EagleML Release Notes - November 2018

EagleML Release Notes - November 2018

ESP-397 Enable/ Disable an Eagle Scheduled Events using RTR.

An ability to enable and disable scheduled events was added to EagleML.

An RTR with the schedule id, name, the event type and whether to enable or disable it can be sent to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream to accomplish this.

This functionality is available on Eagle version of 2017R2.6 or higher.

Available RTR parameters:




option (enable/disable)

RTR examples: (note: each event is managed by its own individual request)


<EagleML xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
<replyTo>http://www.client.com/Eagle Control Messages</replyTo>
<correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">test_esp397_4</correlationId>
<businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">YT</businessTaskId>


<EagleML xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
<replyTo>http://www.client.com/Eagle Control Messages</replyTo>
<correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">test_esp397_4</correlationId>
<businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">YT</businessTaskId>


ESP-820 Stream - eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_cash not updating correct value for TAG 62 & 56

The following mappings were added for tags 56 and 62 in the accounting cash panel:

56 – cashCategory

62 – transactionNotes

File changed:



ESP-1183 EagleMl: Adjust possibility to fail record if incoming xref does not match the corresponding xref in the DB

A new Asset Resolution Option was added to the security resolution logic. The new option is USE_EXIST_XREF_ONLY and it works similar to MATCH_ALL but basically ignores any new xref id and type pairs present on the incoming files and resolves the security alias based on xreference pairs that already exist in the database.

The record will only fail if a new xref is already being used by another security or if there are more than one xref id for any xref type. I.e. two different values for CUSIP for one security.

The new option can only be use when specifying MATCH_ALL as the security resolution option. To use the option simply add it after the MATCH_ALL value in the <assetResolutionOption>field.

Example of Asset Resolution Option node:

Files changed:


ESP-1221 Changed the logic for varI2IrunLinkIdCalculationFlag to have more dynamic approach instead putting hardcode in the W_I2I_WORKFLOW_LIST

Support for the i2iWorkflowFlag was added which allows controlling i2i processing in the RTR rather than having to set the W_I2I_WORKFLOW_LIST variable in the w_config.inc file.

Files changed:







ESP-1614 UserProfile EagleML - New Tag (Password Encrypt Y/N) Enhancement Request

The inbound UserProfile interface had an issue where passwords that were being sent in already encrypted were getting encrypted a second time. This issue was only occurring when the load was routed through the panel.

A new EagleML element and RTR parameter were added to resolve this issue.

To use this functionality the header/processingOption node should have its value set to APPLY_NO_RULE_password on the incoming record. Also the SetProcessingOptionsValue parameter can be set to a value of APPLY_NO_RULE_password in order to apply this functionality on the extract.

Files changed:

Example of User data file:

xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd"
<userFullName>ESP1614_USER 1</userFullName>
<userDescription>Eagle Scripts</userDescription>
<companyName>Eagle Investment Systems</companyName>
<groupName>EAGLE DEFAULT USER GROUP</groupName>
<groupName>NO PERMISSIONS</groupName>

Example of RTR:

<EagleML xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
<replyTo>http://www.client.com/Eagle Control Messages</replyTo>
<correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">cm_extract_01018_1</correlationId>
<businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">cm_extract_01018_1</businessTaskId>


ESP-1711 Enhance Profile Loader to Include Events and Post Process from Generic Loader

Profiled generic loaders now support the eagle_generic_load_smf_composite step and it can be enabled in the same way as is in the core generic loader: either through global variables or RTR parameters.

Additionally there is now support for adding a custom post-processing task to any profiled loader. To do this the profile for that loader must have an extra parameter that follows the description below:

parameter name: postProcessing{number that the post-processing step would be (starting from 1)} 

parameter value: {type of parameter: CMsubprocess or task are available options}|{name of stream (in case of CM type) or workflow (in case of sub-process) or stream (in case of task) to launch on subprocess step}|{parameters separated by ~ between parameter name and value, and by ; between pairs}|{condition to execute}

Files changed:

No files changed in EML code, all changes were performed in pyruleservice code


ESP-1722: EJM Callbacks - Make xsi elements optional in TSR

Some web service systems do not work well with TSRs that contain an xsi element such as the following:

xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd"

The new WSNoXsi variable was added to the w_config.inc file to allow controlling the presence of the xsi node in the TSR. Including this parameter with a value of “Y” will remove the xsi from the TSR.

Files changed: 



ESP-1723 EagleMl: Add possibility to run Security Resolution more than one time for one message

A new Asset Resolution Option was added to the security resolution logic. The new option is USE_FIRST_AS_MAIN and allows using just the first pair of xreference id and xreference type to resolve the security alias. In the case that this first pair is not enough then the rest of the identifiers as well as the ASSET_CURRENCY, MATURITY_DATE, XREF_EXCHANGE, NRA_TAX_COUNRTY fields will be used.

The new option can only be use when specifying MATCH_ALL as the security resolution option. To use the option simply add it after the MATCH_ALL value in the <assetResolutionOption>field.

Example of Asset Resolution Option node:

Files changed:


ESP-1743: remove adding extension to files in ndfa_exec stream

There was login in the ndfa_exec stream that would add a correlation id and a .dat extensions to files in the case that the outStreamName element was empty. This prevented workflow sub-processes that expected zip files from actually receiving these file due to an incorrect extension.

The logic for adding this .dat extension was removed so that archive files can be processed as expected.

Files changed: 



ESP-1760 countryOfRiskCode/COUNTRY_OF_DOMICLE is absent in the mapping of the xml-ref_issuerorganization.xml

The mapping for countryOfRiskCode was added to tag 4353 which is also used for the countryDomicile element.

If the countryDomicile element is not present on the incoming message then the tag will get its value from the countryOfRIskCode element instead.

Files changed:


ESP-1954: EML Position and Taxlot file processing - roll back entire batch when sub batch fails

Currently a sub batch key is used for loading tax lots and positions in order to create smaller batches that would conform to the Message Center chunk size. In the case that a sub batch was to fail the main batch was not rolled back.

The logic for rolling back batches was changed to roll back the entire batch if a sub batch fails. Tax lots and positions loads will now only be rolled up if all the sub batches in a batch are successfully loaded.

Files changed:

tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_default/in/xml /xml-dbdirect_invar_rollup.xml



ESP-2153: Add supporting JMSTOPIC delivery method for processing EagleML messages with CorrId

Support for delivering EagleML messages through JMSTOPIC was added.

Files changed


ESP-2300 Enhancement - EagleML - Provide the ability to establish and update PACE Date Rules

The new BusinessDateRule object was created to insert, update and delete date rules.

Files created:

Files changed:


ESP-2353 Add ability to trigger purge and archive rule and poll to check when the rule is complete and send TSR back

Logic was added to the pace event stream to allow monitoring and reporting for the purge and archive rule.

This new functionality is controlled by the W_CONFIG_INCLUDE_PA_DETAILS global variable and the RerportPADetails RTR parameter. The values for both at ‘Y’ and ‘N’.

If the functionality is turned on then the TSR will include all the details about the purge and archive processing and also a final status.

Files chaged:

New files:


ESP-2511 Add support for MS SQL for Inbound rule for IssueVariableRate

MSSQL support was added to the inbound IssueVariableRate rule in the form of an MSGEXCHANGE.

Changed files:


ESP-2563 Acquire processing doesn't work correctly after MC services restart or crash

If Message Center is restarted during Acquire processing then upon Message Center coming back online it is evident that the load stream completed but the parallel_exec stream was stuck.

Logic for the parallel_exec stream was changed to prevent it getting stuck in the case of a Message Center restart.

List of files changed: 



ESP-2773 NDFA stream problem when env name contains dash symbols

The eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ndfa stream was not working properly in the case that an environment contained dashes in its name.

Logic for the ndfa stream were updated to be able to handle dashes appropriately.

Files changed:

  • \eagle_ml-2-0_cm\streaming_task_getinfo.inc

  • \eagle_ml-2-0_cm\out\tagvalue\data_file_task.xml


ESP-2806 Create dynamic sql vs calling core SP to get workflow state from ORCH table 

The PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCHESTRATION.OW_QUERY_ORCH_REQ_STATE procedure in the orch_query.inc was using applying a LIKE filter and a maxrows filter in the where clause, which is not optimal when there are a lot of processes working in parallel.

The stored procedure was replaced with a dynamically generated select statement with bind variables.

Files changed:


ESP-2835 fieldCompareFlag=Y SMF flag does not work for extension records.

Loading SMF records with fieldComparFlag set to Y was not working for records that included extensions.

This was improved by adding logic that would create custom stored procedures to load SMF records in history mode.

Some stored procedures are only declared in the package body, however, and logic for generating these procedures has not been added yet but will be part of a later release.

Changed files:



ESP-2847 Review IDENTIFIER_3 in inbound rules, remove unnecessary. IDENTIFIER_3 is used in Real Time processing

New logic was added that will assign the value of the correlation id to the IDENTIFIER_3 field in Real Time Processing. This functionality is only available for reference and entity objects.

File added:


Files changed:



ESP-2887 Support partition >1 for GLACTIVITYEXTRACT

The GLACTIVITYEXTRACT was not working properly for cases where the partition was greater than 1.

Logic was changed in the outbound interface to add support for extracting from partition greater than 1.

Files changed:
• /eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/extract_acct_gl_activity.inc
• /eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/t_acct_gl_activity_streaming.inc


ESP-2899 - genericIssueAnalytic fix problem with element eps12Mnth - incorrect case

The eps12mnth element has been updated to eps12Mnth in the XSD because both the inbound and outbound rules use eps12Mnth.


ESP-2915 XSD Validation issues for User interface - USEREXTRACT

XSD validation was failing for the User interface. This was caused by date elements not being the correct type and also by a duplicated field.

The updateDateTime which was a duplicate of updateTimestamp and therefore was removed. The lastOperationTime, lastFailedTime, unlockDateTime elements were all changed to be a datetime format.

Changed files:


ESP-2920 Add a parameter to w_config_custom.inc to disable the execution of update_tasks_statistics.inc logic globally

The w_disable_task_statistics_update variable was added to the w_config_custom.inc file to allow the option of disabling the execution of the update_task_statistics.inc logic globally.

The default value for this parameter is “N” and must be set to “Y” to disable the logic.

Files changed: 



ESP-2921 Add stuck and continuous execution alerts for cm_monitoring

There was no handling of stuck workflows in the alerts stream.

Logic for periodic and stuck workflow (workflow that takes longer than usual to execute) alerts was added.

To activate the new alerts add the correct profiles to the cm_monitoring include.

Files changed:

New files:


ESP-2924 Add support for SCIM 2.0 outbound Group objects
ESP-2923 Add support for SCIM 2.0 outbound User objects

The SCIM value was added to the OutputFormat parameter.

The SCIM 1.1 XSD was created and added to the EagleML XSD.

If the OutputFormat is set to SCIM in the RTR then the resulting extract for user and group objects will have a different structure than EagleML.

Files changed:

New files:


ESP-2931: Unable to lookup securities using xIds except core types (CUSIP, ISIN, BBID, INTERNAL etc.)

The :count: variable which is responsible for the amount of Xid and XidType variables that can be created was not being set in the extract_sec_resolution.inc file.

The include file was edited and to have the :count: variable set and also to include a condition to use ExtractOptions.

Files changed:



ESP-2934: Add ignore logic in /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-acct_trades.rsf

There was a request to add the Ignore object type to the accounting trade ruleset file.

The following was added to the xml-acct_trades.rsf file to support this functionality: objectType ='Ignore'.

Files changed:



ESP-2937 Create In-Memory Solution for IssuePcPrice Object

The in-memory processing rule has been updated to support the processing of IssuePcPrice records.

If the incoming file contains a single IssuePcPrice record it gets sent to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream which is the default stream to load reference transactions such as IssuePcPrice. The xml-ref_issuepcprice.xml rule will then instantly generate and send a TSR which cuts out the need for running the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_reporter stream.

If the incoming file has more than one record or if the object type is not IssuePcPrice then the file will be resent back to the eagle_ml-2-0_deafult_cm_control_message stream. This resend can be controlled with the W_RESEND_TO_REQUEST_STREAM global variable in the config file.

Files changed:


ESP-2941 Create a new EagleML Object to expose data from the ESTAR.spd_delta_trigger_log

A new EagleML objects was created and added to the XSD. An outbound interface for this object was also created.

Files changed:

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/w_config.inc

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/extracts.rsf

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/t_eagleml-2-0_streaming.rsf

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xmlt_spd_delta_trigger_log_streaming.inc

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/t_spd_delta_trigger_log_streaming.xml

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/extract_spd_delta_trigger_log.inc

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/extract_spd_delta_trigger_log.xml


ESP-2947 CUSIP is loading in TICKER field in database - problem in /eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmasterequity.htm panel

There was an issue with some of the xreferences being loaded out of order when loading through the pan-addsecmasterequity pael.

Logic was added to reorder the xreferences and avoid xref IDs getting loaded to the incorrect xref type.

Files changed:

New files:



The <status> and <updateTimestamp> elements were from the <navDaily> and <navMonthly> nodes were coming back blank in the ENTITYACCOUNTINGSTATUSEXTRACT for non-primary partitions.

Partition handling was added to the temporary table that is used in the extract.

Files changed:


ESP-3009 Business Task ID is missing from Extracts - Regression
The BusinessTaskID node was missing from all extracts.
All outbound interfaces were edited to include support for the BusinessTaskID.
Files changed:
• extract_acct_compilance_2a7_pricing_report.inc
• extract_acct_cons_earned_inc.inc
• extract_acct_expense_activity.inc
• extract_acct_fair_value_comparison.inc
• extract_acct_open_rec_pay_multi.inc
• extract_acct_position_as_of.inc
• extract_codeval.inc
• extract_forwardpoints.inc
• extract_generic_issue_analytic.inc
• extract_issuer_analytic.inc
• extract_issuer_regulatory.inc
• extract_issuer_relationship.inc
• extract_issuer_role.inc
• extract_ref_calendar.inc
• extract_ref_calendar_holiday.inc
• extract_ref_entity_entitlement_list.inc
• extract_ref_gips_disclosure.inc
• extract_ref_time_series.inc
• t_acct_trial_balance_streaming.xml
• t_acct_weighted_average_streaming.xml
• t_acct_working_trial_balance_streaming.xml
• t_codeval_streaming.xml
• t_forward_points_streaming.xml
• t_generic_corporate_actions_streaming.xml
• t_issue_fx_pc_rate_streaming.xml
• t_issue_fx_rate_demand_streaming.xml
• t_issue_fx_rate_streaming.xml
• t_issueprice_streaming.xml
• t_issuer_entity_relationship_streaming.xml
• t_issuer_rel_streaming.xml
• t_issuer_role_streaming.xml
• t_pace_system_streaming.xml
• t_pricing_system_setting_streaming.xml
• t_rating_streaming.xml
• t_ref_entity_entitlement_list_streaming.xml
• t_ref_mdc_leneage_graph_streaming.xml
• t_ref_pace_calendar_streaming.xml
• t_voluntary_ca_election_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_brokertradequote_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_cash_activity_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_cash_flow_proj_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_close_lot_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_custody_activity_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_custody_balance_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_istar_lot_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_nav_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_openlot_xmldbapi_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_pending_trades_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_performance_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_position_xmldbapi_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_spd_delta_log_streaming.xml
• t_warehouse_trade_streaming.xml
• t_wash_sale_streaming.xml
• t_eagle_header_streaming.inc
• t_extract_header_streaming.inc


ESP-3024 Cancel sub-processes of workflow and individual tasks

The ability to cancel workflow (sub-processes) and non-workflow tasks was added to Message Center.

If a sub-process is cancelled all of its children will also be cancelled.

This new functionality is best used for sub-processes that are waiting for an external file, since the file may have never arrived, and sub-processes that are hung up due to stream malfunctions.

Streams that are launched by sub-processes will not be canceled by this functionality.

Files changed:

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/execute_wrkfl_event.xml

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/process_tasks_upd.inc

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/cancel_subtasks.inc

  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/cancel_workflow.inc

Example of RTR parameters to include:

<value>workflow name to cancel, same as in previously</value>
<value>correlation id of workflow, same as in previously</value>
<value>correlation id of task or subprocess that must be canceled</value>
<value>1 or 0. 1 to enable events cancellation, same as in previously</value>


ESP-3041 Cash Contribution not posting to the correct recpay category using eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_cash stream

The mapping for tag 1828 was incorrect.

The mapping was switched from CONTRIBUTION to CONTRIBUTIONS.

Files changed:


ESP-3045 Optimize task_reporter SUMMARY query when only one file processed

The eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_reporter stream has complex logic for retrieving all information from the MSGCENTER tables. The logic was scalable for anywhere from one to many file masks, however in most cases only one file mask was used.

In light of this the query was optimized and bind variables were added in order to increase the performance. For multiple file masks the query received no changes.

Files changed:




The CUSTLEDGERACCTEXTRACT is now ordered by the GL_ACCOUNT and CUST_COA_NAME fields.

The extract now supports the sorting parameter in an RTR.

File changed:



ESP-3269 Fix issue with missing some records in File Statistic tab for In-memory bundle load

There was an issue with inserting records into the MSGCENTER_DBO.MSG_DETAIL table. Some records were inserted with a delay and therefore the file statistics information was incorrect.

Re-try logic was updated to trigger if the number of MSG_DETAIL_IDs did not match up to the number of transactions processed.

If after the re-try the numbers still do not match up the following error will be generated:

"Not all MSG_DETAIL_ID were found for DATA. With CorrId = B81AFH917FRVIMIF"

The file statistics will still be generated to show the user as much information as possible.

Files changed: