Run Net Investment Income
In the Run NII panel, you can calculate net investment income. As part of this process, the system calculates negative distribution reimbursements, calculates mil rate and yields, performs split dividend processing to calculate split dividend mil rates and daily yields, and posts distribution amounts to the ledger and subledger. When you calculate net investment income for a share class that accumulates net income on a daily basis, the system calculates the mil rate and yield but does not post the distribution to the ledger and subledger.
To calculate net investment income:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting > Distributions > Net Investment Income > Run NII.
You see the Run NII panel.In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the master fund entity identifier or the master fund entity name.
In the Portfolio Currency field, specify the base currency in which the account is valued.
In the Accounting Date field, specify the accounting date.
You see the NII expense distribution rule assigned to the entity in the Net Investment Income Profile field.Click Submit.