XSD Revision 199

Added to the Schema:

1. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: complex type WarehouseGLBalances with following groups have been added to the schema:
    Fields list:

  •       WarehouseEntityIds.model
  •       AssetIdentifiers.model
  •       WarehouseGLBalances.model

2. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: complex type WarehouseNAVMulti with following groups have been added to the schema:
    Fields list:

  •       EntityCommonIds.model
  •       AssetIdentifiers.model
  •       WarehouseNAVMulti.model

3. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: group WarehouseGLBalances.model with following elements have been added to the schema:
    Fields list:

  •       effectiveDate
  •       localCurrency
  •       longShortIndicator
  •       updateSwitch
  •       shareClass
  •       ledgerAccount
  •       ledgerAccountDescription
  •       balance
  •       assetLiabCode
  •       assetLiabDescription
  •       stmtCat
  •       fromFundClass
  •       contraClass
  •       baseCurrency
  •       lotNumber
  •       gldpTransactionId
  •       groupId
  •       groupSequence
  •       accountingDateId
  •       accountingDate
  •       accountStartDate
  •       amountBase
  •       amountLocal
  •       datePostedId
  •       datePosted
  •       debitOrCredit
  •       postedToGl
  •       postingSource
  •       recurringTrans
  •       timePosted
  •       gldpType
  •       userFlag
  •       userId
  •       userText
  •       tradeId
  •       cashInt
  •       glgrId
  •       glacId
  •       glprId
  •       glagId
  •       glabId
  •       glcfId
  •       transactionDateId
  •       transactionDate
  •       allocationId
  •       rollupGroup
  •       rollupIndicator
  •       userAmount
  •       moneyManager
  •       custodian
  •       sectorId
  •       coaName
  •       custCoaAccountNumber
  •       custCoaAccountDescription
  •       adjustIndicator
  •       adjustId
  •       masterId
  •       userAdjust
  •       taxLineCode
  •       procSecType
  •       aggrTaxCode
  •       beginningBalanceBase
  •       endingBalanceBase
  •       endingBalanceBaseTemp
  •       closeoutLedgerAccountOffset
  •       closeoutLedgerAccountTarget

4. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: group WarehouseNAVMulti.model with following elements have been added to the schema:
    Fields list:

  •       baseCurrency
  •       localCurrency
  •       shareClass
  •       valuationDate
  •       navSequence
  •       netAssetAmount
  •       navAmountPerShare
  •       sharesOutstanding
  •       sharesSettled
  •       status
  •       activeFlag
  •       millRateAdjustmentAmount
  •       millRateDaysInYear
  •       millRateDaysInMonth
  •       millRateWeeksInYear
  •       millRateDailyYield
  •       millRate7dayEffectiveYield
  •       millRate7dayAverageYield
  •       millRate30dayEffectiveYield
  •       millRate30dayAverageYield
  •       incomeDistribution
  •       shortTermCapGainDist
  •       longTermCapGainDist
  •       netActivity
  •       distributionReinvestAmount
  •       fixedDistributionAmount
  •       millRate
  •       allocRatio
  •       periodicDistributionAmount
  •       otherCapGainDist
  •       stockDividendRate
  •       marketPrice
  •       averageMaturityDays
  •       xrate
  •      reportingNav
  •      fxrate
  •      navPrecision
  •      navRoundIndctr
  •      reportingNavChange
  •      reportingNavPrior
  •      reportingPublicOffer
  •      reportingPublicOfferPrior
  •      reportingPublicOfferChange
  •      averageMaturityYears
  •      distributionDays
  •      expenseRatio
  •      grossAssets
  •      grossExpenses
  •      interimProfits
  •      longTermCapGainDistAmount
  •      marketPriceChange
  •      netExpenses
  •      periodicExDate
  •      periodicIncomeDistAmount
  •      periodicIncomeDistRate
  •      periodicPayableDate
  •      periodicRecordDate
  •      periodicReinvestDate
  •      premiumDiscount
  •      marketPricePrevious
  •      realizedUnrealizedGl
  •      redemptionExchangeShares
  •      redemptionAmount
  •      redemptionExchangeAmount
  •      reinvestmentPrice
  •      reinvestmentShares
  •      reportingPublicOffering
  •      reportingPublicOfferingPrior
  •      reportingPublicOfferingChange
  •      secYield
  •      shortTermCapGainDistAmount
  •      subscriptionAmount
  •      subscriptionExchangeAmount
  •      subscriptionExchangeShares
  •      subscriptionShares
  •      millRateChange
  •      navPercentChange
  •      annualizedExpense
  •      shortTermCapGainAmount
  •      redeptionShares
  •      daysInMillRate
  •      nasdaqSymbol
  •      incomeNetAssets
  •      incomeNav
  •      capitalNav
  •      cashDividend
  •      weightedAverageMaturity
  •      weightedAverageLife

5. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: the following enumeration values have been added to the ObjectTypeEnum simple type:

  •     WarehouseGLBalances
  •     WarehouseNAVMulti

Elements annotations have been updated.

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