XSD Revision 209

Added to the Schema:

1. eagleml-acc-2-0.xsd: new object - element impairments and complex type Impairments with following objects have been added to the schema:

  •     EntityCommonIds.model group
  •     AssetIdentifiers.model group
  •     impairmentType element
  •     TradeFlags.model group
  •     ImparementsFields.model group
  •     TradeDates.model group
  •     OriginalTradeInfo.model group
  •     AccountingInfo.model group
  •     SettlementTradeInfo.model group
  •     OtherTradeInfo.model group

2. eagleml-acc-shared-2-0.xsd: group ImparementsFields.model with following elements has been added to the schema:

  •     impairmentProcessingSwitch
  •     entityGroupingSwitch
  •     baseCurrency
  •     accountingBasis
  •     entityPartition
  •     entityListName
  •     conversionStatus
  •     impairByOptionSwitch
  •     impairmentReasonSwitch
  •     sTATReasonCode
  •     writeupWritedownSwitch
  •     lotImpairmentProcessingSwitch
  •     creditNoncreditLossProcessingSwitch
  •     creditPrice
  •     noncreditPrice
  •     localCostAdjustment
  •     creditLossLocalAdjustment
  •     nonCreditLossLocalAdjustment
  •     accountingDate

3. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type ImpairmentsTxnTypeEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema: 

  •     'WRITEDOWN'

4. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type ImpairmentProcessingSwitchEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •      'P'
  •      'L'

5. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type ImpairByOptionSwitchEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •     'P'
  •     'F'
  •     'B'
  •     'A'

6. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type ImpairmentReasonSwitchEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •     'NONE'
  •     'ITS'
  •     'ITSN'
  •     'LRTS'
  •     'LRTSN'
  •     'NRAC'
  •     'NLRTS'

 7. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type STATReasonCodeEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •    'NONE'
  •    'ITS'
  •    'LRTS'
  •    'NRAC'

8. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type WriteupWritedownSwitchEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •    'WRITEUP'
  •    'WRITEDOWN'

9. eagleml-enum-2-0.xsd: simple type LotImpairmentProcessingSwitchEnum with following enumeration value has been added to the schema:

  •    'A'
  •    'D'

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