EagleML Release Notes - October 2018

EagleML Release Notes - October 2018

ESP-367: EagleML - Optimize requests in task_reporter and updated to use bind parameters

The IncludeRecordErrorDetails parameter is used to control the level of detail included in the TSR. Previously this parameter was only applicable to the main root processes, but with this enhancement all sub processes can now also use the parameter.

The default value for the parameter is ā€œYā€ and if the parameter is omitted the TSR will still be generated will all details. In the case this parameter is set to ā€œNā€ the TSR will only include the summary.

Two queries in the task reporter stream were also optimized for performance.

The first optimization targets tag 1768. Since this tag is only used with CSV files the query now includes a case statement to return this tag as NULL if the file format is not CSV.

The second query is always added to the infoQuery if the CreateConsolidatedTSR parameter is set to 1. This sub-query was not being filtered in any way which was suboptimal due to lack of indexed fields. The UPDATE_DATE field is now used as a filter for the sub-query.

Files changed:Ā 
- task_reporter_generate_task_unit.inc
- execute_wrkfl_event.xml


ESP-401:Ā EagleMl: Add mapping for tag85 before security_resolution_full in the ref_issueprice/ref_exchangeprice

The issue price and exchange price inbound interfaces had the mapping for tag 85 after the security resolution. This tag is not used in the resolution and should be mapped ahead of it.

The mapping was changed to observe the correct order of tags.

Files changed:



ESP-1038: Enhancement - EJM Timeout Handling

The eagle_ml-2-0_deafult_cm_execute_pace_event stream is used to track the execution of pace events. The monitoring stream is responsible for checking the status of event executions and then updating the corresponding statuses. This is important since parent processes can only continue running after the monitoring stream has finished updating the statuses of the child processes.

New parameters were added to the w_config.inc file and were also exposed as RTR parameters as well: W_EXECUTION_MONITORING_TIMEOUT, ExecutionMonitoringTimeout and W_ EXECUTION_MONITORING _PERIOD, ExecutionMonitoringPeriod.

The first pair is responsible for the interval in between the monitoring streamā€™s status checks and the second is the maximum time limit (in seconds) that the monitoring stream has to check this status.

All this functionality is only available if the monitoring stream is enabled.

Files changed:



ESP-1200: Set uncompress_transform task status as failed if any translation step was failed

There was an issue with the uncompress_transform status being set as a false positive. In case s transform failed the status would still appear as positive and the transformed files would be sent for further processing by the loaders.

After updates the uncompress_transform and unpacker_exec will both have failed statuses and the send to WRF stream will not be launched which will prevent incorrectly transformed files to be sent for further processing.

Files changed:


eagle\estar\tpe\dynamic\msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\unpacker\ t_wrf_unzip_t.xml




ESP-1227: WRHSTRADEEXTRACT - Warehouse Trade - Introduce new fields to expand the Calculated Transaction Id's to include Tag 26 as part of the KeyĀ 

Logic was changed to include tag 26 as part of the key for the calculated transaction id in the warehouse trade object.

This functionality is controlled by the EnhanceCalcTransactionId being set to ā€œYā€

Files changed:Ā 



ESP-1710:Ā Provide capability to allow @daterule within profile loader file mask

Support was added for the inclusion of date rules in the file masks for profiled loaders. Anything after the ā€œ#ā€ symbol signifies the date rule and in the case that it cannot be resolved, the file name is considered to not match the file mask in the profile and the file does not get processed.

Files changed:Ā 



ESP-1717: EagleML - Inbound Corporate Action Processing <cpCashCrncy> not being mapped

There was an issue with the cpCashCrncy (tag3692) field not being populated in Corporate Action loads. If the value for this field is not present in the incoming file then the value in assetCurrency (tag85) should be used for this field.

On Eagle version lower than 17 the logic for this assignment is all contained within accounting panels and for versions 17 and higher it is in the inbound rule instead.

Files changed:


ESP-1720:Ā EagleML (load & extract) needed for ESG Tables (Issuer Object)

The new IssuerESG EagleML object was introduced. This object has inbound and outbound interface support. The inbound rule works on the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream and the extract feed type is ISSUERESGEXTRACT.

The following filters are supported for the extract:

Issuer filter
Date filter
Maxrows filter
Delta Based filter
History Only filter

Sample IssuerESG record:

xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0Ā eagleml-main-2-0.xsd"
<sourceName>EAGLE PACE</sourceName>
<issuerName>Test Issuer 1 for ESP1720</issuerName>
<!-- Commented elements are not supported for now

New files added:

Files changed


ESP-1721: EJM Callbacks. Need fix for eagleml_load.xml file

Files sent via web services to be loaded through EagleML were coming in with an incorrect EagleML node. The contents of this node were being delivered as follows:

<EagleML xmlnxsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="LoadWarehouse" eaglemlVersion="2-0" eaglemlRevision="276" actualBuild="1" xmlns="">

The actual expected format for this node is:

<EagleML xmln:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="LoadWarehouse" eaglemlVersion="2-0" eaglemlRevision="276" actualBuild="1" xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0">

This issue was stemming from the XSLT incorrectly handling incoming files that were being sent through web services.

The XSLT was corrected to populate the proper EagleML node contents. These changes only affect warehouse, entity, SMF and accounting trade objects since these are the only objects that use the XSLT.

Files changed:Ā 


ESP-1796: CASHJOURNALEXTRACT: reportType by TRADEDT does not return any data

Previously the CASHJOURNALEXTRACT could not use the fromdate and todate filters if the report type was ACCTGDT.

Logic was updated so that these filters worked for ACCTDGT the same way they do for all the other report types.

Files changed:


ESP-1816: Security Does Not Have Call or Put or Refund or Lottery Bond Provisions and is not a Private Placement error during CA loading

Loading Put and Call Corporate Actions with a <toAsset> section included in the file would cause an error on Eagle version 17 and higher. As a result none of the records would make it to the database.

Logic for mapping additional security tags for the ADDPUT/ADDCALL was moved so that it would work for the toAsset section as well as records that didnā€™t have this section.

Files changed:


ESP-1938: EagleML- Include Accounting Trades as a part of in-memory processing (specific to CSV format only)

Added support for Accounting Trades in realtime processing:

- Added the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_trades_no_split stream, which is based on core rules, but loads records sequentially.

- Updated python script to allow a CSV to EagleML transformation for Accounting Trade objects.

- Updated TSR generation for handling scenarios where the number of errors exceeds 1000.

- Improved query performance.

Files Changed:



ESP-1956: Encoding issue in generic extract

The EntityComposite object can now be resolved by xref id as well as the entity id.

The inbound EntityComposite interface was edited to allow for this new resolution logic.

File changed - xml-ent_entitycomposite.xml


ESP-1961: The EJM Sequencer needs to be able to work for multiple distinct instances of an EJM Workflow

Ability to execute tasks in sequencer queue in parallel was added to EJM. Now multiple instances of the same workflow can be executed simultaneously. For example the executing the generic extract workflow for different sources and data types at once is now possible. The new processingSequencerIdentifier element can be added to the header of an RTR to enable this functionality.

RTR example:
<EagleML xmlns="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0Ā eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
<replyTo>http://www.client.com/EagleĀ Control Messages</replyTo>
<correlationId correlationIdScheme="correlationIdScheme">correlationId</correlationId>
<businessTaskId correlationIdScheme="businessTaskIdScheme">businessTaskId</businessTaskId>

To clean up queue set processingSequencerIdentifier value into tag 1177 of cleanup message.


Files changed:


ESP-1969: Encoding issue in generic extract

The generic extract workflow was failing when an encoded value was present in the incoming RTR.

Logic for the solution was changed to be able to handle encoded values in the RTR.

File changed - eagle_ml-2-0_cm\parse_params.inc


ESP-2055: Added new security columns into the GenericSMF XSDs

Ten new fields were added to the XSD for the GenericSMF object:


Inbound and outbound rules were updated to include these new fields.

Files changedĀ 
ā€¢ eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd
ā€¢ eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd
ā€¢ smf_egl_gen_interface_template.xsl
ā€¢ smf_egl_gen_interface_template_mssql.xsl
ā€¢ t_smf_streaming.inc
ā€¢ t_smf_streaming_eml.inc


ESP-2435: unpacker stream to remove BOM if not supported by core.

Streaming rules are unable to handle any UTF-8 BOM characters.

Logic has been added to the task_unpacker stream to eliminate such characters from source files.

Changes are specifically for UNIX environments and for the following list of environments:

ā€¢ EagleML20_Version < '15.2'
ā€¢ EagleML20_Version = '15.2' and EagleML20_Revision < 26
ā€¢ EagleML20_Version >= '17.0' and EagleML20_Version < '17.2'
ā€¢ EagleML20_Version = '17.2' and EagleML20_Revision < 4

The W_RS_REMOVE_BOM_IF_UNSUPPORTED global variable controls this new functionality.

Files changed:


ESP-2463: Added empty destination compatibility for profiled generic load

If the resulting file of a transformation would not contain any records the default behavior was to not generate the file at all. This is problematic in the scope of the profiled loaders since the tasks rely on receiving certain files. If a task does not receive a file as a result of a file not being generated because of lack of records the whole process will get stuck due to the wait event never getting completed.

To resolve this scenario, logic was changed to allow handling of empty files. The allowemptyfiles parameter was introduced and support for it was added to the EagleML and python rules as well as IWS.

Files changed:


ESP-2662: GIPSDisclosures: add filters for disclosureName and disclosureType to Extract

New filters:



Files changed:


ESP-2695:Ā 2017ORA - REF_006_Client REF_007_ClientCommunication test cases problem

The REF_006_Client and REF_007_ClientCommunication test cases were failing with the following error: "wrong number or types of arguments in call".

The inbound rule for the Client object was changed to use binds for all stored procedure calls.Ā 

Files changed:Ā 



ESP-2696: Enhance ExchangePrice to support RDC Pricing

The Exchange Price feed was updated to allow accounting validation and RDC uploads.

Accounting validation will be executed if the <accountingValidationFlag> is set to ā€œYā€ in the incoming file.

RDC processing will be kicked off if <useRdcPricing> is set to ā€œYā€ in the incoming file.

Files changed:Ā 
- xml-ref_issuepcprice.xml
- xml-ref_objects.rsf


ESP-2698: Use Bind variables in Task reporter inc when checking MC status

The Q_EVENTS_RES and UPD_MSGSTAT_RES queries in the update_task_statistics.inc were consolidated into a single query to optimize performance by using binds.

Files changed:


ESP-2723: EagleML - Delete Activity within an Entity supporting Master Funds - Part 03 - Delete Activity
ESP-2724:Ā EagleML - Delete Activity within an Entity supporting Master Funds - Part 04 - Check activity has 0 activity, then delete produce NACK

The queries for validating that the entity exists and is a Mutual type entity as well as the entity id being eight characters or less were updated to work properly.

Files changed:


ESP-2730: EagleML Delta Based mode doesn't work correctly sometimes

The SQL query for retrieving delta information was occasionally executed incorrectly due to the PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCH_QUEUE table being included in the query. This table does not hold any critical information for delta processing, but would sometimes make the query return no records.

The table was removed from the query for more consistent delta based processing.

Changed files:


ESP-2742: Stored procedure for non-existing tables should not be created

The w_setup stream was generating incorrect stored procedures for loading objects (insert/update) in the case that the table does not exist in the database.

Logic was updated to work as expected.

File changed:
ā€¢ \msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\generate_sp_on_fly.inc


ESP-2755: add support of MS SQL for ClientCommunication object

The inbound ClientCommunication rule was updated to use Meta Information and auto-generated includes instead of the MSGESXCHANGE.

MSSQL queries were introduced for resolving instances and support for MSSQL was added to the outbound rule.

Streaming mode was enabled and new filters were implemented:

Old filters: (Still supported)

New filters:

<value>TestValue </value>


ESP-2759:Ā xml-smf_generic.xml - businessCalendarName is being truncated to 10 characters

There was logic that would truncate the businessCalnedarName to ten characters. This was the correct logic for Eagle version 13 and lower, but was incorrect for versions 15 and higher.

The logic was updated to check for the version and only truncate the value if the version was 13 or lower.

These changes affected the loads of the following objects: GenericSMF, GenericSMF with accountingValidationFlag=Y, MultilegSMF.

changed files:


ESP-2774: EJM- Remove unnecessary file copy function

During extracts files were being copied unnecessarily. This was related to there being places in the rules where a file would get copied instead of moved.

Additional logic was added to the RENAME preprocessor which would make the preprocessor not run if the final file name matched the original.

The MSGEXCHANGE that is responsible for sending files to JMS was changed to move the files rather than copy them.

If the delivery method for a file is JMS then the file will no longer be moved to the cmw/extracts folder.

An additional flag was added for deleting the original archive in case of base 64 encoding.

Files changed:


ESP-2775:Ā Running SMFEXTRACT in history mode showing ORA-00904: "INTERFACES"."INSTANCE": invalid identifier

When using the maxeffectivedate and historyonly filters with a GenericSMF extract the "INTERFACES"."INSTANCE": invalid identifierā€ error would be returned.

This was occurring as the result of the interfaces table not being present in the select, but a reference to it was present in the where clause of the request.

The table was added to the select which allowed the extract to work as expected when both the above filters were used.

Files changed:Ā Ā 


ESP-2778: GENCORPACTIONSEXTRACT running through Generic Extract in MC not producing a file to a custom directory when no records

The parameters were being ignored by the outbound rule since along the way the parameter names were all getting converted to lowercase.

This logic for this was fixed and the extract goes to the correct location now.

Files changed:


ESP-2779: Subscribe Redeem extract - Shares Outstanding Incorrect for Intraday Nav Funds

The sharesOutstanding field was missing from the Subscribe Redeem extract if the NAV sequence for intraday NAV didnā€™t match that of the NAV multi.

This logic was removed from the outbound rule so that the sharesOutstanding would show up in extracts.

Files changed:


ESP-2789:Ā Workflow restart steam should allow workflow cancel in case if workflow time limit is out

The workflow_restart stream which is responsible for creating profiled workflows can be cancelled, but this action would only terminated the streamā€™s processing and not the workflow.

To resolve this new variables were created:

<COL TAG="varWorkFlowCancel" EXPRESSION=":1179:" />

<COL TAG="varNewSchdEJMRunOut" EXPRESSION=":1180:" />

The time out logic was changed and the RTR handling of the above variables was also adjusted. Now if the tag 1179 is set to ā€œYā€ the varWorkFlowCancel will also be set to ā€œYā€ and the workflow will be terminated along with the stream.

Files changed:




ESP-2801:Ā Encoding issue in generic extract for special chars : and \

There was an issue with encoding and decoding the ā€œ:ā€ and ā€œ\ā€ symbols in extracts.

Encoding and decoding logic was updated to work as expected.

Files changed:




ESP-2803:Ā Incorrect handling of taskstatus for task with prf stream

PRF streams would show EnumSuccessStatus even if it was supposed to show the EnumStatusFailed.

The new w_prf_streams variable was created to trigger the task_reporter stream for the PRF streams.

Files changed:


ESP-2837: Missing reference to include t_warehouse_istarlot_streaming.inc

The missed reference has been added to the necessary packages:



ESP-2890: Warehouse Trade extract fails on env where ext table is not available

The Warehouse Trade extract with the EnableSignageLogic set to ā€œYā€ was failing in some regions due to the new table TRADE_EXT not being present on all regions.

A lookup for the table was added and the results are stored in the vIsTradeExtTableExist variable. Depending on the value in this variable the fields that are in the TRADE_EXT table will either be included or excluded.

Files changed:
