XSD Revision 207

Added to the Schema:

1. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to GenericEntity complex type:

  •     entityOverrides of complex type EntityOverridesModel
  •     acctBasis of comple type AccountingBasisModel

2. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to EntityAccountingBasis.model group:

  •     buWthhldRuleDesc
  •     pIKURGLFlag
  •     costCashProcessing
  •     cashBasedDivRecognitionFlag
  •     fXElectionForCashDivRecognition
  •     equityMethodTreatment

3. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: element accountingBasisLotSelectionRule has been added to EntityAccountingExt.model group
4. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: group EntityOverrides.model with following elements has been added to the schema:

  •     securityOverrideSource
  •     businessCalendarSource

5. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: group AccountingProcessing.model with following elements has been added to the schema:

  •     stifAsset of complex type AssetIdentifiersDataModel
  •     mixedBasisRuleName
  •     accountingBasisLotSelectionRule
  •     accountingPeriodRule
  •     conversionStatus
  •     urglAccountingRule
  •     iLBGainLossFlag
  •     segregateDerivatives
  •     contractCashRuleName
  •     acctEarnThruRuleName
  •     historyFlag
  •     investmentPool
  •     applyForward
  •     holdingTermMethod
  •     controllingBasis
  •     ledgerGranularityRuleName
  •     exInterestProcessingFlag
  •     payupAdjustmentsOnly
  •     posCashSegregationBasisInd
  •     custodyBasis
  •     noNegativeIncomeFlag
  •     basisProcessingRuleName
  •     postDateSwitch
  •     tradeDateSwitch
  •     accountingDateSwitch
  •     monthEndAccountingDateSwitch
  •     settlementDateSwitch
  •     processCenterOption
  •     controlCenterEntityTests
  •     taxExemptProcessingFlag
  •     units
  •     checkNamesFlag
  •     lpHolidayConvention
  •     yearEndPeriod
  •     periodClosedStatus
  •     periodClosedUser
  •     periodReopenUser

6. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the complex type EntityOverridesModel with group EntityOverrides.model has been added to the schema
7. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the complex type EntityOverridesModel with the following groups has been added to the schema:

  •     EntityAccountingBasis.model
  •     EntityAccountingExt.model
  •     AccountingProcessing.model

8. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: the fillowing simple types have been added to the schema:

  •     PrincipalLossOnPdnProcFlagEnum (possible values 'A', 'G', 'S')
  •     ILBGainLossFlagEnum (possible values 'G', 'I')
  •     HoldingTermMethodEnum (possible values '90_D', '3_MO')
  •     WeekDaysEnum (possible values 'MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY', 'SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY')
  •     processCenterOptionEnum (possible values 'NONE', 'DATE', 'EVENT', 'ALL')
  •     ControlCenterEntityTestsEnum (possible values 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'NA')
  •     equityMethodTreatmentEnum (possible values 'STAT', 'OTHER')

9. eagleml-ref-2-0.xsd: element analyticsUserModel of complex type AnalyticsUserModel has been added to the GenericIssueAnalytic complex type
10. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: complex type AnalyticsUserModel with group AnalyticsUser.model has been added to the schema
11. eagleml-ref-shared-2-0.xsd: group AnalyticsUser.model with following elements has been added to the schema:

  •     userSaChar[x] (from userSaChar1 to userSaChar15)
  •     userSaDate[x] (from userSaDate1 to userSaDate10)
  •     userSaFloat[x] (from userSaFloat1 to userSaFloat70)

12. New XSD file eagleml-extension-2-0.xsd has been added

Deleted from the Schema: 

1. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: object entity with complex type Entity have been deleted from the schema
2. eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been deleted from EntityAccountingExt.model group:

  •     accountingPeriodFrequency
  •     accountingBasisLotSelectionRule 

3. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration value 'Entity' has been deleted from ObjectTypeEnum simple type

Note: The above were deleted because we decommissioned Entity interface & related models as obsolete and in favor of GenericEntity.  (This is simliar as to what we did previously with GenericSMF)

Moved in the Schema: 

1. In eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: element entityRulesUniqueKey has been moved after element acctBasis in Generic Entity complex type

Changed Types of Elements: 

1. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: types of following elements have been changed in EntityAccountingBasis.model group:

  •     acctPeriodWeekEndDay from string to WeekDaysEnum
  •     awardedRightsExpirnRule from string to AwardedRightsExpirationRuleEnum
  •     caFxRule from string to CorporateActionFXRuleEnum
  •     cashdivCashEntitleLevel from string to cashdivCashEntitleLevel
  •     costMethodCash from string to CostMethodEnum
  •     limitGainLossEligible from string to YesNoOptionEnum
  •     lotSelectionMethodCash from string to LotSelectionCodeMethodEnum
  •     nontaxmergerCloseMethod from string to NonTaxMergerCloseMethodEnum
  •     princLossPaydown from string to PrincipalLossOnPdnProcFlagEnum
  •     swapAccrMethod from string to SwapAccrualMethodEnum

2. eagleml-entity-2-0.xsd: type of element swapFeeAccrual has been changed from string to YesNoOptionEnum in EntityAccountingBasis.model group

View the zipped version of the XSD (right click to open in a new tab)