XSD Revision 202
Added to the Schema:
1. eagleml-wh-2-0.xsd: group PositionDetailAnlUser.model has been added to PositionAnalytics complex type
2. eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd: group PositionDetailAnlUser.model with following elements have been added to the schema:
  Fields list:
3. eagleml-msg-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to the TransactionMessage complex type:
  Fields list:
   party of complex type Party
   taskIdentifier of complex type TaskIdentifier
   taskTypeEnum of complex type TaskTypeEnum
   taskParameters of complex type TaskParameters
4. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type MultiLegBuySellIndicatorEnum has been added to the schema with following enumeration values
Deleted from the Schema:Â
1. eagleml-acc-txn-2-0.xsd: element party of complex type Party has been deleted from the AccountingTransactionMessage complex type
2. eagleml-entity-txn-2-0.xsd: element party of complex type Party has been deleted from the EntityTransactionMessage complex type
3. eagleml-ref-txn-2-0.xsd: the following elements has been deleted from the ReferenceTransactionMessage complex type:
  Fields list:Â
   taskIdentifier of complex type TaskIdentifier
   party of complex type Party
4. eagleml-wh-txn-2-0.xsd: element party of complex type Party has been deleted from the WarehouseTransactionMessage complex type
Moved in the Schema:Â
1. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: enumeration values OPENSWAP and CLOSESWAP have been moved from simple type BuySellIndicatorEnum to simple type MultiLegBuySellIndicatorEnum
Other Changes:Â
1. eagleml-msg-2-0.xsd: element reason of complex type Reason has been made optional in TaskAcknowledgement complex type
2. eagleml-msg-2-0.xsd: group Validation.model has been made optional in TransactionMessage complex type
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