Run the Bleed Add Process

Run the Bleed Add Process

In the Run Bleed Add Process panel, when you use net investment income (NII) distributions, you can create bleed rows for adjustments associated with a bleed that have not reached the Bleed End Date for the current accounting date. The system always creates bleed rows for each effective date associated with the current date. 

You can also run this process automatically as part of the SOD schedule. This allows for the creation of the current accounting day's bleed rows.

To run the bleed add process: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions Distribution Adjustments > Run Bleed Add Process.
    You see the Run Bleed Add Process panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the entity name or identifier. Otherwise, leave the fields blank to include all entities.

  3. In the Accounting Date field, specify the accounting date to process.
    By default, the field shows the entity's current accounting date.

  4. Click Submit.