List Daily Yields and Mil Rates

List Daily Yields and Mil Rates

In the List Daily Yield & Mil Rate panel, you can view the mil rates and distribution yields for a fund within a date range.

To list daily yields and mil rates: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions Distribution Activity > List Daily Yield & Mil Rate.
    You see the List Daily Yield & Mil Rate panel.

  2. In the Entity Name field or Entity ID field, specify the name or identifier of the portfolio or composite for which you want to list yields and rates.
    Ensure that you select an entity that has its Daily Distribution Method field (tag 3904) set to a value of Net Investment Income.

  3. In the Share Class field, specify the share class for which you want to list information. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

  4. In the Date Type field, specify the type of date to use.
    Options include:
    -  Accounting Date. Default.
    -  Effective Date.

  5. In the Begin Date and End Date fields, enter a date range for the information to include.
    The fields show the current date by default.

  6. Click Submit.
    You see a list of results that met your criteria in the Show All tab. 

Calculations for Mil Rate and Distribution Yield

In the List Daily Yields/Mil Rates panel results, you can view the following fields added for mil rate and distribution yield processing:

  • Spike Mil Rate. Income on undistributable accounts that may get distributed in a special distribution / Distribution Shares.

  • Month to Date Mil Rate. Daily Mil Rates (that is, Distributable income inclusive of NII adjustments / Distribution Shares) summed for the # of calendar days month to

  • Month to Date Spike Mil Rate. Daily Spike Mil Rates summed for the number of calendar days month to date.

  • 12 Month Mil Rate. Month to Date Mil Rates summed for 12 months. This mil rate is calculated at the end of each calendar month.

Sum(Current Month to Date Mil Rate + 11 prior Month to Date Mil Rates) / Month End NAV

  • One Month Distribution Yield. The annualized rate of return for a given fund based on the Month to Date Mil Rate.

(((Month to Date Mil Rate – Spike Mil Rate) * (365 / # of calendar days month to date)) + Spike Mil Rate) / Current NAV
²Current NAV is set to 1 for Money Market funds.

  • 12 Month Distribution Yield. The annualized rate of return for a given fund based on the 12 Month Mil Rate. This yield is calculated at the end of each calendar

Calculations for N1A Processing

You can view the following calculations for N1A processing in the List Daily Yield & Mil Rate panel results. The system stores them on a daily basis in the Daily Yields/Mil Rates table. The system calculates these values in a process separate from NII distributions. That process supports a regulatory filing for some entities with that hold out of state securities.

  • N1A Out of State Percent (Securities with no state code are considered in state for purposes of this calculation.). The portion of the fund’s gross distributable income attributed to securities held out of state.

  • N1A Mil Rate. This is a daily mil rate.

(Distributable income inclusive of NII adjustments – Tax Amount Paid On Out of State Paper Income) / Distribution Shares

  • N1A Restated Mil Rate. N1A Mil Rate reduced by the mil rate impact of reimbursements.

Reimbursement Amount / Distribution Shares

  • N1A Daily Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on the daily N1A Mil Rate.

N1A Mil Rate * 365

  • N1A Restated Daily Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on the daily N1A Restated Mil Rate.

N1A Restated Mil Rate * 365

  • N1A Gross Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on gross income before all expenses.

((Gross Distributable Income – Tax) / Shares) * 365

  • N1A 7 Day Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on an average 7-day N1A Mil Rate.

((Sum(Current Day N1A Mil Rate + 6 prior N1A Mil Rates) / 7) * 365

  • N1A Restated 7 Day Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on an average 7-day N1A Restated Mil Rate.

(Sum(Current Day N1A Restated Mil Rate + 6 prior N1A Restated Mil Rates) / 7) * 365

  • N1A 7 Day Effective Yield. The tax adjusted compounded annualized rate of return for a given fund based on a 7-day N1A Mil Rate.

(((Sum(Current Day N1A Mil Rate + 6 prior N1A Mil Rates) +1)/ (365/7))^(365/7)) – 1

  • N1A 30 Day Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on a 30-day N1A Mil Rate.

(Sum(Current Day N1A Mil Rate + 29 prior N1A Mil Rates) / 30) * 365

  • N1A Restated 30 Day Yield. The tax adjusted annualized rate of return for a given fund based on a 30-day N1A Restated Mil Rate.

(Sum(Current Day N1A Restated Mil Rate + 29 prior N1A Restated Mil Rates) / 30) * 365