Calculate Accumulated NII
In the Calculate Accumulated NII panel, you can post accumulated distribution figures to the ledger and subledger. This option allows you to post a net income distribution amount entry to the ledger and subledger for all accumulated net income since the last accumulated distribution posting. You use this option only for share classes that accumulate net income on a daily basis, where the share class's NII Distribution Method field (tag 11475) value is Accumulate. If the share class accumulates net investment income, when you run the Calculated Net Investment Income option, the share class calculates a yield and a mil rate, but the actual distribution amount is not posted to the ledger and subledger. However, you can use the Calculate Accumulated NII option to process the ledger and subledger posting for the accumulated distribution amount.
To calculate accumulated net investment income:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting > Distributions > Net Investment Income > Calculate Accumulated NII.
You see the Calculate Accumulated NII panel.In the Entity Name and Entity ID fields, specify the master fund entity name or the master fund entity identifier for which you want to post accumulated distributions.
In the Acctg Dt field, specify the accounting date through which to post the accumulated distribution.
In the Class Code field, specify a valid share class for which you want to post accumulated distributions.
If you do not specify a share class, the system posts a distribution for all share classes that have an NII distribution method of Accumulate.Click Submit.
The system sums up all accumulated distributions booked for each share class starting on the day after the last accumulating distribution and ending on the accounting date entered on this panel. It posts that amount to the ledger and subledger. Accumulated distribution postings have a distribution category of ACDNII.