List Transfer Agent Rates

List Transfer Agent Rates

In the List Transfer Agent Rates panel, you can display transfer agent mil rate data for a master fund for a specified accounting date. It can help you to send the appropriate mil rates and daily yield based on an entity's earn thru rule and split dividend processing method. If you perform split dividend processing, you can use this option to identify the mil rates for the pre ex-date and post ex-date period.

To list transfer agent rates:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions Distribution Activity > List Transfer Agent Rates.
    You see the List Transfer Agent Rates panel.

  2. In the Entity Name field or Entity ID field, specify the master fund name or identifier for which you want to list transfer agent rates.
    Ensure that you select an entity that has its Daily Distribution Method field (tag 3904) set to a value of Net Investment Income and its Net Investment Income Split Method field (tag 5045) set to a non null value.

  3. In the Share Class field, specify the share class for which you want to list transfer agent rates. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

  4. In the Valuation Date field, specify the accounting date for which you want to list transfer agent rates.

  5. Click Submit.