Integrate with Other Portals

Integrate with Other Portals

This section describes how you can integrate the Eagle Portal with other Enterprise portals. The following shows how the Eagle Portal is integrated using a third party application.

Eagle Portal Integrated Using a Third Party Application

The following sections describe the integration modes and options you can use and examples of how to set them up using redirect.ashx.

Set up Eagle Portal Integration

You can use a variety of modes when integrating the Eagle Portal with other Enterprise portals.


The reports you can set up are the reports located in the Portfolios window.

The following example shows how you can set up a report using non-integrated security, with header and footer:


The following example shows how you can set up a report using non-integrated security and no header:


The following example shows how you can set up a report using non-integrated security, and no header and no footer:


The following example shows how you can set up a report using integrated security, no header and no footer:



The portfolios you can set up are the portfolios located in the Portfolios window.


You can set up query reports as shown in the following examples. When specifying a query report name, you must specify its short name.

The following example shows how you can set up a query report using non-integrated security, no header and no footer:


The following example shows how you can set up a query report using integrated security, no header and no footer:



When you log in to the Eagle Portal, the Dashboards window is the default. All the dashboard views you create are located on the Dashboards window.

The following example shows how you can set up the dashboard using non-integrated security:


The following example shows how you can set up a dashboard view using integrated security, no footer, no header, entity id, auto run, dashboard view, and effective date:



Settings are available in the Eagle Portal by clicking the Settings link. Settings are only available if your role has been granted permission to access them.

The following shows an example of settings, using non-integrated security, and no footer, no header:


The following shows an example of settings, using integrated security, and no footer, no header:


Mode Options

You can use the following parameters when setting up the different modes:

  • View_id. View IDs are available if you have created views for dashboards and queries.
    The following is an example of query, with view, no header and no footer, using non-integrated security:

  • Entity_id. Entity_id is the fund ID you use for running dashboards or queries.
    The following shows an example of query, integrated security, with view, effective date, entity ids, auto run, no header and no footer:

  • Effective_date. Effective date you use for running dashboards or queries.

  • Options

  • Security
    You can use integrated security or non-integrated security when including the Eagle Portal in other Enterprise portals. Integrated security does not use username and password whereas non-integrated security uses user name and password.

  • Theme
    theme_change = <theme name>
    The following example shows reports using a theme, with non-integrated security