XSD Revision 205

Added to the Schema:

1. eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd: element multipleLegAccountingTrade and complex type MultipleLegAccountingTrade with following objects have been added to the schema:

  •    EntityCommonIds.model group
  •    AssetIdentifiers.model group
  •    buySellIndicator element
  •    TradeDates.model group
  •    SettlementTradeInfo.model group
  •    OtherTradeInfo.model group
  •    OriginalTradeInfo.model group
  •    FinalCurrencySwap.model group
  •    TradeFlags.model group
  •    contractTradeLeg element of complex type TradeLeg
  •    payTradeLeg element of complex type TradeLeg
  •    recieveTradeLeg element of complex type TradeLeg

2. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: the group TradeLeg.model with following elements and groups has been added to the schema:

  •    firstPeriodCouponRate element
  •    lotLevelDatedDate element
  •    AccountingInfo.model group
  •    InitialCurrencySwap.model group
  •    TransactionFeeInfo.model group
  •    userDefinedPriority element
  •    holdingTerm element

3. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: complex type TradeLeg with group TradeLeg.model has been added to the schema
4. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: element settlementCurrency has been added to AccountingInfo.model group
5. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: the following elements have been added to OtherInfo.model:

  •    manager
  •    strategy

6. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: element counterPartyId has been added to OtherTradeInfo.model group
7. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: the following enumeration values have been added to the TaskTypeEnum simple type:

  •    'NEW'
  •    'RETRY'
  •    'RESUBMIT'
  •    'RESTART'

8. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd:enumeration value MultipleLegAccountingTrade has been added to ObjectTypeEnum simple type

Deleted from the Schema: 

1. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: element brokerCurrencyWorkVariable has been deleted from OtherTradeInfo.model group

Note: This element was deleted as it was an error in design. It was not used.

Moved in the Schema: 

1. The following groups and elements have been moved from AccountingTrade complex type (eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd file) to AccountingTrade.model group (eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd file):

  •    EntityCommonIds.model group
  •    AssetIdentifiers.model group
  •    buySellIndicator element
  •    TradeDates.model group
  •    AccountingInfo.model group
  •    SettlementTradeInfo.model group
  •    OtherTradeInfo.model group
  •    ReceiveInformationBase.model group
  •    OriginalTradeInfo.model group
  •    FinalCurrencySwap.model group
  •    InitialCurrencySwap.model group
  •    GiftInheritanceFields.model group
  •    TradeDetails.model group
  •    TransactionFeeInfo.model group
  •    WashSaleCloseLotBeingAdjustedInfo.model group
  •    WashSaleOpenLotWithDisallowanceInfo.model group
  •    WashSaleOriginalOpenLotThatWasClosedInfo.model group
  •    PACEPerformanceFields.model group
  •    TradeFlags.model group

AccountingTrade.model group also has been added to AccountingTrade complex type. 

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