUniqueKey has beem added to the GenericEntity complexType

1. Element couponSpreadingPeriod from EntityAccountingExt.model group has been made optional
2. Following elements have been added to the StarAcct.model group


3. Following elements have been added to the EntityUDF.model group


4. Following elements have been added to the EntityBase.model group


5. Element mfpConvCalendar has been added to the EntityExtension.model group
6. Complex types EntityRulesUniqueKey, CashProcessRulesUniqueKey, EarnthruRuleHdrUniqueKey, MonthEndDateRuleUniqueKey 
    and groups EntityRulesUniqueKey.model, CashProcessRulesUniqueKey.model, EarnthruRuleHdrUniqueKey.model, MonthEndDateRuleUniqueKey.model
    have been added to the schema
1. Elements sourceName, updateSource from ReferenceObject complex type have been made optional
2. Element reportEndDate from BenchmarkAssignment complex type has been made optional

1. Following elements have been added to the WarehousePerformance complex type 


XSD Revision 151

Added changes:

1. Element effectiveDate has been added to the WarehousePerformance

1. Elements effectiveDate and sourceName from GenericEntity complex type have been made optional

1. Following elements from CashProjectionDetail.model have been replace with AssetIdentifiers.model group 


XSD Revision 150

Added changes:

1. Complex type PledgeModel and group Pledge.model have been added to the schema

1. Complex type Account has been modified, group Account.model has been added

1. Complex types CustodyRestrictionActivity, CustodyRestrictionBalance and elements custodyRestrictionActivity, custodyRestrictionBalancehave been added to the schema

1. Values CustodyRestrictionActivity, CustodyRestrictionBalance, CalendarBusinessDates, CashProjection have been added to the ObjectTypeEnum enumeration
2. Value AccountingTransactionMessage has been added to the EagleMLMessageTypeEnum enumeration

1. Schema reference eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd has been added
2. Groups WarehouseCustodyActivity.model, WarehouseCustodyBalance.model have been added to the schema
3. Complex type PledgeDetail has been added to the schema
4. Following elements starTag26 have been added to the WH_group_xTrade.model group

5. Following elements have been added to the WH_closeLot.model group
6. Following elements have been added to the WarehouseLotObject.model group
7. Groups Order.model and WH_group18.model have been added to the schema
8. Type of element buySellFlag from WH_group_xTrade.model, WH_group2.model groups has been changed from YesNoOptionEnum into normalizedString

1. Complex type CalendarBusinessDates and element calendarBusinessDates have been added to the schema
2. Group Calendar.model has been added to the schema
3. Complex type Calendar has been modified
4. Complex type ReferenceBaseObject has been added to the schema
5. Complex type ReferenceObject has been modified
6. Element calendarCountry  from Calendar complex type has been renamed into countryName
7. Element updateSource has been removed from AnalyticFI.model group

1. Complex type ListEntityList has been renamed into EntitiesInList and restructured
2. Element updateSource has been added to the EntityBaseObject complex type

1. Complex type EntityListItem has been added to the schema
2. Element updateSource has been removed from EntityBankRelationship.model, EntityManagerRelationship.model groups

1. Element updateSource has been removed from VoluntaryCAElection.model group

1. CashProjection type have been added.

...and also elements annotations have been updated.

XSD Revision 149

Added changes:

1. Type WarehousePendingTrade and element warehousePendingTrade has been added to the schema

1. Group WarehousePendingTrade.model has been added to the schema

1. Value WarehousePendingTrade has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum enumeration

XSD Revision 148

Added changes:

1. Type WarehouseNAV and element warehouseNAV has been added to the schema

1. Group WarehouseNAV.model has been added to the schema

1. Value WarehouseNAV has been added to the ObjectTypeEnum enumeration

XSD Revision 147

Added changes:

1. Schema eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd reference has been moved to eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd file
2. Types CompositeEntityList, ListEntityList have been added
3. Element compositeEntityList has been added to the schema

1. Complex types EntityCommonId, EntityXrefIdentifier have been added to the schema
2. Complex type EntityXrefIdentifiers has been updated

1. Values ListEntityList, CompositeEntityList have been added to the ObjectTypeEnum enumeration

1. Type of element returnType from WarehousePerformance complex type has been changed from YesNoOptionEnum to integer
2. Elements levelType, perfSummaryType, perfSummaryId (for extract only) have been added to WarehousePerformance complex type 

1. Following elements (for extract only) have been added to WarehouseLotObject.model group


2. Annotations for elements linkEventId, localCurrency from WH_group_xTrade.model group have been added
3. Elements commissionCurrency, eventSequence has been added to WH_group_xTrade.model group

XSD Revision 146

Added changes:

1. Element extractFilename has been added into TaskStatusItem complex type

XSD Revision 145

Added changes:

    --Add in name="EntityBase.model new element  name="entityType"
    --Made changes in the group EntityDetail.model (re-order , added and deleted some elements )
    --Add new complexType name="EntityDetail"


    -- Delete <xsd:group ref="EntityDetail.model"/> from complexType name="Entity"
    -- Add new elements SourceName and effectiveDate in  GenericEntity
    -- Replce <xsd:group ref="EntityDetail.model"/> on repiating element "entityDetail" and move it to the end of the group
3. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd
Changed the type of the object entityType from EntityTypeEnum to xsd:normalizedString

4. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd
Changed the type of the object entityType from EntityTypeEnum to xsd:normalizedString

5. eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd
Changed element type UDF1 and UDF2 from string to decimal.

6. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd

Changed type in group "ForXMnthRate.model" from string to decimal

    -- In complex type PartyId attribute "default" removed has been removed from node <xsd:attribute>
    -- In complex type DayCountFraction attribute "default" removed has been removed from node <xsd:attribute>
    -- Type of element assetResolutionOption from AssetIdentifiersDataModel has been changed from StringWithCodeScheme to AssetResolutionEnum

    -- Type of element daysToSettle from SMFBaseObject has been changed from integer to decimal
    -- Type of element basisOffset from SWAPs.model has been changed from integer to decimal
    -- Type of element paymentFrequencyCode from FixedIncomeModel has been changed from string to StringWithCodeScheme
    -- Types of following elements from FixedIncomeModel has been changed from integer to decimal:

    -- Element floaterMultiple has been removed from FixedIncomeExtensionModel

    -- Types of following elements from MBSExtensionModel has been changed from integer to decimal:
    -- Type of element strikeRate from CapsAndFloorsModel has been changed from integer to decimal

Attribute "source" in Enumerations has been replaced with attribute "source="http://www.eagleinvsys.com""

XSD Revision 144

Added changes:

1. File eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd
Add to complexType name="WarehousePosition":
<xsd:element name="positionId" type="xsd:integer" minOccurs="0"/> 
<xsd:element name="positionDetailId" type="xsd:integer" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="adjustedPrice" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>   

XSD Revision 143

Added changes:

1. The type of  elements mortgageBaseRate from MBSExtension.model, muniMaturitySize and floatIndexFactor from FixedIncome.model has been changed from integer to decimal

XSD Revision 142

Added changes:

1. Add new item "Client" in  ObjectTypeEnum in file eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd
2. Add new complexType name="Client" in file eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd
3. Add new element name="client" in file eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd
4. Add new  group name="Client.model" in file eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd

XSD Revision 141

Added changes:

1. shortDesc element from EntityManagerRelationship.model has been renamed into sourceName
2. exceptionProcessingSwitch element from Note.model has been made optional
3. Complex Type GenericIssueAnalytic has been made non - abstract (removed  attribute abstract="true"), genericIssueAnalytic element has been added
4. Elements startDate and endDate from GIPSComposite.model have been made optional
5. Enumeration CATransTypeEnum has been supplemented
6. Object Type AccountingCA have been deleted from the enumeration ObjectTypeEnum, object types VoluntaryCAElections and MandatoryCAExclusions have been added
7. Element updateDate has been added to WarehouseCommonPosition.model
8. Elements localСurrency and linkEventId have been added to WH_group_xTrade.model  
9. Elements xUpdateTimestamp, xUpdateSource, xShortDesc, xBkupUpdateSource, xSecurityAlias, xOrigSecurityAlias have been added to complex type SMFXrefIdentifier

XSD Revision 140

Added changes:

1. File eagleml-ca-shared-2-0.xsd
 - Changed in CA.model changed name of element from toSecurityAlias  to toAsset  and type from xsd:integer to AssetIdAndAssetIdType.
 - Changed in CA.model changed type of element preference  from decimal to  integer 
 - Changed in CA.model changed type of element sequence  from decimal to  integer 
 - Delete elements toAssetIdType,toAssetId,toIssueName,voluntaryCorporateActionBeginDate,voluntaryCorporateActionEndDate  from VoluntaryCAElection.model 
2. File eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd
Enumerations for CA Objects have been added.(CATransTypeEnum)
3. File eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd
TradeDate element has been removed from CAIdentifiers.model
Modificate appinfo fro element cpInstance

From all CA Objects, just 3 have been left:
- genericCA
- mandatoryCAExclusions
- voluntaryCAElections

5. The type of the following elements has been changed from integer to decimal:

XSD Revision 139

Added changes:

1. Added IssueEstimates type

XSD Revision 138 

Added changes:

1. eagleml-ca-2-0.xsd
Add new <xsd:complexType name="MandatoryCAExclusion">

2. eagleml-ca-shared-2-0.xsd
Add new <xsd:group name="MandatoryCAExclusion.model">
            <xsd:element name="positionSwitch" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Position Switch</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="entityId" type="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Entity ID</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="entityName" type="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Entity Name</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="longShort" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Long Short</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="positionId" type="xsd:integer">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Position ID</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="securityAlias" type="xsd:integer">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Security Alias</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="corporateActionInstance" type="xsd:integer">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Corporate Action Instance</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="mandatoryExclusionNotes" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Mandatory Exclusion Notes</xsd:appinfo>
            <xsd:element name="updateSource" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
                    <xsd:appinfo>Update Source</xsd:appinfo>
3. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd
Changed type for element createReflexiveFlows from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element exportCashPositions from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element rtProcessFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element washSaleInhibitIndicator from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element buWthhldIndicator from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Add new element  <xsd:element name="cashProcessing" type="YesNoOptionEnum"/>
Changed type for element cashProcessingFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element costBasisCoveredInd from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Modificate element name from couponCashEntitleLevel to couponCashEntitlementLevel and changed type
Changed type for element createReflexiveFlows from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element entityProcessingIndicator from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Add element <xsd:element name="europeanEqualizationFlag" type="YesNoOptionEnum" minOccurs="0"/>
Delete element ledgerProcessing            
Changed type for element mixedBasisIndicator from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element monthEndProcInd from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Delete  element paydownGLAccount
Delete  element unrealizedGLIndicator
Delete  element vaultDt
Changed type for element paydownGainLossAccount from string to PaydownGLAccountEnum.
Changed type for element paydownGainLossFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element redemptionGainLossFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element rtProcessFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element sinkFundGainLossFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.
Changed type for element stDiscountAccrueFlag from string to YesNoOptionEnum.

4. File eagleml-txn-2-0.xsd
Modificate elememt "version" add minOccurs="0"

5. File eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd
Modificate <xsd:complexType name="WarehouseCloseLot">
            <xsd:extension base="WarehouseXObject">
          <xsd:group ref="WarehouseEntityIds.model"/>
          <xsd:group ref="ProcessingFlags.model"/>
          <xsd:group ref="AssetIdentifiers.model"/>
          <xsd:group ref="WH_closeLot.model"/>

Delete <xsd:element name="tradeId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:complexType name="WarehouseTrade">
            <xsd:extension base="WarehouseXObject">
                    <xsd:element name="effectiveDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xsd:group ref="WarehouseEntityIds.model"/>
          <xsd:group ref="ProcessingFlags.model"/>
                    <xsd:group ref="AssetIdentifiers.model"/>
                    <xsd:group ref="WH_group_xTrade.model"/>
                    <xsd:element name="TradeChargesModel" type="TradeChargesModel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                    <xsd:element name="TradeQuotesModel" type="TradeQuotesModel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Create new Type warehousexTrade.

6. File eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd
Add new <xsd:group name="WH_closeLot.model">
Delete element estimateVsFinal from WH_group9.model
Add <xsd:group name="WH_group_xTrade.model">
Delete <xsd:element name="monthEndDate" type="xsd:date" minOccurs="0"/>  from WH_group9.model

Delete <xsd:element name="principalTrd" type="xsd:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>    from WH_group9.model

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