Manage User Impersonation

Manage User Impersonation

As an Eagle Portal Administrator, you can use the Impersonate User feature to help troubleshoot issues for all users without knowing the users’ passwords. You can impersonate users based on their user names. This feature gives the Eagle Portal Administrator the ability to see the Eagle Portal exactly as the user being impersonated sees it.

Enable System Parameter 118

Eagle’s System Parameter 118 allows you to configure the column that is displayed to users on the Impersonate window in the Eagle Portal. The default value is UserName.

To edit System Parameter 118:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter System Parameters in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the System Parameters (System Management Center) link.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the System Parameters window.

  5. Scroll down and click the check box to select System Parameter 118 and click Edit.
    You see the Edit System Parameter dialog box.

  6. Make the appropriate changes and click Save.

Set Up User Impersonation

To impersonate other users, you have to be set up in User Settings Explorer.

To set up user impersonation:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click the Portal Query Explorer drop down menu and select User Settings Explorer.
    You see the User Settings Explorer window.

  6. Under User Management, click User Impersonation.

  7. Click Add.
    You see the Select User/Group dialog box.

  8. Click User or Group.

  9. Click the Select Users/Group.
    You see the Users/Group dialog box.

  10. Select a user or business group and click OK.
    The Select Users/Group dialog box displays the user or group that you selected.

  11. Click OK.
    You see the User Settings Explorer window.

  12. Click Save and click OK.
    You have enabled user impersonation for the specified user or group.

Impersonate a User

In the Eagle Portal main window, you can impersonate other users to help troubleshoot issues.

To impersonate a user:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, on the right of the Eagle logo, click Off next to Impersonate User.

  2. Click the name of the user you want to impersonate and click Impersonate.
    You see the settings for the user you selected to impersonate.

  3. When you are done impersonating the user, click On – (User Name).
    You see that the Impersonate User is reset to Off. You are no longer impersonating the user.