Cancel Accumulated NII

Cancel Accumulated NII

In the Cancel Accumulated NII panel, you can cancel accumulated distribution postings to the ledger and subledger. You use this option only if you allow net investment income distributions to accumulate at the share class level by setting the share class's NII Distribution Method field (tag 11475) value to Accumulate. After you use the Calculate Accumulated NII option to process the ledger and subledger posting for the accumulated distribution amount, you can use this option to cancel those postings.

To cancel accumulated NII:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions Net Investment Income > Cancel Accumulated NII.
    You see the Cancel Accumulated NII panel.

  2. In the Entity Name and Entity ID fields, specify the master fund entity name or the master fund entity identifier for which you want to cancel accumulated distribution postings.

  3. In the Share Class field, specify a valid share class for which you want to cancel accumulated distribution postings.
    You must specify a value for a share class with an NII Distribution Method field (tag 11475) value of Accumulate.

  4. In the Date Type field, specify the type of date to use to identify the postings to cancel.
    Options include:
    –  Record Date
    –  Accounting Date (Default)
    –  Ex-Date
    –  Post Date

  5. In the Begin Date and End Date fields, enter a date range for the postings to cancel.

  6. Click Submit.
    You see a list of accumulated distributions that met your criteria.

  7. Select the row for each accumulated distribution you want to cancel to that a check mark appears in the Select column and click Cancel Distribution.
    You see a row for each accumulated distribution posting you selected for cancellation.

  8. Click the row for each accumulated distribution you want to update, and change the fields as needed.
    You can change the value of the Cxl Acctg Dt field to modify the cancel accounting date. All other fields are locked and you cannot make changes.

  9. Click Submit.