Calculate Theoretical Distribution

Calculate Theoretical Distribution

In the Calculate Theoretical Distribution panel, you can calculate multiple daily mil rates and yields on an ad hoc basis. This allows you to calculate multiple daily yields and report them to clients. The theoretical yield calculated is for informational purposes and does not impact the NAV. When you calculate a theoretical yield, the system calculates the yield and posts it to a table where you can extract it and deliver it to vendors/third parties. 

In order to calculate theoretical distribution yields, you must select an NII distribution rule. The NII distribution rule identifies the ledger accounts that the system uses to calculate the distributable income used in the calculation of the yield and mil rate for each method. This allows you to calculate multiple theoretical daily mil rates and yields for a fund and share class, regardless of the distribution and NII rule applied at the entity level. This process does not post to the ledger or any associated subledger tables and thus has no accounting impact in Eagle Accounting. You must run this process separately for each applicable NII rule you want to use. You can use this panel manually on an ad hoc basis or can use it to schedule a profile to run using Automation Center's Schedules. 

The theoretical yield calculations uses the entity's Distribution Shares method. Distribution adjustments do not apply to theoretical mil rates and yields. NII entity level elections such as distribution absorption method (yield to minimum) and NII split method do not apply to theoretical yield calculations.

To calculate theoretical distribution:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions Net Investment Income > Calculate Theoretical Distribution.
    You see the Calculate Theoretical Distribution panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the unique identifier or name of the entity.

  3. In the Portfolio Currency field, specify the base currency in which the account is valued.

  4. In the Accounting Date field, specify the accounting date.

  5. In the Net Investment Income Profile field, select the NII distribution rule that defines the ledger accounts to use for calculating the theoretical distribution yield.

  6. Click Submit.

After you calculate theoretical distribution, you can use the Theoretical Distribution Yield report to view the theoretical distribution calculation results.