EagleML Release Notes - January 2019

EagleML Release Notes - January 2019

SDP-9266: Allow EJM profiles to use date rules

Support for using date rules in EJM profiles was added. The date rule can be relative to the current date or a specified date.

To use this functionality a parameter has to be added to the profile with the following structure: [date parameter name] + “DateRule” (ex: effectivedateDateRule). The value for this parameter should be the name of the date rule that will be used.

If using the date rule relative to the current date including the above parameter on its own is enough. The resulting RTR will then have just the date parameter with a value that was calculated based on the date rule (i.e. if effectivedateDateRule is used, the RTR will just contain effectivedate with a value taken from the date rule calculation).

When using this functionality relative to a specified date then the starting value should be added to the profile in that date parameter. The RTR will contain that same parameter but the original value will be replaced with the calculated one. (i.e. effectivedate [value 2019-01-01] effectivedateDateRule set to next day: the RTR will contain effectivedate [value 2019-01-02])

Changed files:



SDP-9275: extend incoming files processing information

Currently the user lacks information about the incoming file that was provided to the ndfa stream. User can't tell if:
a. The file was sent to the processing queue or was considered to match some workflow mask
b. The file was already passed to a specific workflow for processing
c. When file was processed
d. The original file name
e. The method used to deliver the file
f. If the file execution was canceled or not
without looking in the crossing logs.

This information will now be provided as well as standard methods of cancelling file processing.
Below is the data that will be stored in the PACE_MASTERDBO schema in the ORCH_REQUEST_DEF and ORCH_QUEUE ORCH_REQUEST_PARAMS tables:

  • file correlation id – to correlate incoming file and all information about this file, same as signal correlation id

  • remote file name – original file name of file.

  • Added timestamp – timestamp of file acceptance on region. Combined with remote file name will allow user to understand what is this file, if it should or not be processed.

  • status – to store information about status of file processing, if file was acknowledged as file for some of workflows and pending for processing, if file was already processed, if file is not acknowledged as data for any workflow on region and if file processing was canceled before actual file load. Needed for user to be able to understand what happened with file.

  • Source signal correlation id – only for files that were created from incoming file as result of profile_executor processing.

  • Process wrf + wrf + event names and process wrf + wrf + event corrIds for already processed files – information about procWrf/wrf/event that will process/already processed file. Needed for user to understand what will happen/what happened with file.

  • Sent by – must store information about user who sent this file (if file was sent through MCC/MCE) or owner of the file (for instance sitesee adds itself as owner of the file to file properties) or profile under which this file was sent to processing

  • Source file name – name of source file from which this file was generated – only for files that are created from external data as part of profile_executor processing.

  • Consumed/cancelation timestamps – timestamps when file was processed or file record was deleted from queue for processing

  • Cancelation correlation id – correlation id for RTR for removing file from queue for processing

  • Canceled as child flag – if file was canceled as child of incoming file. For instance, if user sends incorrect SRM file that is processed in profile_executor workflow and creates GenericSMF and Rating files for profiled generic load user must be able to cancel all files that were created from source SRM file.

  • isBundleTrigger flag – if file is bundle trigger and instantiated workflow

  • triggeredWrofklowCorrId – correltation id of workflow that is triggered by this file if file is bundle trigger

  • genericloadprofile – name of profile if file belongs to specific generic load profile

  • ErrorDescr – detailted reason of failed/NACK status

  • Queue instance – specifies to what queue file belongs to.

To turn ON this functionality the <!--Store file statistic info-->
<COL TAG="W_ENABLE_EXTENDED_FILE_STATISTICS" EXPRESSION="'Y'"/> must be added to the eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file.

Files changed:



SDP-9282: Update the logic for task_reporter_gen_step_summary the logic for vFileType to check File Masks from eagle_wrf_generic_load

Include task_reporter_setfiletype.inc was added into include task_reporter_gen_step_summary.inc. 
This new include is optional. The include is contained in core package. 
Extended list of file types from the eagle_wrf_generic_load so any file which is sent to the eagle_wrf_generic_load will have correct value in the node. 
If an extended list of file types  is not needed, then necessary to remove the include manually after each release migration.
If FileType is not defined, it will be checked against the main list of types.

Files changed:




SDP-9286: Task reporter issue is linked to 1176 data tag 

The problem was due to the fact that the tag 1176 was not correlationID. The tag was returned as an extract value.

Tag1176 had priority use but this tag should use only if CorrelationID write in Code Value table.

If the code value usage mode is not set, then tag1176 will not be used for correlationID.

FIle changed:



SDP-9307: eagle_wrf_generic_extract failing to map the EntityId for the OPENPAYRECMULTIEXTRACT and POSITIONASOFEXTRACT when the UseGenericExtractorAllTaskParams is set to Y

There was an issue in the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow with the POSITIONASOFEXTRACT and OPENRECPAYMULTIEXTRACT extracts when applying the entity filter with the “ALLEXTRACTS_” prefix.

The logic for applying the entity id and usergroup parameters with the “ALLEXTRACTS_” prefix was altered for these two extracts.

Files changed:


SDP-9393: Eagle ML - Warehouse Mapping Issue

The incorrect mapping in the CSV to XML transform for the in_settlement_date_position_local field was fixed.

Files changed:
- \eagle_default\out\csv\wrhs_position_mapping_csv2xmldbapi.inc


SDP-9398: EagleML - Create outbound interface for Classification Matrix

A new outbound interface was created for the new ClassificationMatrix EagleML object.


Supported date filters for extract: 
- UpdateDate, EffectiveDate, StartDate, EndDate
Supported own filter for extract: 
- ClassificationMatrixName (filters on the 'classificationMatrixName' field) (DB field name: EGL_CLASS_MATRIX.CLASS_MATRIX_DESC).

Further support for filters will be added in a future release.

The extract has been added to the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow.

Added files:

- extract_ref_classification_matrix.xml
- extract_ref_classification_matrix.inc
- t_ref_classification_matrix_streaming.xml
- t_ref_classification_matrix_streaming.inc


SDP-9474: Enchancement request - Authorization Acknowledgement File Extract
New interface has been created - IAMJournal (IAM = Identity and Access Management)
This interface support only outbound rule. It extracts data from the table PACE_MASTERDBO.UPDATE_JOURNAL.TRANSACTION_NUMBER
This table contains journal records about all actions with User(Delete, Add, Change), Roles, Groups, User assigned to group etc.

Extract support following filters:

This extract also was added in Generic Extract Workflow

Changed files:
Generic Extract Workflow files


SDP-9490: EagleML: Load Source information including Interfaces Detail and Feed Type

The UPD_DATETIME, UPD_USER fields were not being populated in the PACE_MASTERDBO.INTERFACES_DETAIL table.

Added support for populating those two fields was added. Support for validating the source’s and sourceFeed’s existence in the database was added.

File changed:


SDP-9569: WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT and WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT to include PriceLevel from the Port Valuation Table

The priceLevel field was added to the Warehouse Position and Warehouse open lot extracts.

This field will only be present in the extract if the IncludePortfolioValuation parameter is set to either “Y” or “ALL” in the RTR.

The element will appear in the extendedPortValuationModel node.

Changed files:
- extract_holding_ext_port_valuation_fields.inc
- t_holding_portfolio_valuation_fields_streaming.inc


SDP-9638:Transfer infromation from WAITEVENTS.DAT to database orch table

Information about the wait workflow is stored in the WAITEVENTS.dat file but should also be stored in the database. An option to do this was added.

Four types of queue records were created:

  • Global error queue.

This queue is for files that do not belong to any workflow.

  • Workflow specific waiting queue.

This queue is for a specific workflow (i.e. eagle_wrf_generic_load, esp3350_tst_wrf etc.). This queue contain information about both the steps of the workflow waiting for files and the files waiting for workflow instances.

  • Workflow specific error queue.

This queue is for a specific workflow (eagle_wrf_generic_load, esp3350_tst_wrf etc.). This queue contain information about files that should have been sent to the workflow but for some reason were removed from the processing queue.

  • Workflow instance specific waiting queue.

This queue contains information about a specific workflow instance, files that were consumed by this workflow, and steps that belong to this workflow which are waiting for files

All queues are stored in the PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCH_REQUEST_PARAMS table based on the unique key:
ORCH_INSTANCE (configurable parameter, see below) and PARAMETER_NAME (defined by type of queue, see above)

3.special parameters for w_config_custom.inc

<!--store wait event info in table orch_request_params-->
<!--Days for period of cleanup global error queue-->
<!--Days for period of cleanup workflow specific waiting queue-->
<!--Days for period of cleanup workflow specific waiting queue-->
<!--Value of ORCH_INSTANCE for global error queue-->
<!--Value of ORCH_INSTANCE for specific workflow wait queue-->
<!--Value of ORCH_INSTANCE for specific workflow error queue-->

Files changes:

eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm/add_info_files_workflow.inc (new)
eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm/cleanup_orch_wait_state.inc (new)
eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm/get_upd_orch_wait_state.inc (new) 
eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm/lock_db_waitevents.inc (new)


SDP-9659: Bug in the eagle_default/in/xml/xml-ent_entityseclending.xml rule file.

Added metadata for automatic binds generation.
Added metadata for automatic SP generation.
Added logic to check if all key elements passed exist in the database.
Rewrote logic for NG. CORE method used by default.
Removed direct DB call to use DBML instead.
Fixed update logic: EntitySecurityLending object is updated by EffectiveDate, SourceName, Entity, BorrowerIssuer fields.
Fixed syntax error in aggregareFees element. Correct element name - aggregateFees.

Files changed:


SDP-9665: EagleML - Changes for XMLTAG="sourceName" in core extract eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q ENTITYSECLENDINGEXTRACT

Removed the hard-coded value of 'EAGLE PACE' from the sourceName node logic.
Fixed the duplicate issue for the sourceName node in the extract.
Updated ORACLE/MSSQL extract logic.

Files changed:
- \msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\out\xml\t_rule_header_streaming.inc
- \msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\out\tagvalue\extract_entity_sec_lending.inc


SDP-9850: Replace security_resolution.inc with security_resolution_full.inc in the xml-ref_earnings_mi

Security resolution updated for earnings.

Files changed:


SDP-9902: 2017 - Failure with Model Users data load

If a User object with group elements is extracted from one environment and loaded into another the following error would be returned: “Report Group does not exist”.

The Report Group is a required tag when loading User objects on environment on version 17 or greater. The issue was showing up due to the value stored in the groups/group/groupId could not be resolved to a group id on the target environment. If the group id is present in the incoming file then the resolution will be triggered and therefore the error will be returned.

A new RTR parameter was created to allow the group id to not be added to the extract file when running the USEREXTRACT.

The parameter is IncludeInstanceIds and if the value “N” is used then the group id will not appear on the extract.

Also the element Group Id will not be present in the I2I process.

Files changed:


SDP-9941: EagleML: Update the logic for variable ed in the xml-ref_issuerrole_common.inc

New option added for direct end date usage in issuer role upload (DISABLE_ENDDATE_DERIVING option name,W_ISSUE_ROLE_DISABLE_ENDDATE_DERIVING global flag name)

Files changed:


SDP-9958: Corrections for the xml-ref_schedule_mi.xml and for xml-ref_schedule.xml and for extract rules

The schedule extract was changed to map the SCHEDULE_SUB_TYPE to scheduleType and SCHEDULE_TYPE tp scheduleSubType.

This logic is consistent with the panel.

Files changed:


SDP-10037: EagleML CUSTLEDGERACCTEXTRACT filter ChartOfAccountName produces incorrect output

The CUSTLEDGERACCTEXTRACT was producing an incorrect dataset when the GLChartOfAccountName parameter was applied.

The GLSelectionType parameter controls the rest of the parameters in this group of parameters that work together in this extract. The other parameters are:


The available values and their meanings are as follows:
GLSelectionType = CUSTACCT: customAccount like (GLCustomAccount+'%')
GLSelectionType = STARACCT: glAccount like (GLAccount+'%')
GLSelectionType = ACCTDESC: customAccountDescription like (GLCustomAccountDescription+'%')
GLSelectionType = ACCTDESC:_EXACT customAccountDescription = GLCustomAccountDescription
GLSelectionType = EXPACCT: gLPostType = GLPostType and customAccountDescription like (GLCustomAccountDescription+'%')

The old parameters are still implemented in the outbound rule but using them is not recommended. Below is the list of new parameters and their corresponding old versions: 
GLChartOfAccountName - ChartOfAccountName
GLSelectionType - Switch
GLCustomAccount - CustomAccount
GLCustomAccountDescription - CustomAccountDescription

Files changed: 
- extract_acct_custom_ledger_account.inc


SDP-10048: xml-smf_underling.xml doesn't contain full mapping in underlyingAsset node and Security Resolution for Underlying based on Xref

Support for resolving underlying securities based on only Xreferences was added to the security resolution logic.

Now the underlying model of the incoming file does not need to contain the primaryAssetId and primaryAssetType of the underlying security.

Example of incoming message that can be loaded after enhancement. This file does not contain Underlying Primary Asset Id and Type:

<EagleML xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:exslt="http://exslt.org/common" xsi:SchemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-ext-2-0.xsd" xsi:type="ReferenceTransactionMessage">
<sourceName>EAGLE PACE</sourceName>

2 elements have been added to the XSD schema - 

Files changed:


SDP-10943: EagleML - Change /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-ent_entityregulatory.xml to use |updateSource| instead of :updateSource:

There was an issue with loading Entity Regulatory EagleML objects with any updateSource other than the default update source.

This was due to the inbound rule not having support for using a value for the updateSource which was present in the incoming file. Instead the updateSource would always have the same default value on the load.

The logic was updated to allow the value for the update source value in the database to be taken from the incoming file instead of being defaulted.

Additionally a link to the Entity Analytic object was added in the binds.

Files changed:


SDP-12455: 2015 R2 (Imp) Warehouse Cash Activity doesnt map master_trans_num and defaults to "***"

This change is only relevant if the master_transaction_number field is not used.

Batch mode: Instead of inserting the “***” placeholder value into the database, the value is taken from the orig_trans_number instead.

Single row mode: The master_trans_number will be the same as the orig_trans_number and if data with a different orig_trans_number no udpates will be made.

Changed files:
- wrh_egl_gen_interface3.xsl


SDP-13572: Price record failing with Exchange Cannot be Null instead of Security Not Found when security doesn't exist

If a security was not resolved when loading ExchangePrice and IssuePcPrice EagleML object the following error would be returned: "17 Primary Exchange (ERR): Security Master Primary Exchange cannot be null. Update Security Master then submit message again.”

The error which should be returned is: “Security not found.”

The inbound rules were changed to show the correct error.

Files changed:


SDP-13667: Add new stream\rule for handling SCIM objects and send it to the Microstrategy

New logic has been added into default stream for eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_user
It allows to process incoming SCIM file and send to the vendor as well.

Vendor can be specified in the include: customer/scim_vendor.inc
In the following format:
<LOOP CONDITION="atoi(:LinkId:) = 500" TYPE="WHILE">
<STATUS EXPR="'Link Id - '+:LinkId:" />
<COL TAG="w_scim_in_stream_name" EXPRESSION="'stream_to_vendor'"/>

To enable this logic set W_SCIM_VENDOR_LINK_ID with LinkId value in the w_config_custom.inc

Notes: For now only one vendor is supported, in future many vendors can be used.
Changed files:


SDP-13802: Update XSD for the WRHSTRADEACTIVITYEXTRACT to apply DB values for missing fields causing IWS Element Reduction issues - Part 02

There was an issue with element reduction in the WAREHOUSETRADEEXTRACT. This was due to incomplete metadata for several fields in the extract.

The XSD was updated for the principal, target_event_id, trade_amount, Issuer_id fields from the WarehouseTrade object.

Files changed:


SDP-13814 - EagleML - Build new extract to improve the coverage for Pricing

A new outbound interface was added to the new PricingReport EagleML object.


Supported filters:
required filters: common entity filter or usergroups filter, effectivedate filter
optional filters: sourcename, common SMF filters

Added files:

Changed files:


SDP-13893: Performance improvement to Perf query for Eagleml

The SQL query for the source and updateDate (delta) filters has been updated to increase performance.

Changed files:



SDP-13894: Performance improvement to warehouse trade and cash query for Eagleml

The SQL query for the source and delta filters has been updated to increase performance.

Changed files:




SDP-14146: Add issuer_id to eagleML Issuer Ratings extract

The IssuerRating EagleML object was missing issuer identifiers from the extract. The identifiers are critical to show the links between the ratings and the issuer organization.

The following new fields were added to the extract in the appropriate order based on the XSD:

issuer_id, Issuer_name, issuer_alias, xreferences

Files changed:
eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/ extract_issuer_rating.inc
eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/ t_issuer_rating.xml
eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/ t_issuer_rating_streaming.inc


SDP-14171: EntityRegulatory extract is not valid against XSD

The EntityRegulatory extract was invalid against the XSD due to the SourceName field.

This field is not in the entity regulatory table in the database and it is not in the XSD schema for the entity regulatory object. The field was, however, present on the extract.

The field was removed from the extract to make it valid against the XSD.

Files changed:


SDP-14186: EagleML: Adjust possibility to fail record if incoming xref does not match the corresponding xref in the DB - part 2

In the case that the USE_FIRST_AS_MAIN option is used for security resolution there was an issue which would cause the security resolution to be executed twice. The first would apply the USE_FIRST_AS_MAIN logic and attempt to resolve the security alias based on the first pair of xrefrence id and type. The second time the MATCH_ALL logic will be applied and the rest of the identifiers would be used to resolve the security alias.

If the security alias was found the second time then the first pair of id/type would be updated in the database. This is the incorrect behavior so the logic was changed to either show an error or a warning depending on whether the editcheck is enabled.

Example of Asset Resolution option element:

Files changed:


SDP-14264: REGRESSION: Request for state of process in canceling workflow returns invalid ISWRFTASK flag

Workflow details returned incorrect ISWRFTASK value for first subprocess when first subprocess step with extrernal data in it.

cancel_subtasks.inc include has been changed. Value of ISWRFTASK is set to 1 when found ‘:ActionType:EXECUTE:’ in field PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCH_QUEUE.orch_state_clob.

Files changed:



SDP-14350: Update User interface to add transaction ID to XSD and rule
New element has been added in XSD for User and User Group interfaces - journalTransactionNumber

Changed files:


SDP-14363: Realtime: Regression issue with in processing SMF

The following issues has been fixed:

  1. Regression issue caused error Unsupported messageType:RunTaskRequest in realtime processes

  2. Updated collecting errors in IssuerPcPrice inbound

  3. Added logic to ignore 'CreateConsolidatedTSR' and 'ConsolidatedTSROnly' parameters in realtime processing, because they do not make sense here

  4. Regression issue with collecting task parameters in realtime processing

  5. Regression issue with reporting errors in TSR for realtime processing

  6. Issue with case in alias name ‘messagetype’ (changed to messageType) caused error Unsupported messageType:RunTaskRequest in ‘eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message’ stream

Changed files:



SDP-14417: SPD Delta Trigger Log History items (DeltaBased and DeltaBaseUID parameters)

The user can specify an entity as a filter. But it can  be also EntityComposite, EntityList or userGroup. A complete list of all entities will be saved to a temporary table.

This table is linked to the main data query. The temp table that stores information about the entity was cleared before the main data query was completed.

Therefore, the result of the query is 0 records. This problem is due to the fact that commit is performed before the main query is called.

The order of execution of the includes was changed and the problem was solved. Include extract_delta_based_send_dt.inc was moved from extract_spd_delta_trigger_log.inc file to extract_spd_delta_trigger_log.xml file

Files changed:



SDP-15007 profiled generic load and roll back logic on KEYS file processing are not compatible

Currently the roll-back process relies on the correlation id of the DATA and KEYS files to be the same.

The send_to_wrf task of the eagle_wrf_generic_load workflow sets the correlation id as the first correlation id in the file name which results in the roll-back process not being able to associate the DATA and KEYS files with each other.

The correlation id was removed from the beginning of the file name.

Files changed:



SDP-15047 EagleML: SourceFeed interface has an issue with long sourceName

Added logic to check that the sourceName does not exceed 15 characters.

Files changed: